Secretly Meeting With My Boss

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


What the hell did I just hear?

So-young doubted her ears.

Taekyung tilted his lips toward So-young, who was frozen hard. Then, as usual, he spoke softly in a friendly voice.

"You've been staring at me so openly since the day we first met"


"I couldn't pretend I didn't know it anymore."


You knew.

So-young felt her eyes turn white. She felt dizzy, as if hail was pouring down her head.

At first, So-young had no intention of peeking at Taekyung's groin so explicitly. There was also a reason not to do so.

However, Tae-kyung did not seem to recognize So-young's gaze at all, so she felt relieved, thinking that it was bigger than it looked and she enjoyed it as much as she wanted. A huge object with extraordinary dignity under the fabric.

She was like that She can't believe it was all her imagination.


I'm sorry for peeping through the team leader's thick groin.

Since she couldn't dare utter those words, So-young stuttered and spat out a clumsy apology. A soft voice flowed down her lips, like the groan of a herbivore bitten by a wild beast. Taekyung smirked and tilted his head.

"I didn't mean to hear an apology."


"If you're so curious, I just want to show you what it looks like."

So-young really thought her ears must have broken this time.

Or Can a person get drunk without drinking?

However, she couldn't see any signs of drunkenness in Taekyung's eyes staring at So-young. He seemed more rational than ever, and even seemed to find this situation interesting.

So-young looked at Tae-kyung, freezing like a prey caught in a trap. The greater the nervousness she revealed, the more his smile grew on his lips.

The sealed air in the car suddenly became heavy.

* * *

Taekyung thought he was definitely crazy.

[I like anything big.]

On the day of the dinner party, when So-young looked straight at him and said that, Tae-kyung felt a great confusion. So-young looked straight at him and said so. No way. No matter how drunk So-young was, there was no way to control her displeasure, even though thinking she could not have sexually harassed her boss openly.

It was like that

On a day when he had to work overtime to work on a report, when So-young licked her lips while looking at Tae-kyung's groin in the conference room, everything went awry.

What was so sensational about the sight of the red tongue sweeping down the pale pink lips?

The scene was imprinted on Taekyung's mind in slow motion. As soon as the brief moment was over, he almost got an erection. It was too absurd to have that in a meeting that was being led in a sharp atmosphere.

[Focus, Manager Han.]

When she exhaled as if in bewilderment, So-young was startled with a face that she didn't even know she had fallen into other thoughts. Her unfocused eyes came to life, and he found it surprising He hated to admit it, but she looked pretty.

So Taekyung immediately fled to the bathroom. Otherwise, it would have been clear that So-young, who only looked at him, had an erection.

Do I have a perv preference?

It was difficult to guess from his appearance, but Taekyung did not have much sexual interest and was not experienced in that way.

His penis stood up tight every morning, so he didn't have a physical problem. Taekyung simply didn't attach much importance to women, sex, or relationships based on affection.

Some may say that even if he stood still, women would swoon over him, but Taekyung has never been swept away by countless temptations.

The sense of liberation gained through sexual deviance was also sufficiently obtained through exercise, and it was because he had never felt a lust so intense that his body would be be in pursuit of instinctive pleasure.

Friends, who spend their youth in a promiscuous way, teased Taekyung, saying he is a monk in the city, and regretted that he was born with a great cock but didn't use it at all. Taekyung returned a cold laugh to them at each such moment.

He did, but he ended up going into extreme heat for a strange woman.

Taekyung couldn't admit it at all. His high self-esteem was scratched. He convinced himself that his nervous system must have been broken because he was tired.

That night, he would have believed that if he hadn't grabbed the cock that was taut and was pouring water.

A pale face, big eyes, a tongue slipping out of the gap between her lips, and even a body scent she remembered once.

Taekyung coveted So-young in his head and looked at his groin.


It was a deep sense of shame that followed the short and intense pleasure. That night, Taekyung couldn't fall asleep, tossed and turned. He fell into his thoughts, immersed in the dawn light that gradually spread clearly.

Anyway, So-young was a woman peeking on Tae-kyung's cock. So, as he imagined her, it might be okay to think about her masturbating once.

It was just like that.

[Hello, team leader.]

The next day. The moment he saw So-yeong greeted with an impeccably bright face, Tae-kyung stopped walking without realizing it. Wearing his rustic expression, it was as if the entire world had changed to achromatic colors except for her.

What's wrong with a woman who swallows her saliva while looking at someone else's groin without being ashamed of herself She's so special.

Even though he thought so, Taekyung couldn't take his eyes off So-young. Had he not shown any signs of getting an erection again, he might have watched her longer.

From that day on, Taekyung masturbated every night imagining So-young. While despising himself for such a thing, it was like an irresistible force.

That didn't mean Taekyung fell in love with So-young. However, it was only that the brain, which recognized that most women were humans, had classified So-young into the category of women.

More precisely, as a woman capable of sex.

It was the first time in his life that he had experienced this, and the fact that the opportunity to see So-young as a woman was so trivial that he could not honestly confess such an embarrassing thing.

Nevertheless, Taekyung was not frustrated. The impulse he felt must have been a temporary phenomenon, and it must have been a desire to disappear like smoke once he slept with her.

Of course, he had no intention of making a low desire come true and leaving a stain on his life.

* * *

I must go to the party since it's a culture.

Taekyung, who had been working late into the night, grinded his teeth and stepped on the accelerator. It was because the old geeks, who were shivering just hearing his name, called him to a drinking party.

One of the most annoying things after joining CH Electronics was the fact that the surrounding people were full of connections with his father. From the president to the managing director, there were a lot of seniors and colleagues and juniors of Vice Chairman Cha. Taekyung could never be free in the CH group, where even retired executives were closely linked to private organizations.

Taekyung swallowed a curse and headed to the club. The place was already in a tumultuous atmosphere. He felt even more annoyed, but the anger that was boiling stopped and disappeared the moment he found a familiar face.

[Assistant Manager Han?]

[Hello, team leader.]

Why was she here?

She was the person Taekyung didn't want to meet the most in private.

As soon as So-young's glance met, a familiar heat rose. Taekyung tightened his jaw and took his step forward with his expressionless face.

That's why I avoided encountering her as much as possible.

As he did recently, Tae-kyung intended to ignore So-young again this time. But the two legs moved arbitrarily. When he sat next to her, So-young shrank in surprise.

Compared to Tae-kyung, who has a grand physique, So-young's body was much smaller. The distance between the two of them narrowed as if their arms were touching. She was overtly nervous and conscious of him. She looked like a herbivore that could be swallowed in one bite. It was when Taekyung, who was happy for no reason, curved the corner of his mouth.

[Assistant Manager Han, you can't reach because it's far away. Eat this.]

[You don't have to. Thank you so much.]

[It's too big. Do you want me to cut it for you?]

[Oh, it's okay. I can eat it.]

A guy sitting next to So-young's other side began to flirt with her explicitly. He looked like a deep-sea squid.

Taekyung was not particularly interested in other people, and he cautioned that it doesn't matter if the employees are dating or doing something as long as it doesn't interfere with their work. However, seeing the two of them flirting was particularly annoying. He crossed his arms, feeling uncomfortable.

Wake up, squid. She is not interested.

Although he was aware that it was a crude thought that was unfamiliar to him, if reason had been able to control everything, Taekyung would not have masturbated thinking about So-young.

[Assistant Manager Han, your hands are very small. Your feet must be small too, right?]

[Is that so? I think it's just a normal size.]

The squid man's nonsensical talking continued, and as time passed, Taekyung's speed twisted. Seeing So-young sincerely accepting the words of squid, he felt even more dizzy.

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