ReLife Player

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

[Jin Parang]

There was only one week left until the start of the second semester.

Starting from the sixth grade second semester, there would be nothing but busy days right from the beginning of the semester.

The kids applying for middle school had to submit their applications, and those preparing for the Player Academy had to take the first-round exams.

Thats why the family decided to go down to Incheon for this years Chuseok.

Why did you come?

What do you mean?

No, you didnt have to come all the way here when youre so busy. You could have just rested at home.

But I cant just not see Grandma.

I dont want to see you

Always complaining?


In the end, it meant that this was the last time Eunha would see his grandmother before the Academy exams were over.

That was why he had come down to Incheon to see his family, a week before the start of the second semester.

Of course, Parangs lips pouted as soon as he saw him.

Parang! Youve grown again! Your tail is fluffy too!

Yeah, Ive grown! But Hey! Did you just sneakily smear grape juice on my tail?

No, I didnt

Whats wrong with you today, why are you scolding someone elses sister?

Me, when did I ever scold her? You gave Eunae permission to play with my tail.

I dont like it. Parangs tail is so dirty. I like Seonas tail better.

No Eunha, that is.


No Eunae is really nice! I now know my tail is dirty! Thanks, really!

The kids were experiencing grape picking.

Wearing a straw hat with wolf ears sticking out, Parang grumbled non-stop but picked grapes with gloved hands.

His grape-picking technique wasnt ordinary.

I get along better with hyung than I thought.

Eunha couldnt help but chuckle at the sight of him picking grapes.

He had wrapped a white towel around his neck, wore wide pants, and picked grapesa sight that perfectly matched the vineyard background.

The scenery of him picking grapes suited him well.

However, the person who was the subject of the story probably had his lips pouted once more.

Parang, are we going to eat all of these?

Eat as much as you can. If you eat too much and get an upset stomach, its on you. Leave the things you cant eat to these grandpas and grandmas here.

You must have worked here a lot, huh? Even earlier, people here treated you very warmly.

You wouldnt know, No Eunha. How many years of experience do you think I have in this vineyard? After I started living at Grandmas house, my life as Jin Parang was full of twists and turns! What happened was

Yeah, lets pick grapes.

Eunae dropped a leaf on his tail while Parang was talking.

Leaves, grapes, branches, and other things were stuck to the tail, which had been moving vigorously for a while.

It was all Eunaes doing.

How about telepathy?

[Now I can send messages to whoever I want. You dont know how much these grandpas and grandmas clapped after seeing my ability.]

Parang was now skillful in using telepathy.

He could distinguish the thoughts he wanted to convey via telepathy, didnt cause any signal interference, and had no issues sending messages to the intended recipient.

Telepathy was no longer a big concern.

But still, hyung he really grew up.

Eunha could slowly see traces of the Parang he remembered.

His height was quite substantial too, he was quite taller than Eunhyuk.

Until last year, he had been a large dog, but now he had become a giant dog.

He seemed a bit different from the hyung he knew.

Before the regression, Jin Parang <Mad dog> was a player who lived off of evil.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Living by that credo, <Mad dog> was untouchable in the player world.

Once he bit someone, he wouldnt stop until he paid back as much as he received.

He had a quick temper, making a mess of everything around him. Being around him was irritating, and the more you looked at him, the more you felt uncomfortable.

But what about now?

Being around him was still irritating.

Perhaps it was Parangs unique personality.

But strangely, he wanted to tease him.

His reactions were fresh, and most importantly, it was fun.

If facing the rainy clouds in his previous life had felt like a storm, facing the overcast sky in this life felt like a light drizzle.

Parang. What did you talk to Oppa about?

I wont tell you, nyeh nyeh.

Parang. Are you going to ignore me?

Its not something a kindergarten kid should hear~

Are you really going to ignore me?

Hmph! If you dont listen to me, something will happen, like Hey! Oppa! Parang! Scold him a bit!

Hey, why are you calling him out for something that was just a prank!

Parang, who had already traveled that far, looked at Eunae, who was tired of picking grapes.

Parang made eye contact with Eunha and smiled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

To show his friendship with Eunae, he puts the grapes he just picked directly into her mouth.

She frowned when she ate the grape, which was actually the skin.

But what the heck.

He hadnt lost his love for children, it seemed.

In his previous life, Jin Parang used to take care of children whenever he had the chance.

He would visit poor neighborhoods, taking care of kids.

Sometimes he returned empty-handed, having been tricked by kids, and in severe cases, he returned naked.

Yet, Jin Parang, who always paid back what he received, never laid a hand on children, regardless of the circumstances.

He even praised the kids while grinning.

Contrary to what was publicly known, he had been foolishly kind.

He was a Jin Parang.

Thats why he was called <Gullible> .

Thats why he didnt like the massacre of Bae Subin during the Second Reclamation of Uijeongbu.

Thats why he was willing to become a Twelve Seat to protect the Second Fairy Ha Baek-ryeon.

And so he died.

At the edge of the <Abyssal Dungeon>.

Hey, kids! Stop and eat some watermelon! Its really sweet and refreshing!

Eunae called out from the cabin.

Eunha saw the back of the Jin Parang he knew as he lifted up Eunaes grape box.

But in this life, dont let others beat you up.

I dont plan on letting that happen.

When Jin Parang entered the Player Higher Academy, he was bullied for his short temper, for not having any sponsors, for being born in the slums, and for being an Ain child.

By the time Eunha entered the High Academy, the rumors about Jin Parang were already spreading badly.

So in this life, he intervened to make sure he was in the same grade as Eunhyuk.

He believed that no matter what happened, Eunhyuk would protect him.

Therefore, even if Jin Parang entered the Player Academy, he would still be able to.

How did I forget about this?

Heading to the cabin, Eunha wrapped his head around the realization that had just dawned on him.

He had been thinking about other things and hadnt considered Jin Parang at all.

Sorry, Hyung.

Eunha silently apologized to Parang, who was burying his face in the quartered watermelon.

The way he treated him hadnt changed from his previous life to this one.

Im going to be a player too!

The family cooled off from the heat by eating watermelon in the cabin.

During this time, the conversation shifted to the news that Eunha was going to apply to the Player Academy.

Suddenly, Jin Parang, whose belly was like a mountain, intervened with watermelon seeds stuck around his mouth.

He was like that from the beginning. Saying hes going to be a player.

Grandmother wasnt particularly surprised by his unexpected statement.

She calmly listened to the reason he gave for wanting to be a player when he told his family.

Jin Parang said.

The only way he, as an Ain, could live in this world with pride was to become a player.

He wanted to become someone that no one could look down on.

In the poor neighborhoods, there were many kids like him, many Ains like him.

He wanted to help them even a little.

Thats why I want to be a player. Uncle, auntie, please help me!

He lowered his head until his bangs touched the rind of the watermelon he had eaten.

His parents eyes widened at the sight of him bowing his head for the first time.

Eunha was also inwardly surprised.

He had thought he was a no-hoper, but now he was bowing so desperately, begging them to let him be a player.

Dad, Siriuss application isnt considered late even if you apply now Am I correct?

Yes. Sirius hasnt started accepting applications yet, so its not late to apply now. But Parangs abilities Eunha. What do you think?

The application period started the following month.

The first exam was the next month, and the second exam was a month after that.

It was no problem to apply, but it would be a lot of trouble to prepare for the exams.

Thinking about it, their father asked Euna and Eunha.

Im worried about the first test, but, if its Parang, I think youll be fine for the second test.

I agree with my sister.

Euna knew that Parang had learned mana control from Eunha and could handle telepathy.

The problem was the first test.

The analysis in the Sirius study room was that there would be more candidates this year than last, and the test would be more difficult.

The real issue was whether Jin Parang could pass the first-round exam with his current ability.

Come on. Im smart!

Parang, who is always quick on the uptake at such times, quickly protested.

Euna and Eunha didnt listen to him and continued to think.

Still, its better than nothing, isnt it?

I have a record from Sirius and Alice. If he memorizes that, it might be possible?

He just needs to pass the first test.

If he sent Parang the record as soon as he got home and made him practice, he might be able to do it.

If he didnt send him to school and kept him confined to his room until the first round of exams.

What? No Eunha, why are you looking at me like that?

What am I supposed to do?

Dont you usually narrow your eyes? Do you think I dont know how youre planning to manipulate me right now?

Yeah, its possible.

Eunha decided to become a devil willingly for the sake of a better future.

Of course, the better future he desired was solely for Ha baek-ryeon.

Jin Parang was just a pawn.

The problem is not only the first round of exams Mother, Player Academy requires mandatory residence in the dormitory.

Thats right, Mom. If Parang goes to Player Academy, Mom will live alone. Are you okay with that?

Is that so?

Grandmother closed her eyes.

At this moment, Mom had a premonition about something.

Just like when Eunha had a sudden thought, Mom leaned forward, urging Grandmother.

Then come up to Seoul. We thought that Eunha would enter the dormitory next year and it would be lonely, so Mom should be coming up to Seoul!

This child is really Does a mother who raises three children still act spoiled like this?

Grandmother muttered with an incredulous face.

However, Grandmother seemed to think that Moms thoughts werent entirely bad.

Can I go up?

She asked Eunhas dad.

Fortunately, theres an empty house upstairs. It would be nice if you did as she said and came up to Seoul with Parang.

Yes, because Parang is here. Its probably better to find a house as he said. But then, wouldnt it be a burden on you?

Mom doesnt know how much he earns. I heard hes bragging about it if others hear. Mom trust me, its more than enough to get a house without worrying about it.

Thats not what Im talking about. If others hear about it, it will be seen as showing off.

Mom, this house will not be sold. But its okay. This place is filled with memories for Mom and Dad. Leave the maintenance fees to me.

Grandmother almost broke down.

Eunha twinkled his eyes at the unexpected happiness.

Now Jin Parang didnt mind at all.

Grandmother just had to come down.

However, we need to ask the children how they feel

Agreed! I want to see Grandma often!

Eunha grabbed Grandmas hands as if he had been waiting for her.

Grandmas eyes widened and she burst out laughing.

His parents were puzzled by the sudden reaction.

I want to live with my grandmother too, cant you come up to Seoul?

Me too! I want to live with Grandma!

Euna and Eunae agreed.

A smile spread across Grandmas face.

Okay, when Parang gets into the academy, Ill come up to Seoul.

You hear that, Parang hyung? No matter what, you have to get into the Player Academy. Do you understand?

Hey, hey, calm down. Why are you scaring people?

If only there were rooms for both time and sanity.

Eunha, his eyes lit up, glared at Parang.

It wasnt a request, it was a demand.

Tired of the aura he gave off, he folded his wolf ears in half.

The only thing left is the groups sponsorship. If Id known, Id have asked Sirius. The recruitment period has already passed, and I dont think hell be able to.. If not, Ill have to use my own money.

Mom! Smartphone!

Huh? Here you go.

Dad is left to ponder the remaining problems.

However, Eunha had a one-size-fits-all cheat key.

He took the phone from his mother, went down to the cabin, and dialed the number in his phonebook.


Hello? Is this Seohyun? How did you do during your vacation? Did you get sick? Were you healthy?

[You never asked about my well-being all this time, and now that the vacation is almost over, youre suddenly asking about it?]

Im sorry, Ive been so busy, and when I get a smartphone next year, Ill make sure to text you once a day.

Eunha walked over to Han Seohyun, a direct member of Sirius Group.

Eunha went into a submissive mode, his hands clasped together while holding the phone, not much different from a company employee trying to secure a contract.

[I cant tell if youre lying or not, so its disappointing. Can you really keep that promise?]

Of course, of course.

Pride was unnecessary. He would give in to a dog.

Eunha resolved to be humble to achieve his goal.

[So, what is it? If youre calling me like this, there must be a reason.]

I just wanted to hear your voice.


He smeared his mouth with saliva.

He forced himself to raise his tone.

All he could hear over the phone was her breathing.

After a moment, she sighed.

[Dont tease me. Im still two years older than you. Repeat, two years older than you].

I never tease you, I mean it.

[By the way, when are you going to take me to that burger joint you were talking about before?]

Call me when youre free after school starts, Ill treat you, Seohyun.

[Got it. Ill contact you soon. Is there anything else? I have private tutoring now, so]

Oh! There was something I wanted to ask you!

[What is it?]

Regarding Sirius Group recruiting scholarship recipients, the application period has already ended, right?


He didnt ask directly.

He just casually asked.

Even though he knew the application period was already over.

So its not a request.

And she knew exactly what he meant.

[The application period is over, but we havent even done the internal screening yet].

Really? Then.

[If you apply now, the Sirius Scholarship Foundation will accept you].


[No Eunha, you owe me, Ill look forward to your delicious burger, bye].

I got the answer I was hoping for from her.

When Eunha returned to the cabin, he shared the good news.

Heh, by the way.

Dad was dumbfounded as he tried to figure out how to put Parang to the scholarship foundation.

Even with his own connections, it was hard to get a foot in the door at the Sirius Scholarship Foundation.

He could only marvel at his son, who had wrapped up the issue with a single phone call.

My son, hes got some serious connections.

He was suddenly reminded of his sons age.

I should thank him.

No Eunha.

He was 13 now.

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