Seven Sins System

Chapter 111: Who Is She? II

Chapter 111: Who Is She? II

Seven Sins System Chapter 111. Who Is She? II

My eyes fell on their backs. Seeing Theo act friendly around her, I glanced at the top of her head.

[Name: Aria Purelight]

[Level 72]


[MP: 301/301]

I immediately realized she was the prodigy paladin. The question was, why was she with Theo?

'Did she just meet Miss Katrina?' I thought. But if she did move because she saw my duel, wouldn't that be too soon?

"Should we greet them?" Julia's voice came from next to me. I immediately caught what she meant by greeting them, not just saying hello, but also found out what happened.

But just as we were about to catch up with them, Katrina opened the door and turned to us.

"What are you waiting for? Come in," she demanded, tilting her head into her office. A frown on her forehead.

Her demand made me glance at the CCTV in front of her door. Of course, that was why she found out why we were here. Worse, I couldn't use my tentacles to follow Theo since the CCTV was behind me.

'Seriously? How long will lady luck be on his side?' I grumbled internally in annoyance. Again, I had no other choice but to let it go.

"Yes, ma'am," we answered, walking towards her office. Maybe, I could find a piece of information about that prodigy paladin in her office and its purpose in coming here so early.

Julia and I walked into her office. Julia's gaze immediately fell on my painting on the wall before she turned her gaze to me and lowered her head. I could see a weird smile on her lips as she held back her laughter. I was sure she had seen that painting before, it was just that this was the first time she had seen the painting and the real devil at the same time.

"Take a seat," Katrina said, walking briskly to her seat and sitting in front of us.

We did her request.

After shifting my bag on my lap, my attention was immediately drawn to the documents on her desk. Obviously one of them was the document about Aria. No, it was not only her document but judging by its thickness, it should include her medical records. Which meant… there was a high possibility that Katrina had accepted her into this academy. No matter what her position was. I was a little surprised since I knew there were no paladin vacancies in this academy, but I guessed her high level and achievements helped her to get the job.

"I'm sure you guys already know why I called you here," Katrina immediately started our conversation without further ado.

"It's about our suggestion right?" I guessed straight to the point.

"Right. You both said that we have to be careful with today's mission in case another attack occurs when the academy has checked the last mission area and found nothing. Now tell me---" She leaned forward and placed her elbows on the desk and crossed her hands in front of her chin. Her eyes were fixed on us.

"---Do you guys know something? Are you guys hiding something from us?" she asked in a serious tone, filled with intimidation.

"That's just our guess. The students have just experienced a traumatic event, so we think the academy has to give them better protection," answered Julia.

"The academy doesn't need to send out special forces or protectors. I think some drones to detect anomalies are enough. We just need to make sure there aren't any horde like last time," I made our point in case she thought exaggeratedly. That would put me at disadvantage but I had a few tricks in my sleeve to fight any demon or angel that appeared there without revealing my identity. So it wouldn't be a problem. In addition, I would prove to the culprit that I was just a mere combat doctor.

"Only that?" she confirmed once again. "I know you're lying and I'm sure you know the consequences," she intimidated.

Unfortunately, I knew it was just a bluff. It was simply a psychological play commonly used for interrogation.

"I swear we didn't mean anything else. We just want to ensure the student's safety," said Julia in a firm tone.

"The last mission was a close call. If it wasn't because of me, maybe their first mission would have been their last," I returned her intimidation.

That left Katrina speechless. Still, her gaze was on us.

"Think again, the next mission will take place in the forest. The monsters could have ambushed us or we could have gotten lost. The danger is real. At least you should give us a drone or two to ensure the student's safety," I stated, creating the image of a responsible combat doctor.

"Both of us might have been able to escape last time. But if it happens again, we don't know if we can do it again or not. Moreover, with that many students," Julia added. Still with a firm tone.

Katrina distanced her head away and exhaled.

"I can't deny it. But---" But her phone's ringtone interrupted her.

Clicking her tongue, she took the phone from her desk and answered the call after she checked the caller ID.

"Yes?" she said. Which was followed by a frown on her forehead. "Really? Wait a minute, I'll be right there." Without further ado, she hung up the phone.

"Family urgent matters. Please wait here for a moment, I will be back." Without waiting for our reply, she stood up from her seat and went to the door.

It was my chance to check the documents, but the thing was, this room had CCTV. So I decided to do something about it. I put my hand under the desk and called my tentacle.

'Greed.' A small tentacle the size of a worm out of my sleeve and wriggled in my palm.

Realizing I wanted to do something, Julia who was sitting next to me turned to me.

"What do you want to do?" she asked in a low voice, almost a whisper.

I pressed my other index finger on my lips.

"Just watch," I said with a smirk.

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