Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 7: First mission [3]

Chapter 7: First mission [3]

There's a saying that says when an opportunity arises you should grasp it without ever thinking twice. What a total load of bullshit!! I just got myself in a lot of trouble what happened exactly? Well, I'm still here but I'm impaled by a dozen daggers as I continue struggling to my untimely death. How did this all happen? Since you're interested let's go back a day when I received the message

24 hours ago

"Finally, after a long day of hard work, I can just relax in my tent," He laid down on his tent after a hard day thats filled with his pain and suffering from the goblins. However, his rest would end before it even began when he was interrupted by a message that came from his deity

[Isn't this a little bit easy? Would you want a challenge I can increase the number of your rewards]

'Easy? What part of that was easy I could have died if it wasn't for my wits and hard work and you call that shit easy!!?'

"I humbly refuse the offer!!! I'm not suicidal okay, I'm far too weak to face any more hardships,"

[If I consider adding your overall stats you're weak, however, it's being overshadowed by your wits. Cunning you may be, you're still weak when it comes to the power that you could produce]

"Correction!!! I only want to acquire a set of herbs and nothing more!!? If you want to give me a challenge then you should change your given mission. What kind of idiot would risk his life for ten pieces of herbs!!?" What shocked him the most when he saw an update to his mission, to his surprise he saw a skill that every magician was dying just to get their hands on a single skill that would aid them in the earliest stages of the story to the end

[The Forgotten System:

New mission:

Survive the 100th goblin spawn by yourself any kind of strategy is permitted

Within this mission, you can use a foundation skill of the name class a skill called [Mana breathing]. Your deity will use his authority to make you use it during the mission

Rewards: Skill Mana breathing (F)

Failure: Death, once you accept this mission a seal will temporarily lock you in the forest unable to call for help]

'Foundation skill!!? Are you freaking shitting me right now!!! Thats one of the most game-changing skills, I might not get a second chance. Surviving the 100th goblin challenge wouldn't be that bad, as long as im still kicking in the end,'

[System: You've accepted another mission from your deity the system will now be processing everything along with your deity ranking to make the temporary skill lending approved]

12 hours later

'it's finally time... All of my preparation for that mission is finished, I only need to do now is to get some sleep,'

[System: The Forgotten Sage is panicking]

"What's wrong did something happen?"

[The Gm's saw my requests for a skill lend on your mission but they weren't too easy to deal with. They said I needed to broadcast my avatar's live performance for all to see]

'Shit!! How could I forget? The system always consults the GMs before the request is going to be finalized. Wait, there's a loophole for this!'

"Tell them you agree to the terms and conditions~"

[Aren't you forgetting how serious this is? If they find out who you are they'll recruit you to be their tool. If you decline they'll kill you!! I won't let that happen!!! At long last, I've found a capable avatar I won't end it like this]

"They can watch the broadcasting who the hell said they can see my face?" His deity finally caught on to his plans and left to make their final preparations

19 hours later

'I knew he could get something like this made as expected he could even craft a complex artifact. It's a good thing that I have him as my deity, I'll have a hard time acquiring something that would conceal my identity,'

[Mask of mysteries - Once equipped the player's face and stats will be hidden, and appraisal will be ineffective. The player's voice will be modified

Item: Mask

Rarity: ???

Ability: Concealment??? The mask will be able to perfectly conceal the player's identity!!!]

[System: You're currently being broadcast this video, which is being seen by everyone in the world of trials

Status: skill lending has been approved, you can now use Mana breathing in this mission]

He entered the camp and taunted a few goblins and once again he led them to the forest

[System: You've killed the 90th goblin]

[System: The preparations are now completed you are now live

Broadcasting: The trickster is now watching you!!! The one who wields fire is now watching you!! The Immortal Drunkard is now watching you!! The Dark Emperor is now watching you!!! The One Who Bends Time is now watching.....]

Many deities came streaming the broadcast as they saw a familiar name that they hadn't seen for ages to come

"There's a lot of them, I can't believe I'm seeing tons of deities at once," Soon the goblins entered the forest where they were once entangled by his trap

This time his traps weren't spell circles placed on the ground, it was a simple trap made by rope. It took him one day to set all of this, he watched from the trees once he saw some of them fall into a pit filled with wooden spikes. The others were caught in a rope that pulled them up and was hooked beside a bell

Whenever he hears the sounds of the bell, he makes his way to the location where he slices them one by one. He waited for the message to arrive, he was about to face a monster, unlike anything he ever come to face. A monster that possesses a title along with being placed in the elite category

[System: You've killed the 100th goblin the [Goblin King] will spawn in a random location. On his arrival, two Hobgoblins and four Goblin mages would accompany his Majesty]

"He's here, it's time to look for a king!!" He was shocked to know that a spell was cast on his blind spot. He was unable to react any sooner and he was grazed in the process, the origins came from a goblin mage in his back. Along with the king and his fleet

[System: The [Goblin King] has used the skill called [Leadership]. The goblins are now under his command!! They can't be affected by taunts and their coordination is enhanced]

His army marched forward like they were trained soldiers unfazed by anything and only saw a target in their front. They pounced toward him and he used haste to maneuver and his sword to counter their attacks

Because he focused solely on the troops, his guard was lowered and one of the mages bound him to the ground. It created an opening for all the goblins to thrust their daggers. They didn't stop once their blades pierced their opponent, when they pulled their blade they thrust them again

They chipped away his health and before they could land the finishing blow, he cast a magic orb. Because he added an extra amount of mana its shape and power increased to a whole new level of power. He chose the option of turning his spell into a light source and in that short period he escaped

Once his opponent recovered their sight he threw the ball to the northern part of the forest. Though it never dealt with the army he manages to fool them of his whereabouts. He quickly takes the daggers off and drinks an antidote and a potion at hand before the goblins track his scent


'You're finally at this part of my story so that's how it happened. I'm currently getting chased by these newbie player killers. They turned from a bunch of shithead killers into a war veteran. It's crazy how much they were influenced by their king's effect,'

'As of now, I'm facing a horde that would kill anyone else if they weren't as knowledgeable as me. How am I going to survive this? I do have a solution that thing that was given to me by Agni, maybe I should use it to get out of this place. Even if it's a waste to use it earlier in this story of mine it's better than dying,'

He led the goblins outside the edge of the barrier that was currently in play due to his agreement. They found themselves in an open grassy area with not a single terrain to restrict the monster or Christoper Morris. The goblins stood their ground whilst he was taking his time drinking a healing potion

"Welcome to your doom,"

He didn't waste a second since the Goblin king commanded his troops to attack him once more. They rallied together with his army on his side, but slowly they grew wary when their field of vision began to diminish. Although they aren't as crafty compared to a human never have they felt themselves being engulfed in a blinding mist

The king ordered the mages to cast a spell that would increase their defenses and yet, the first goblin mage met its end. Its hands were severed from its body when a singular slash was heard from where it stood. The sharpness of the blade was something greater than a random noob could acquire thus the king was bewildered

[Netharus necklace - A necklace of the great magic swordsman Netharus

Item: Once-use-series

Rarity: Rare

Skill: Magic edge - Continuously drains 1 mp from the player to change the attack damage of a weapon to magic damage

Added damage: The drained mana will be added to the overall damage as long as the player's MP hasn't reached zero

Drain bonus: Once it drains 25 mp gains critical every fourth attack, 50 mp increases sharpness, 75 mp adds penetration rate, 100 mp gains Sword ki]

[Sacrificial daggers - A dagger that is used for ritual purposes

Weapon: Daggers

Rarity: Uncommon

Attack damage: 40

Durability: 50

Skill: Dagger arts - Feed the blade with the player's blood to activate the skill making you wield the dagger as if you've gained the experience of a dagger user]

3 days ago

"2 medium-grade healing potions 1 pair of sacrificial daggers and 10 medium-grade mana potions where the hell are you using this stuff it's only 3 days right?" Agni was confused with his list of items upon knowing that it contained more than what his journey requires

"Don't worry about it just give me the potions,"

back to the Present

"Everything is going as planned," He charged toward the goblins with a pair of daggers in his hand

[System: Mana breathing has been activated as you breathe you collect 1 mp per second]

His blade came clashing with the goblins whilst they were blinded by the ongoing effect of the mist

The Goblin king ran out of patience ordering the mages to cast a gust of wind to disperse the irritating mist. Though this command only came to be the worst thing it could have ever done

The light emitted made comprise their location and Morris appeared and killed the four mages

[System: You've defeated 4 goblin mages on your own. Your mp will now be permanently increased by 20 stats]

Without the support of their mages, Morris had activated his trump card which was a spell circle in the range of the goblin army. The explosion was enough to blow everything from its area though he noticed a figure in the smoke. The King was unharmed when it used his army as a shield to block his most powerful attack

[Alert: The [Goblin King] has activated the skill called [War cry]. Every goblin that died will temporarily increase all of his stats by that number]

[Alert: The [Goblin king's] stats have been increased by 30]

[System: The Forgotten Sage is using his authority to give you the details about the opponent]

[Goblin King LVL 10

Hp: 200

Ark: 80

Spd: 55

Def: 50

Mp: 0

Stm: 40

Skills: Leadership, Warcry, Heavy swing]

[System: The deities are betting on your life countless deities bet on your death a few have bet on your survival]

'Is this even the time, for betting? I'm fighting for my life!!!'

He dodged the Goblin king's swing and it smashed the ground below causing it to break. Before it could pull its sword from the ground, he took this moment and hacked away its health. Although his movement with the dagger was rather awkward there's no denying the powerful effect of the necklace

'That was a close one this guy is insane I wasn't able to see that!! I need to use the remaining spells I've placed,'

A barrage of spells started to go off one by one along with other kinds of spells including haste. His speed wasn't the same as his adversary but he could now see its blade which was invisible to him a while ago. It emerges from his spells and the Goblin king swings his sword whilst he comes to block it with the use of his daggers

They locked one another in close-quarter combat, where they only used their wits to best their enemy. Their weapons clashed with one another over and over until It was finally put to a stop. A powerful swing of the Goblin King sent Morris a few meters away from its spot

That's when he noticed it, he was played like a fiddle he gave the Goblin King the distance it needed to activate its finisher. Before it was finished, he began to charge up the remains of his that he placed in the ground for later use. His daggers were engulfed in the bright surge of mana and it grew even fiercer when he imbued it further

"Graah" The Goblin King screamed as it unleashed a powerful heavy swing of its mighty sword. Morris remained in position and waited for the impact. At this moment he chanted a spell that was even harder for him to accomplish. A spell that would make the viewers drop their jaws

"I am but a living thing I command thee to heed my words. Become a weapon of mass destruction. An attack that can travel by air and a power that can pierce my enemy. I call upon the power..." The ever-fiercely growing mana formed a bright glowing blade and all that was left was for him to release

"Twin Mystic Slash!!!"

He invokes the chant required and the mana inside the magic circle within the field is added to his blade. There he remained still and timed his attack in the moment his adversary made its deciding move. He collided his daggers with the Goblin king's sword. Their attacks unleashed a powerful slash that could match the Goblin King's swing

The attack was too much for the grassy area of the forest. In a matter of seconds, it became a crater without a trace of its former structure. As the smoke covers the entire area the viewers are excited about the outcome of the battle

They saw the face of the victor it was none other than the masked player. He was unconscious on the ground with the right side of his body cut along with his arm. Whilst the Goblin king's body was sliced into five pieces

The match concluded and the winner was crowned. The battle had ended and his level up healed him of his wounds. Finally after three days of struggling he completed it while he reached level 10

[System: You've killed the [Goblin King] in the 100th spawn challenge!! Your attack will gain a permanent increase of 10]

[The Forgotten System: Pending missions are now completed]

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