Reincarnated as a Son of the Sword Saint and the Sage

Chapter 45 45: Graveyard Floors And The Magic Caster

After Sister overwhelmingly defeated the winged bull, the 20th Floor Domain Guardian of this unconquered dungeon, we descended down to the 21st Floor.

"We are here. The domain of the living dead. The Graveyard Floors."

"Hmph. I don't like these types of environment. The earth is polluted and the air is filled with rotten filth. There's almost no things to be looted from corpses aside from its magic crystal and carried equipments. Come on, Raphael. Let's teleport together to the fresh 30th Floor as soon as possible."

"If you say so." As Sister's order, I opened a Portal and we used it to get to the exit of the floor immediately.

Just as we indicating, we are now on the floors of grief and sorrow, the Graveyard Floors. These floors are basically wastelands and infested by monsters, mostly undeads.

These rounded floors had a diameter of six kilometers and walled by a kilometer high pitch-black stone slabs. Much spacious that the previous ones.

Unlike the floors above, the Graveyard Floors had no ceilings and open, with the impregnable barrier, of course. If looked above the sky, clouded night sky covered your entire vision, although it's a little beyond noon outside.

These floors always had night settings on it and quite dark and lonely. The bright full red moon is the only thing that gives light in this lonely place. Maybe the devs were trying to make these floors as aesthetic as it could.

Since these floors are always in night time, many adventurers had lost their sense of time as they stay here for a long time. In the worst case scenario, some even had difficulty in seeing the after exposing to too much dark.

The monsters lurking on these floors are mostly undeads like the weak F-ranked Skeletons, sluggish but tough E-ranked Zombies, agile and savage D-ranked Ghouls and physical-immune C-ranked Wraiths.

Just a reminder, undeads in all dungeons are produced by the dungeons itself not a monster resurrected from human corpse.

There were other monsters beside undead. Canines like E-ranked Grey Wolves, D-ranked Black Wolves and Hellhounds. Plant-type F-ranked Mist Pumpkin and D-ranked Treant. And D-ranked Giant Centipede.

The monsters' strength were ranging from Level 96 at the lowest thru Level 179. Means adventurers has to be at least D-ranked just to fight decently on these floors. B-ranked if an adventurer wanted to solo.


After stepping on the dead soil of each floor, I repeatedly cast Warp to instantly teleport in front of the spiral staircase while holding my sister's hand. We are basically skipping any monster confrontation.

Dealing with undeads are pain in the ass. They are resistant to most physical attacks. Stabbing and cutting weapons didn't do much damage.

A battering weapon like axe, mace or hammer would've been the most effective. If you didn't have one, you could just use any weapon as long as its made of silver, since silver had holy attribute, the weakness of undead.

Magic was the most effective means to deal with undeads. But Light Magic deals the most damage among all the elements.

I keep casting Warp and just around a minute, we finally reached our destination, the grassy and bright 30th Floor. Seeing the artificial dungeon-made sun again and savouring the fresh air made us drew a long and deep sigh.

"Finally! Fresh air of the verdant plains. Not from stagnant environment."

"Even thought it was just minute, I feel like getting sick if I stayed there longer."

The Graveyard Floors were contaminated by filthy air. Not only the air, but also the very earth. So polluted that the whole floor turned to barren land. Or it's just already like that from the making.

Those polluted air are carrying not only filth, but also diseases. That's why adventurers tend to avoid staying here for long to avoid getting infected by diseases.

Being in sickness preventing an adventurer from working. No work, no pay. Medical expenses filed up as one stayed weak, making them sunk in debt.

"Let's go, Sis. Take my hand."

"Thank you, Raphael. I'll be in your care."


After savouring some fresh air to replace the filth in our lungs, we teleported in front of the Guardian's Room's door. Behind these golden-black doors, a Level 300 B-ranked monster lying inside.

"What's you're waiting for? Let's go in."

"Alright, alright." I frined then headed to the doors.

We slowly pushed the doors and entered inside. As the floor goes deeper, the size of the Guardian's Room expand. The 30th Domain Guardian Room had dimensions of three hundred meters on each sides.

"It's an undead, huh."

"A magic caster Lich to be exact."


Race: Lich

Title: Unnamed Dungeon 30th Floor Domain Guardian

Condition: Dormant

LV: 300

MP: 7200

STR: 2400

DEF: 3600

MAG: 6900

MDEF: 5400

AGI: 3300

Racial Skill: Cursed Body

Extra Skill: Auto-MP Recovery, Kin Command

Skill: Magic Sense, Though Acceleration, Detection, Summoning, Pole Art: 1

Magic Skill: [Elemental Magic: Dark: 6, Fire: 4]

Resistance: Magic Attack Resistance, Pain Resistance, Mental Attack Resistance, Fear Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Poison Resistance, Corrosion Resistance, Exhaustion Nullification, Hunger Nullification

Blessings: Dungeon Monster


A Lich, an evolved magic adept skeleton. A B-ranked undead type monster alongside with Undead Knight, evolution of Ghoul and physical adept Skeleton, and Spectre, an evolution of Wraith.

An undead specialized in offensive magic attacks, especially destructive area of effect spells. Also have defensive spell for self protection.


Right after the doors shut, the two empty holes of the Lich's hollow skull started to blaze in red. Stood straight the wooden staff laying on its ivory-white boney tight to raise itself from its mediating state.

The Lich stood almost six foot in height and composed of pure white bones void of rotten materials. Clad itself under a brown ragged robe. Looks garbage at first glance but had high defensive capabilities.

Given its rough and wrinkled surface, the staff was like a snapped branch of a tree. But it was just a deception. The branch was actually made from Treant that makes the casting and magic output better.

"Hey, Sis. Can I have this one?"

"For it's Summoning Skill, right? Go ahead."

"Thank you, Sis."

Now that I have received permission from my goth sister, I would be able to take its skill after the fight. I just learned the Taming skill two days ago and cannot call my tamed monster yet. That's why I just have to steal it from others.

I fixated my eyes upon the undead and wait for it to make its move. The Lich raised its staff horizontal to its chest level. A vivid red magic circle appeared in front of the caster, foreboding an upcoming Level 3 Fire Magic spell.


Chanting is necessary to cast a magic spell. I have Chantless Skill so I don't have to recite the name of the spell. But for some unknown reason, monsters are able to cast a spell without chanting a word. Even though there's no Chantless Skill in their skill set.

Then a ball of fire around two feet in diameter released from the magic circle. It flew at decent speed approaching towards me. My only reaction is just a swipe of my crimson naked blade.


With just a swing, I split the Lich's Fireball in half, making it passed me and vanished midair. No techniques included, just a fast and quick swing of my sword.

But the undead haven't finished yet. It launches other Fireball again. This time, the Lich fired it rapidly with a second of interval. It releases a dozen of flaming spheres at aim all directly at my standing physique.

Unfortunately for the Lich, I just slashed my sword for each ball of flames and the results were the same as before. But slashing a magic spell this rapid wasn't a common sense.

A normal adventurer cannot just slashed a flying magic spell. A person must have quick reaction time and had great awareness of its surroundings, or else, engulfed in flames.

I can sliced the Fireballs easily due to my high numbers. The faster the swing, the more the spell divert each other. But swinging too fast might slice the spell cleanly that it refuses to separate.

Witnessing I easily slashed its balls of fire, the Lich stopped producing Fireballs and changed its tactics. After pouring enormous amount of mana through its entire body, familiar black fog released from its skeleton body.

"The Life Absorption, huh…"

It's the same life-absorbing forbidden spell that the Indestructible Lizard used. It's a spell that gradually absorbs nearby life force to heal itself or restore lost mana.

"It would be bad if the fog filled this whole room. This dungeon is yet to conquer. We won't be able to resurrect if we die."

"Can you do something about it?"

"Of course. After the fight with the lizard, I've been racking my brain to counter this spell."

Even though Life Absorption is a Level 6 magic spell, it's still can pass through obstacles. Level 6 Light Magic spells Light Shield and Anti-Debuff Field, even Level 7 Anti-Curse Barrier were not effective to intercept the formless black mist.

After conducting experimenting with some spells, I ultimately created a counter for the evil fog. Using Parallel Thinking, I've been able to cast the three Light spells that I'd mentioned before at once.

With my Computerized Mind, I have each spells to combine its corresponding effects together in one form. In the end, I successfully created a more superior spell than the formers.


Upon reciting the name of the Level 8 spell, the whole room suddenly glowed a pale aquamarine light. The black fog quickly dispersed then disappear within the light.

Being inside the holy grounds, the Lich, who's life came from Dark attribute, also takes lots of damage. Just a few seconds, the Sanctuary completely exorcised the undead and collapsed like a stringless marionette.

<Skill Summoning can be plundered. Would you like to obtain it? Yes/No.>


"Huh? It even killed the Lich?"

"So powerful. Powerful enough to purify a powerful undead like that former Lich."

"Well… I didn't expect this spell to be that powerful. I have to be grateful if anything else."

After deactivating the Sanctuary, the slabs begun to move. I store the bones and we walked towards the chest to claimed our reward.

"A mithrill dagger, not bad. Now let's go."

"Okay…" I responded weakly as I followed her to the stairs.

I can't help it. A servant cannot have a contumacious assertion against his domineering master. Just a little more. I will be able to break loose of these shackles.

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