Rosie's Games

Chapter 78: Ominous Feeling 1

Chapter 78: Ominous Feeling 1


"Shhh " Dorothy stopped him by placing a finger on his lips. "Jeames, you grew up with me," her brows furrowed, tears threatening to fall. "You know what I have gone through for the sake of the Blessing. You've watched me all throughout my life."

"Young Lady"

"Please call me by my name when we are alone. Didn't I already tell you that?"

He sighed. "Dorothy, your sister is nothing but a weak woman who"

"Jeames, she schemed against me, how could you call her weak? She is working with the Duke. They must have wanted to get rid of me because the Duke knew he could not just kill me as everyone dotes on me. Grandfather and father would raise Hell if he suddenly killed me on my way to the North. And he is aware of this."

"Then, we can just let him kill Rosalind on her way to the North instead. We are not going to do"

"How could you say that?"


"Did you think death is enough to punish her for what she did?" Dorothy's eyes widened. A tear fell and Jeames immediately reached out, using his finger to wipe her cheek.

"Then I will do it," Jeames said. "Let me give you another glass of water." He went inside the kitchen, but when he came out, the view in front of him made him freeze.

"Dorothy, what are you doing?" he asked, his eyes wide at the woman wearing nothing but her underclothes. "It is cold and"

"Take my body."


"I do not want to end up with that man. I do not want him to completely own me and my body. Please take my first time."

"Dorothy this"

"As your mistress, I am ordering you Jeames. Make me a woman."


Rosalind was walking up an endless stairway leading up. She frowned, the stairs were illuminated by the large moon that could be seen from the equally tall windows. Where was she?

She stopped walking and examined her surroundings. She was barefoot yet she could not feel anything because of the luxuriously carpeted floor beneath her feet.

"We cannot do this here. Your sister is in the other room."

Rosalind immediately froze. It was It was Jeames?

She looked around and discovered another source of light a few steps away from her. Is that the end of the stairs? Was that a room?

She quickened her steps, her heart on her throat. If she was right then this scene

"Despite the fact that she married the man that I loved, she is still my sister. How do you expect me to end my sister?" It was Dorothy and this was indeed the exact scene that she saw before she died.

"This was forty years ago! How could you still think of the past?"

Rosalind felt her chest throbbing. She lowered her eyes and found a dagger in her chest. When she lifted her head again, the couple was already staring at her, a menacing smile plastered on their faces.

"Sister, are you alright?" Dorothy asked as she approached Rosalind. She took a step back. "You look pale" Dorothy continued. "Do you want me to take you to your rooms?"

"You look like you have seen a ghost sister," Dorothy's voice turned sharp. "You should stop looking at me like that."

Rosalind took another step back before she lost her balance and fell from the top step. She desperately tried to hold on to the railing but failed miserably. She opened her mouth in to a silent scream as she felt her body fall.

"Young Miss?"

Rosalind's eyes flew open. She could see Milith's face near hers.

"Young Miss, are you alright?"

Rosalind immediately jolted up. She could feel sweat all over her face, her back was drenched. She tried to catch her breath.

"Young Miss, please have some water."

Rosalind said nothing as she took the glass and downed it.

"Young Miss, are you alright?" Milith asked once again as she handed her another glass of water. "I heard your screams downstairs so I I came in to wake you up."

Rosalind pursed her lips, saying nothing. She touched her chest and took a deep breath. It was all a dream, it was all a dream, it was never real.

It happened in the past life but not in this one, she would make sure of that. Slowly, she patted her chest, as if silently telling herself that everything was alright. She thought of her necklace, the one that her mother used to own. Was that really the reason why she came back?

If it was, then she owe her second life to her mother.

"Please leave me," she said rather coldly before getting out of bed and walking towards the window of the house. From the second floor, she could clearly see the moon and it reminded her of the moon in her dream.

She heard Milith leave her and she let out another deep sigh.

This was the first time that she saw them like that since she woke up in the past. Did it mean anything?

No, perhaps not.

Perhaps it was because she was about to leave this place? In a week, Rosalind was going to start her journey, but everything had been going so well and she could not help but think that something sinister would soon happen. What would it be?

Were they planning something?

"Huig," she uttered. She felt a cold breeze and she felt a presence behind her. "Can you do something for me?" she asked, her gaze still on the moon.

There was silence.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Can you tell me what Lady Dorothy Lux is currently doing?"

Again, there was silence.

"Your wish is my command."

"You are not going to ask me why?" she turned around and found him standing in the shadows. Despite his white hair, it would be very hard to notice him if one was not intentionally looking for him.

For the third time, silence filled the room.

Then he shook his head.

"I will give you the information that you need." With that, he went to the window and disappeared into the night.

Seeing this, Rosalind let out a loud sigh.

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