Return of the War God

Chapter 5605: : Walk in time...

Chapter 5605: : Walk in time...

What is one of the greatest forces of time?

Time and space!

Must do my part, but it is one of them.

Throughout the ages, endless creatures have called this power "time and space".

But its real-time space and time-space refer to two forces...

The power of time!

The power of space!

The combination of two will become one of the invincible forces that are difficult to beat, but separate from each other, they are equally infinitely great and unpredictable.

Any creature from the ages to the present, letting you take part in good fortune, peerlessly invincible, can't escape the influence of these two forces.

Even if it is the "immortality" that is infinitely great, ascends to time and space, and lives with the sky, you can feel the passing and existence of two powers, even if it is not affected by itself.

These two forces can be said to be full of great and profound horror and invincibility!

If you want to comprehend, you can only choose one first.

But now, Ye Wuque wants to use "the way of time and space" as the cornerstone of his physical body becoming Dao, which is tantamount to facing these two great powers. Can you imagine the difficulty?

Had it not been for Ye Wuque's unparalleled sacred bronze ancient mirror with "the origin of the holy law of time and space", he would not even dare to think about it, it would be impossible to succeed at all.

But even with the existence of ancient bronze mirrors, there are still many difficulties.

Therefore, the state of "enlightenment" created by the mysterious power provided by the power of the Nine-Color Aurora Lake Spirit Tide is extremely precious.

At this moment, Ye Wuque only felt that he was flying!

Wandering and vague, I don't know where it is going, there is only infinite light in front of me!

But he is in a state of "enlightenment", and his thinking and perception have been elevated to an unprecedented level!

Next moment.

Ye Wuque seemed to wake up, the light before his eyes dimmed suddenly, and he finally saw everything clearly.

At this moment, he was actually cruising in the mighty ocean, surrounded by tiny bugs constantly cruising around.

He also became one of them, a mayfly, a paramecium, and he kept moving forward.

The short life of the mayfly insects, Ye Wuwei vividly remembered, experienced personally, until the final demise, everything came to an end.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, Ye Wuque found that he was holding a stone high, slamming a blood-stained bone in front of him fiercely.

He was so happy in his heart that he immediately brought the bones to his mouth, greedily sucking the fresh bone marrow, strengthening his body and enriching nutrition.

After he was satisfied, he discovered that there were strong apes in all directions.

He became an ape and survived his efforts.


The torch illuminates the vast ground, and there are countless sturdy humanoid creatures wearing animal skins and holding rough stone weapons running on the ground, chasing the animals in front of them.

Ye Wuque found that he had become an ancient human race who was rumored and drinking blood.

One by one different creatures, a period of different life, each with different results, but in the end they want the same death to come to an end.

Ye Wuque continued to experience it, realizing that he had forgotten who he was.

It seems to have been completely integrated into it, like reincarnation.

From the novelty and excitement at the beginning, to habit, to numbness, boredom, and hatred.

But still sinking into it, unable to change.

Until a certain moment.

Ye Wuque, who ended the curtain again, saw the changes in the vicissitudes of life between the heaven and the earth, and saw the raging waves hit the sky, covering the earth and drowning everything.

I saw lightning and thunder, ruining the sky and the earth, and destroying the universe.

I saw the battered earth slowly regaining its strengths.

He saw a seed, which took root and sprouted in the ground, and eventually broke out of the soil and grew into a towering giant tree.

He saw that under the towering giant tree, a mighty power came out of the sky, sitting cross-legged under it, his tongue glowing with lotus flowers, preaching in the void, illuminating all directions.

He saw a famous educated go back and start a different life.

He saw the sun rise and the moon set, the tired bird returned to the forest, the morning sun rose the next day, the moon rose to mid-sky, and finally night fell.

In a daze, Ye Wuque wandered through nothingness, wandering everything he saw, constantly moving forward, not knowing where he was going.

But the only thing you know is to keep moving forward, you can't stop, you can only move forward.

Until a certain moment.

He seemed to see a mighty long river, which ran between the sky and the earth, and the waves within it swept and rolled up endless waves.

Within each wave, there are countless creatures and stories. When a wave falls, it is the end of something.

Standing by the Long River, Ye Wuque stared blankly at the endless waves in the Long River, like a rotten statue, motionless.

Gradually, he seemed to feel something, what he realized clearly, the trance of vicissitudes of life, already dead and numb, it seemed that aura appeared faintly again!

In the next moment, Ye Wuque's hoarse and old muttered inexplicably whispered in the deadly nothingness.

"Take time to walk... Ride on a white horse..."

this moment.

Outside, in Ye Wuque's body, the "nutrients" that were madly absorbed into the body from the mysterious power contained in the power of the Nine-Color Aurora Lake Spirit Tide suddenly began to burn violently and were madly consumed.

Even if the physical body continues to absorb the power of the spiritual tide, it is still far behind the consumption.

Only with enough "nutrients" can we maintain the "enlightenment" state!

Once the nourishment was exhausted, Ye Wuque would immediately wake up from the "enlightenment" state.

At that time, it will fall short of success!

Infinitely high.

Palace Master Guangwei spoke slowly: "In the last half an hour, the power of the fourth spiritual tide is about to end."

"This time it was really a big wave scouring the sand. It was far more cruel than the previous three times."

In the words, Guangwei Palace Master told an amazing fact!

There was only the last half hour of the power of the fourth spiritual tide of three days and three nights!

Time is so fast!

"Yes, but the edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold. Only cruel sharpening can there be real gold. What we want is the real Tianjiao evildoer. This is the only way we can do."

Kong Lao also spoke with emotion.

The others also nodded.

As they communicated, the last half hour was fleeting.

"The last half of the tea time... Jiucai Aurora Lake is already shrinking the power of the spiritual tide and is beginning to calm down again."

The Earth Dragon God spoke softly.

"Next, the dormant phase begins again."

The five beings slowly nodded, and the power of the spiritual tide covering the 432 theaters below had already begun to shrink.

The time for the fourth wave of power is almost here!

But in the East No. 1 theater, Ye Wuque at this moment had no idea that the power of the spiritual tide was about to end.

He still sits quietly, without any changes in his body, and is still in "enlightenment", I don't know for him...

He is too late!

Terrible things that fall short of success are about to happen!

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