Return of the War God

Chapter 5589: : One punch to overwhelm the Five Heavens!

Chapter 5589: : One punch to overwhelm the Five Heavens!

Wait for them to look over!

I happened to see Gao Dengtian's thumping punch!

The momentum and spirit of this punch, as well as the murderous intent and evil spirit that broke out, even the three of Luo Kai were secretly shocked!

Only Le Tong blinked his eyes, still gnawing on the drumsticks.

"The quasi god!"

"Sure enough, Gao Dengtian has reached this level!"

Luo Kai's eyes are burning!

Bai Hongyue's cold eyes also bloomed with a sense of war.

Qianbugui squinted his eyes and stopped humming a little song.

"With this punch, that Ye Wuque should not be able to stop him, being able to force Gao Dengtian to such an extent, this Ye Wuque is already extremely powerful..."


Gao Dengtian's body suddenly froze!

To be precise, it was his right fist that was stuck!

A pale golden palm with five fingers wide open, just like this, out of thin air, grabbed Gao Dengtian's blasting punch!

"This is impossible!"

Gao Dengtian's pupils shrank violently!

With his full-strength punch, he was caught by this Ye Wuque head-on!

The boiling power exploded in his body, Gao Dengtian's eyes became scarlet, and his muscles were squirming, and the power that turned into something like an earth dragon to turn over again exploded to the limit!

"Drive me!"

Click, click!

Gao Dengtian's right fist gleamed with pitch-black brilliance, and as he continued to wriggle, the surrounding void was cracked open, every inch of it shattered, and the horror was extreme!


Ye Wuque's pale golden palm that grabbed Gao Dengtian's right fist still... did not move!

Gao Dengtian couldn't get rid of it at all!

But Gao Dengtian is a second-class seed after all. At this moment, he has not changed the chaos, he is still very calm, and another fist is approaching Ye Wuque's face!

The terrifying fist wind rolled up the storm, and terrible power was transpiring!

But the next moment...


Ye Wuque's pale golden palm suddenly shifted, blocking the remaining fist of Gao Dengtian as well!

Look far!

This scene is simply incredible to the extreme!

Gao Dengtian's two fists, the size of Ye Wuque's head, were blocked by Ye Wuque's palm at this moment and pressed in front of him!

The two seemed to be wrestling!

All geniuses froze in place, thinking they were dreaming!

Gao Dengtian himself couldn't believe it, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his whole body trembled more violently!

Must smash this guy's head!


Gao Dengtian's face was slightly distorted, and he had already exploded with all his strength.

Luo Kai, Qianbugui, and Bai Hongyue in the void were already shaking their faces, staring at Ye Wuque firmly!

This Ye Wuque, holding Gao Dengtian's fists with one hand, seemed to have some extra energy?

It was at this time.

Ye Wuque's eyes turned and looked at the three of them.

His calm expression slowly revealed a bright smile at this moment, and then...


Ye Wuque suddenly withdrew his hand, a flash, and even retreated to the rear.

Gao Dengtian suddenly lost Ye Wuques resistance, and the huge power poured out. The whole body was staggered and almost fell down. The blood in the body was violently flowing backwards. He directly groaned, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and finally stabilized. After the shape, panting, trembling constantly.

But Gao Dengtian's face is already ugly to the extreme!

He stared at Ye Wuque, who had retreated tens of thousands of feet, his eyes fired, like a beast choosing people to eat, and at the same time, there was a touch of uncontrollable fear.

"He alone is not enough for me to fight."

At this moment, Ye Wuque opened his mouth, and a faint sharp smile slowly appeared on his calm face.

His gaze first glanced at Gao Dengtian, and then swept through the remaining Luo Kai, Bai Hongyue, Qianfugui, and Le Tong one by one, and the sound was like thunder, shaking in the sky.

"You five..."

"Go together!"

As soon as these words came out, the air between the already silent world suddenly seemed to be drained!

All the geniuses were still immersed in the infinite horror from Ye Wuque's terrifying power display. At this moment, because of Ye Wuque's words, they suddenly felt that their brains were about to boil!

"I, my ears didn't make a mistake? Ye Wuque, he, he wanted out of five? Use your own power to simultaneously invite the top five second-class seeds?"

A genius opened his mouth tremblingly, and his tone was trembling!

"He, is he crazy???"

Under the sky.

Gao Dengtian's face was instantly distorted when he heard Ye Wuque's words!

Luo Kai's eyes became sharp!


Qianbugui became expressionless for the first time, and his voice was like freezing ice: "I don't know how to live or die!"

Bai Hongyue's cold eyes reflected Ye Wuque's figure, she didn't speak at the moment, but her eyes became extremely terrifying!

Le Tongzi...still eating chicken.

who are they?

The second-class seed of East One Theater!

The genius among the geniuses!

The fighting strength is tyrannical, and I am invincible!

They used to be one-to-many with others, but today they are asked to go together?

What kind of humiliation is this? ?

"Not willing?"

Ye Wuque frowned slightly, but then stepped into the void, walked straight, raised his right hand, his eyes were like a knife, and the sound was like thunder.

"It can't be you!"

The moment the voice fell!

Gold and silver flames are burning!

The weather is like a tens of thousands of thunder, and between the heavens and the earth, it is as if only Ye Wuque is left!

Five fingers clenched!

Punch out!

boom! !

The entire void was instantly overwhelmed by endless terrifying power, and nothing was seen!

In the eyes of Gao Dengtian and the five people, heaven and earth are extinct!

Only the pale golden fist was left, with a sense of indomitable dominance, more and more in front of my eyes, covering everything!

Nowhere to avoid!


All five of them changed in an instant!

They all yelled, and their magical powers burst out almost at the same time, resisting Ye Wuque's right fist!

As Ye Wuque said...

Let's shoot together!

I can't help you!


Under the trembling eyes of countless geniuses, the magical powers of the top five second-class seeds and Ye Wuque's right fist slammed together, bursting out with an earth-shattering roar!

The endless brilliance exploded, and the sky and the ground were instantly submerged.

The immense power is like a broken Tianhe hanging upside down, flooding the universe and covering the void of ten directions.

Next moment!

All the geniuses onlookers were struck by lightning almost at the same time, I don't know what they saw!

Infinitely high!

The five who exist at this moment are still immovable!

Palace Master Guangwei's eyes were brighter than ever before!

The Earth Dragon God revealed a touch of surprise that could not be hidden.

Old Kong's eyes narrowed, and there was something incredible in his eyes!

The Ice King, his face was dead, but there was also an unexpected disbelief in those indifferent eyes.

Quite respect...

At this moment, the pupils shrank suddenly, his complexion became extremely ugly, and deep in the bottom of the eyes, there was a kind of anger that couldn't be hidden!


The glory tore apart in the void!

In the eyes of everyone in the sky and underground, they could see Gao Dengtian, Luo Kai, Bai Hongyue, Qianbugui, and Letong all staggering backwards and retreating. Snorted!

As for Ye Wuque...

He still stands on the spot, keeping his punching posture, motionless.

Look sharp!

Look like a knife!

The two sides collide...

With a punch by Ye Wuque, he overwhelmed the top five second-class seed geniuses in the East No. 1 theater!


One punch to crush Tianjiao!

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