Seven Sins System

Chapter 114: Suspicion

Chapter 114: Suspicion

Seven Sins System Chapter 114. Suspicion

Azrael's PoV

After another five minutes of waiting, Katrina returned to her office.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting." Katrina's voice coming from the door broke the silence between me and Julia. Hastily, she walked briskly to her seat.

Before she arrived, I had moved the cockroach from the lens and the tentacle already back to me. While my other tentacles were still in search of that new paladin.

Unfortunately, I hadn't found her yet, I only found Theo chatting with a bunch of securities near the gate and bragging about how he decided to give up on the duel for the sake of the academy's good reputation. It was so disgusting since he said everything as if he was a tragic hero.

Luckily, the security didn't really care since they were more interested in the supernatural experience that happened near the library last night. It spread quickly and irritated Theo, so he decided to leave.

As for Aria, from where I found Theo, I bet she had gone so I decided to swallow my curiosity and check out the library. If there were new Ouija Boards and summoning formation, that should be enough to prove that Aria had something to do with all of this. Well, not absolutely, but there was a big possibility for that.

"It's fine, Miss Katrina," answered Julia politely. While I preferred to answer her with silence since I put my attention to what my tentacles see, especially since I moved some to check the library.

Katrina sat in her chair.

"Let's continue our conversation," she said without further ado.

"Whenever you're ready," I said. Yet it was clear from my gaze that my mind was not there.

And Katrina immediately noticed it. A frown appeared on her forehead as she tilted her head at me. Her eyes were fixed on me, observing my facial expression.

"You look not focused. What happened, Dr. Allen?" She asked for my explanation.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times to get my concentration back on this place before I shifted my gaze to her.

"Nothing. I just thought of a few things for today's mission," I reasoned before a long exhale left my mouth. "But, maybe it's just my excessive fear."

"Do you mind telling me?" she demanded more explanation.

"Like I said before. I just wanted to request some drones to escort us on today's mission. But since you haven't given your answer yet, I'm trying to take the worst possibilities and think what I should do in case it happens again," I lied.

"The forest terrain is very different from the last mission's open field. Even me and Dr. Allen had a hard time escaping last time, not to mention if it happened to the students," Julia added.

"You really put your concern about this, don't you?" I could catch a trace of suspicion in Katrina's tone of voice.

"I am. We just experienced it and like what we wrote in the report, we were quite lucky because we were able to avoid death. But that's just luck. I'm not sure we can avoid it next time," I explained. I could only hope that Aria's achievement could reduce her suspicions about us and make us look more ordinary.

"They are just in their second semester and we know they are not strong enough for this," Julia added to my explanation.

"Don't worry. I agree with your suggestion. I also thought the same thing especially since I don't know what caused it. I just want to know why you guys suggest that. Who knows you guys have other information that I don't know, right?" She leaned her body on us and looked at us in clear suspicion. "Like an encounter with something you can't explain?" she continued, pointing out her meaning clearly.

It made us frown and exchange glances with each other before we returned our gazes to her.

"Mind explaining to us what you mean?" asked Julia in confusion.

Even though I could already guess what she meant, I pretended I didn't understand.

Katrina shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't know. I think you should explain it to me," she said without taking her eyes off us.

"Pardon? But I don't understand what you mean," Julia replied in confusion.

"We've explained what happened there in our reports, isn't that enough?" I stated.

"A DPS and a Combat Doctor. All witnesses saw that many monsters. But both of you got out of that place unscathed. It doesn't make sense," she said straight to the point.

"We were just lucky. Besides, I'm sure there are many other warriors who have achieved a lot more things than us," I countered. Of course, I meant Aria. Her files were still in front of her so she should have noticed what I meant.

"It is still a rare warrior, Dr. Allen. Do you know how long I've been a principal?" Katrina replied without lowering her suspicions.

"Rare doesn't mean there aren't any other than us. It's just that some may already have a good name and reputation, while we don't have it. So many do not believe what happened," I reasoned.

It managed to make Katrina speechless.

"Very well. I think I don't have anything to counter that statement," she admitted, exhaling in disappointment.

Due to her confession, I decided to give her a final blow.

"Pardon me, Miss Katrina. We say this for the academy, because we care about the students. If we knew our suggestions would lead to misunderstandings, we wouldn't say it," I played the guilt trip.

"Don't worry. I have agreed to your suggestion and have prepared the droids. I just want to get more information from you guys. In case, something was missed," she stated.

"We have said all and have nothing to hide," Julia said in a firm tone.

"Fine. I think that's all I want to ask you," Katrina gave up. Her discontent was evident on her face.

"We'll excuse ourselves then," I said. And Katrina answered it with a nod.

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