Saga of The Night God

Chapter 119 Items Of Pity

Agda strode briskly down the empty hallway of the castle, dressed in the distinctive red armor of the Nightrage family. Walking beside her was a beautiful young woman with long black hair, black eyes, and red lips on her diamond-shaped face, framed by a cute, sharp nose and silky white cheeks. The woman stood about shoulder height with Agda and was also clad in silver armor, a departure from Erwin's previous maid, who looked much older.

"As a royal guard, you should understand that I cannot treat you like my son's wife while on duty. Therefore, do not expect any special treatment from me, Freyja." Agda explained in a firm tone.

Freyja flashed a smile and said, "I don't expect to be treated as one, captain."

"Good," Agda replied with a nod, and they continued walking towards their destination - the queen's chambers, where they had been summoned. Perplexed by the summons, Freyja asked her mother-in-law, "Captain, do you know why Her Highness has called us?"

Agda replied, "I don't know either," as she contemplated her son's wife. While she acknowledged that her son had made a wise decision by marrying such a powerful and capable woman, Agda was still upset that she had not been consulted about the marriage. Moreover, her husband had sent away her daughters far away, without telling her - a fact that still angered her.

Freyja was a perceptive woman and understood the dynamic between her and her mother-in-law. She knew that Agda had her reasons for not wanting to treat her as a daughter-in-law, and Freyja did not want to force the issue. Instead, she decided to prove her worth as a royal guard to Agda and gain her respect through hard work and dedication.

Freyja was determined to impress Agda, not only to earn her recognition as a daughter-in-law but also because she believed in the importance of her duties as a royal guard. She took her job seriously and worked diligently, always striving to be better and to exceed expectations. Freyja was a quick learner, and her natural athleticism and skill with weapons made her a valuable asset to the Nightrage family's royal guard and most importantly her strength as 7th circle night.

Freyja had not yet had the opportunity to impress her mother-in-law with her skills as a warrior. Every time they were assigned to different duties, leaving Freyja to hope for a chance to showcase her abilities to Agda. However, this time was different as the queen had summoned them together, raising Freyja's hopes that they would be assigned to the same task where she could finally impress Agda, not only as a daughter-in-law but also as a skilled warrior.

They arrived at the entrance of the queen's quarters, where they were met by a female guard who halted them and informed the queen of their arrival.

"Enter, Lady Agda and Lady Freyja," called Jiona from inside the room, granting permission to the guard to allow them entry into her quarters.

Both women knelt down and greeted the queen by saying, "My queen."

Jiona continued to gaze out of the window at her empire and did not immediately turn to look at them. Instead, she inquired, "Lady Agda, how is your daughter-in-law?"

Freyja's attention was piqued at the mention of her name, and she turned towards her mother-in-law, awaiting her response. Agda took a moment to ponder before responding, "She is fine, Your Highness."

Jiona turned to face them, her expression now softened with a smile as she directed her next question towards Freyja, "And Lady Freyja, how do you find your mother-in-law?"

Freyja smiled and replied, "She is wonderful, Your Highness. I consider myself fortunate to have a mother-in-law like Lady Agda." Her words were laced with flattery.

Jiona paused for a moment before asking, "So, this means that you both are comfortable working with each other, correct?" Agda tried to refuse, but Jiona turned her attention back to the window and continued, "Excellent. In that case, I have an assignment for the both of you."


"Is there not even one item that can make me somewhat powerful? What is this rubbish?" Erwin let out a frustrated sigh as he examined the random items provided to him by system for his hard earned SP. 

After last night's events, Erwin felt spooked and decided to invest some time in developing his self-defense skills. In order to quickly become stronger, he thought of using the system, but found that its functions were restricted and the items provided were all useless for his purposes. They might have been useful in the bedroom, but not on the battlefield.

[Silver Item:- Pitiful Plushie - a small, handmade stuffed animal with a sad, droopy expression that evokes feelings of pity and compassion in anyone who sees it. Host can use it to have pity sex with targets. 

Note:- does not work on targets higher than SS+ ranks]


[Diamond Item :- Wretched Heart Pendant - a necklace that appears to be made of twisted vines and thorns, but when worn, it pulsates with a faint red glow, causing anyone who sees it to feel overwhelming pity for the wearer. Wretched Heart Pendant - a necklace that appears to be made of twisted vines and thorns, but when worn, it pulsates with a faint red glow, causing anyone who sees it to feel overwhelming pity for the wearer.

Note:- Does not work on targets higher than SSS+]


Erwin, wearing a Wretched Heart Pendant around his neck and carrying a tattered, pitiful-looking Plushie toy, retorted to the system, "I don't need any pity sex, you wretched system."

Fortune smiled upon him as the final item he received from the system was the very thing he desired.

[Golden Item - Ring of Mana] A ring encrusted with enchantments, increasing the wearer's mana by 25% also increase wear's control on it. This ring came with another enchantment called Shesha. A ring that allows the wearer to make the ring invisible to the naked eye. Only the wearer can see the ring.

Note: The increased amount will gradually decrease as the wearer's power level rises.]

Erwin's grin widened as he read about the Ring of Mana, eagerly slipping it onto his finger. As soon as he did, the ring became invisible, visible only to the wearer. "This is treasure!" he exclaimed in excitement. The ring's enchantments increased his mana by a quarter, making him feel even more powerful. 

he looked at his status. 

[Host status]

[Name :- Erwin Nightrage

Race :- human-Nightling hybrid

Level:- first circled mage

Sexual Preference :- Females

Mana points :- 517

Strength :- 4

Dexterity :- 5


Charm:- 13

Beauty:- 18

wealth:- 19 silver coins 

Social status:- slave (lowest possible) ]

[Attribute point:- 10]

Erwin's MP had increased by a quarter, thanks to the Ring of Mana he had just acquired. With this increase, Erwin was now able to practice spell casting for longer periods of time. Before, each illumination spell had cost him around 30 MP, but now the consumption had decreased to about 26 MP. This meant that Erwin could practice the spell at least 19 to 20 times before consuming all of his mana. Additionally, Erwin noticed that his mana was regenerating at a rate of 2 minutes per 1 MP.

With the newfound power from the Ring of Mana, Erwin was eager to practice his spell casting skills. He realized that with the decreased cost of MP for each illumination spell, he could now cast more spells than ever before. Whereas before he could only cast about 13 to 14 spells before running out of MP, he could now practice about 19 to 20 times, giving him ample opportunities to perfect his craft.

Erwin was determined to push himself further and increase his spell-casting abilities even more. He knew that if he could decrease the MP cost even further, he could practice even more and become even stronger.

Excited by the prospect of improving his skills, Erwin set out to the forest to gather some herbs and to practice his spells. He had asked his friend Kael to draw some attack spells for him to practice with, and Kael had kindly obliged by providing him with wind blade and fireball spells.

Erwin walked down the path towards Ardorin Forest with a spring in his step. Suddenly, he remembered that he needed to stop by Valara's house to thank her for saving him in the library. "Well, I'll have to thank her properly," he thought to himself with a mischievous grin. "Maybe I'll even get to bury my face between her thighs."

However, when he arrived at Valara's house, she wasn't there. Disappointed, he began to walk towards the Ardorin Forest, where he planned to gather herbs and practice his spell casting. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the girls who had entered the bookshelves in the library the night before. Were they just a figment of his imagination, or were they real? 

Erwin shook his head and muttered to himself, "I don't care. I don't want to know. I'm perfectly happy just banging some chicks and not getting involved in any conspiracies or ancient mysteries."

With a sigh, he pulled out his thoughts about the dark abyss and labyrinth from his mind and continued walking towards the forest.

Erwin tried to distract himself from those disturbing thoughts by focusing on the beauty of the forest. The trees were tall and majestic, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. Birds chirped and sang, and he could hear the faint sound of a nearby river. He took a deep breath of the fresh forest air and felt a sense of peace wash over him.

As he walked deeper into the forest, Erwin thought about the new spells he wanted to practice. He was excited to test out the Ring of Mana and see how much it would improve his spell casting abilities. He reached into his bag and pulled out the two spells that Kael had drawn for him: Wind Blade and Fireball.

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