Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 989 Gathering Up His Friends

"Damn! Don't tell me I'm going to save the enemy I wanted to kill!!"

He couldn't believe he was thinking about doing it. Yet the more he thought about leaving that monster to rot in that cave, the more he recalled that advice back then.

He couldn't make a decision right now, so he exited the fate and destiny world, and returned to the building in his guild branch, before thinking deeply about this.

It was indeed a tough decision to make. He hated nothing more than that fox monster and anything related to it. The Nightmare monster kept harassing and causing him trouble, wanting to see him dead as he wanted the same for it.

Trying to find that monster and save its life was something that made William feel disgusted. And yet the words of that mysterious person from the outer world, the old advice he left for him for hundreds of years, still rang in his mind like sirens.

He felt like he'd miss a great thing by letting that monster die. After going through this for two days, he decided to find it first and think about a way to control this monster.

"I won't save it without being one hundred percent confident in my ability to control it… If it tries anything funny, then its life must be in my hands to control, or else I will end up dead in its hands…"

William knew of many ways to seal monsters and even humans, but none of these were safe proof. They were just arrays, ones that could turn any place into a prison.

This might look good and all, but it wouldn't give him what he wanted. He wanted to have total control over that monster, control its life if it ever dared to betray him, and he was sure it was going to do so at any given opportunity.

It was indeed a dilemma, but William decided to first look for that monster's location. All he could tell was that it ran towards the west, ran for an entire week or something, before finally collapsing.

He couldn't tell where exactly it ended up, but he saw lots of mountains and rough terrain at the place the monster fell. He knew if he followed that direction on the map, he'd find a few spots where the monster could be at.

He checked the map he had, and his doubts got confirmed. "All of these places are in other kingdoms…" he still didn't expand his guild to other places despite gaining approval from many to give him lands in many kingdoms, "I have to start building branches there first, then search for that monster…"

The last thing he wanted would be for other masters to go excited and check the places he showed interest at. Finding a strong monster on the brink of death would have a certain ending. And so he had to play it nicely.

As he decided, he summoned his friends. They got enough time to rest and celebrate, and enjoy the special treatment everyone here was giving them.

"So… You want us to select capable individuals from the Black and Golden Tails teams, send them over to various kingdoms here in this continent and at the other one, and establish branches there?! You are indeed quite impatient!"

Anjie was the first to speak up. And William simply shrugged, "We have to act fast when the iron is hot. We have the fame and glory anyone would dream about. So why shall we wait? We have to act fast, establish branches there, and gather more masters to our cause."

"Still…" Sara paused, and looked at everyone before adding, "All of us want to train under you."

"Who said whoever is going there will miss my training?" William blinked before adding, "They'll be gone for a couple of months only, establish the branches there, make things go on the right track, before returning here again. Like that, they will join us and continue training."

"And who is going to lead these branches?" Berry asked, and many nodded in agreement on her point.

"By then, many masters will join us," William rolled his eyes, "don't think too much about these branches. They are just extra outlets for us to gain more resources and masters. As for the most important tasks, the guild branches in this city and the Scorching Lands city will be the main force to do these."

"You don't expect those kings to stand by and watch us expand nicely," John looked at Anjie as if he was fearing his words might have insulted her, "they'll send many of their own gang to join our branches there…"

"They won't make any problems at all," William interrupted him, "we don't aim to interfere in anything, won't even try to join any power faction in any kingdom we join. Our main and sole goal is to help masters crush more dark masters and monsters, that's all. Such a goal is universally agreed by all masters no matter when or where they lived, right?"

"..." They thought he was taking this matter quite lightly, and they were right about that. He didn't think too highly of these branches, and didn't even care if he ended up losing a few of them in the end.

His sole purpose in doing this was to look for talents, and that was the main point he focused on. He asked them to send masters able to do the test, very experienced in reading and interpreting it. And if they found anyone interesting, they'll send him here for William to test.

Out of one thousand masters would be sent here, he'd expect a hundred good talents and up to ten rare gems would be found. And he was very satisfied with such results.

"Now, it's time for me to speak with you about a few things…" William looked at his small gang, his inner circle, and his close friends. He knew all for many years, except for the recently joined Karoline and Lara.

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