Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 211 – Angelic Downfall

Chapter 211 – Angelic Downfall

“Hold up… if you think I’m letting Ikarus go through there angel, you must be crazy”

“Petra’s right… although a little overprotective. Going in there seems way too risky”

In the end, me and the wife did decide to reluctantly follow the angel in distress only to find her guiding us to the portal that houses the entire freaking angelic faction! Sure, I already know she’s somewhat working with everybody’s favourite demonic dickhead, that doesn’t make her trustworthy though.

“Please, it’s of the most importance! I’m going in whether you want to help or not…”

Without even waiting for our response, Uriel dives into the portal confusing us a little. Would she do this if it were an ambush?

On one hand, it could give her time to rearrange a potential ambush and kill me off when I enter. On the other, she seems genuinely concerned about an attack going down. If we’re expected to go in there and become a saviour to angels, then that’s just pure madness. Although, she is apparently working with Asmodeus so who knows?

“Heh, we doing this Ikarus? If so… might want to prepare a nuke or two, just in case”

“*Huff*, my curiosity is really going to backfire someday, swear it’s rubbing off on you as well. Screw it, let’s go crush some angels…”


As soon as we step in the portal, blood splashes onto my face as the smell of death and fire overwhelms the senses. Whatever has happened here, shit’s really hit the fan.

Far off ahead of us a gigantic cathedral, all of it in smoke and fire as the angelic headquarters burns to the ground. However, I should probably take more note of something going down not five feet in front of us…




“It’s the demonic dickhead! What have you been up to Asmodeus? Excluding the shit that’s down going behind you of course”

Cutting down several angels alongside Uriel, he returns to the fold looking as bloody as ever.

“Heh, not the time for this sister… told you this wasn’t necessary traitor. I’m nearly finished with this job; your help wasn’t needed”

Asmodeus barely acknowledges our existence causing me to pout, guess he does have the excuse of being in combat. That cathedral looks like it could hold a thousand angels and there’s only a handful left outside right now. I’m guessing he’s already done most of the genocidal work already.

“If I’d have known you were planning on entrapping them inside the church using fire, I wouldn’t have worried so much idiot! Look at you, you’re a flicker of light from toppling over!”

“Heh, tis but a scratch traitor. You worry too much”

While those two seem to be bickering, the angels left standing begin to realize reinforcements have arrived and leave the bloodied demon to himself to focus on me. Or us because Petra ain’t going to allow me to fight alone.

“Sweet Lord all mighty, it’s the demonic piece of filth that’s caused me so much turmoil! She must be purged this instant!”

Before I even have the chance to face up against the angel who’s experienced a pain worse than death twice already, might name him Mr Eunuch now for good measure, Petra gets to him first making me worry if he’s going to receive the same fate as before. She’s not as wicked as me and mother… right? Right!?!

Looking away and focusing on a different angelic being charging towards me, said angel then points his sword prematurely and begins to waffle about something boring.

“Begone foul beast and let your soul be purged anew!”

Not having enough time to respond, I try to strike my ranged attack from Excalibur towards the angel only to miss and be struck by a beam of light that pierces my torso…

Except, the beam coming from that sword just so happens to be light magic. You know light magic… the same magic that apparently is really similar to fire? Point being, I’m resistant to both! Perks of phoenix DNA that even becoming a demon lord doesn’t get rid of.

“What blasphemy is thi-…”

In response, I close the distance, crisscross my blades and cut him down where he stands. I haven’t even had the time to prepare just yet and this idiot tries something that stupid!

‘Aesa, how about we take no risks while also trying out some new shit? There’s three abilities I’m wanting to activate’

[<Aesa wouldn’t suggest being carefree on ability usage but also curious so will let it slide. Abilities -plot protection mark 2-, -aspect of gigantomachy mark 2- and -star blaze mark 2- are now in effect>]

Feeling an insane amount of power flow within me which activates invulnerability, a growing fireball and my breasts to expand, all three abilities combine in tandem and feels like I’ve got a power level over nine thousand! Sure, the power feels fun and all, kinda realize now they aren’t the best to be used together.

Like it’s been seen countless times before, star blaze’s fireball begins to grow rapidly consuming me, all the while I can now actually see what’s going on front of me. Unsurprisingly enough like all the foes that have burned to this in the past, these angels are oblivious to the danger in front of them and charge straight into my hellfire.

It’s only now occurring to me that maybe it this attack doesn’t appear like a huge fireball to other people, I refuse to believe they’re that stupid! I know blind rage is a thing but it should be obvious not to run into a freaking ball of fire! It is kinda call I can see their flesh burning in front of my eyes though, albeit a little gross.

What once had the size of small house, now has the size of something resembling more of a manor or mansion. It’s definitely been improved and the fact I can see the few idiots that dared to enter be incinerated says it all really. Normally, I’d only get the smell and a few screams of agony, now I get the full package!

I’m still yet to see what upgraded aspect is yet to do, was kinda hoping at least one the angels could withstand fire but regardless, the fight is already won just from that slight amount of action. At least, it seems that way…

[<Aesa would like to inform Ikarus that no points were achieved from that previous battle. Angels in particular don’t seem to count for some unknown reason>]

“Sorry Ikarus… kinda got carried away and forgot”

As soon as Aesa gives me the message, Petra stands over Mr Eunuchs headless corpse looking really guilty. She’s so caring for me, the decapitations would put a lot of people off but not me! Heh, surprised the angel didn’t receive another ball breaking session to be honest, guess she really is forgiving.

“It’s all good Petra. Turns out, angels don’t give me EXP anyways…”

Once the battle has finished, me and Petra return to a bloodied and beaten Asmodeus being tended to by the angel Uriel. Not in a weird way, just like how Ariza might tend to a patient, the demon is drenched in blood after all. Most of it probably isn’t his though. That sinister smile he has tells does tell a lot.

“Erm… Asmodeus? Why the fuck did you piss off like that!?! We could’ve helped wipe out the angels! Although, being able to revive kinda defeats the point”

“Heh, you two needed to get your faces out there in this world to be discovered I had some time to deal with a not so pressing issue. Instead of complaining, just sit back and admire my handiwork… their anchor point was sorted out this morning so that’s also not a concern. You can thank the traitor for telling me where it was”

Looking back to the cathedral, I’m getting a sense of déjà vu looking at this. Even though I may have nuked that religion back in our world, the adoring flames hugging the building are kinda mesmerizing to watch… Petra’s father is a bad influence so less of that Ikarus.

(Ikarus) “Anchor… point?”

“It’s where we revive from Ikarus. For us angles, it was agreed the point would be fixed in the basement of the church”

“Heh, those fuckers won’t get out of there for weeks, maybe even months. If things line up right, this might even be a permanent solution. We’ll have to wait and see on that”

‘So let me get this straight… this guy has basically spawn trapped them down there!? Eh, guess it’s a pretty creative solution’

I’m conflicted, mainly down to the fact this seems like a brilliant idea and also a terrible one. Mainly down to the fact that, won’t this anger a lot of people? Probably not Ikarus, people don’t seem to like the preachy angels around here… being able to spawn trap and entire faction like this seems pretty dangerous though.

“Look, can we have something a bit more than just this? Like, why the hell is an angel working with you in the first place? She must hate angels as badly as you hate your own kind”

I mean, Asmodeus did poison his entire world wiping out practically everyone who wasn’t sheltered by a dome so a little angel treachery is nothing in comparison.

“It’s not hatred Ikarus, it’s logical. My kin have never been able to realize, there cannot be a winner in the fight for good vs evil. Even after a long visit down in your world to get a fresh perspective of it all, they still could not let go of that hatred to a species that is so close to extinction”

‘I bet this good vs evil thing is like order vs chaos or ying and yang. I’ve heard this cliché a million times before so best not dwell too much on it’

Also, there’s something the angel just said that has sparked my interest a little. It may have sounded like a throwaway comment but considering the iffy feeling I’ve had from her all this time; I can’t let it go…

“You were down in our world? Say… you wouldn’t happen to know who you were, right?”

A glint in Petra’s eye realizes she may know what I’m getting at. I’m sure I’ve come across someone eerily similar to this angel before and I have to confirm it…

“Sorry, I don’t. Upon death, the first thing I did was erase that memory because of all the heartache and suffering she endured. It would’ve poisoned even the sanest of minds…”

‘Hmm… it’s not enough to confirm my suspicions’

“…The only thing I kept was a stark reminder that the life was long, miserable and full of servitude to a family that should’ve burned in hellfire. If that life were to be listened to, the entire world would’ve been tossed aside”

The vagueness is huge but, in a world filled with coincidences, I’ve got a bad idea this woman may be the mage Leone who blessed my past with her wickedness.

Look, it may sound insane considering the only evidence I’ve got is her being down in the human world, having a history that sounds like the mage and the fact her face is pretty emotionless. It’s still making me think it’s her.

“Asmodeus… is she who I think she is?”

“Heh, why would I know that sister?”

‘He’s playing dumb, I just know it’

Even while Uriel is wiping the last of the blood off him and bandaging a shoulder or two, he still never changes.

“Asmodeus, I’m being serious. Is she… who I think she is?”

“Look, I don’t know everything sister. If you think the traitor to the angels is the same sinister person you encountered down below, then you’re probably right. Does it make a lick of difference though?”

In all honesty… it probably doesn’t. During her end, I did feel a little pity for the mage after she collapsed to bones right in front of our eyes… she did also use me like a seat for punishment reasons. Yep, I still don’t like her it seems. I’m just going to try and bottle it up ignoring her in the process, there’s only one person I like who can sit on me now! I mean, if Aesa wanted to… my own brain makes me facepalm at times.

“So, moving on… *sighhh*. What next then? Is it time for you to lead us to the rebels and we can finally take down Zeus?”

That’s got to be the way this quest finally precedes, right? Spent this long not knowing where Asmodeus is and he shows up burning down a potential problem? This has to be the road that leads to Zeus’s downfall.

“Heh, look at you knowing the future sister. When did you get in contact with the oracle?”

‘Predictable, this guy is always wanting to be the MC of this story after all’

Whilst that may be predictable, something about my wife is less so…

“Heh… Ikarus? *Stomach grumbling*”

I nearly forgot the wife was here with us for a second and with her stomach is still grumbling, there’s something both of us should probably go off and do.

“Oh right, egg stuff and all that. Can you two do us a huge favour a wait a minute? We’ll be right back…”


“So… why are we over here then?”

“Heh, patience sister and all will become clear. Just a turn of a key and we’ll be where we need to be. Just stay with the dark one and the traitor and give me some space”

“You can call me something other than traitor Asmodeus. It was the rest of the angels who betrayed our true goal first. The overall goal of peace”

(Petra) “He doesn’t do names so you’ll get used to it”

‘It’s funny how both father and Asmodeus are like this with names. Guess they really were brothers after all… not technically of course. We are strongly against incest around here!’

After a little egg laying with the wife which turned out to be not so romantic after all, it’s basically comparable to having a poop, we met back up with the angel and demon lord in order to progress the quest to destroy Zeus! I’d be getting excited if it wasn’t for the fact we’re back at that tavern we seem to always visit.

Instead of actually entering the building, we head round back to the cellar lead by Asmodeus and he goes to unlock the latch with a special magical key! I jest, it’s just a normal piece of metal but it sounds more fun this way.

Slowly creeping down the stairs once it’s unlocked, we follow him inside and find exactly what I wasn’t hoping for. It’s typical really…

‘And of course… the rebellion HQ has been right under our noses the whole time. There are less people down here than I first thought though, maybe it’s an off branch of rebels?’

Located down the damp and dimly lit basement is what can only be described as place perfect for hiding out. It’s mostly an absolute mess with all the maps, plans and weapons scattered all over the place. It definitely has its charm despite all the rubbish around here.




Also down inside the basement is a mixture of Gods and Goddesses, most of which were at the games we just participated in. Surprisingly, there’s only four down here though… eight if you include us four that have just entered.

We have the cutesy but clearly sibling obsessed Aphrodite and the wild Artemis mid conversation discussing something really important.

“Hey Artemis, you’ve got to decide which God is the cutes-”

“Hey… Uriel buddy! Over here… you’re back!”


---Was going them edit them into the picture above like a visual novel, got impatient with that idea pretty quickly lol.



And the ripped muscular guy Hermes actually wearing a top today alongside the grim reaper Thanatos. One of them clearly wanting to be left alone though.

“…and that’s when Plutus decided to charge us double! Gosh, that really was an absurd day… brothels are scary”


“You really aren’t listening to me, are you?”

“Am listening Hermes… just have nothing to say”

For the record, I have no idea what they were talking about or even care either. It’s finally time to get down to work… with four other people. It feels like there’s a lot we’re missing out on here.

“So… this is ragtag bunch of Gods we’re going to be working with?”

“Heh, define ‘working with’ sister. These idiots can happily work as bait for us, that’s the only reason why we’re even entertaining their existence”

All of the Gods inside the room appear offended except Thanatos who surprisingly smiles from the insult. Only one cares enough to actually respond to Asmodeus’s insult… wonder if you can guess who?

“Fuck you too Asmodeus! I’ll take Uriel with me if you’re going to treat us like fucking pawns!”

“No you won’t”

“*Grumble*… just back me up bitch! I’m doing us a favour”

And so, the heavens decided that just one Zeki type person wasn’t enough so the Olympians had to bless us with another. Just the fact everyone shakes their head from Artemis’s waffling says it all really.

“This can’t be all we’re working with, right? Oh… that’s pretty decent timing”

Expectations slightly differ when the cellar door opens once again. Turning around, I find who else we may be working with on this journey…

Why, it’s my parent’s and the alcoholic of course! I’ll cut it with the moaning because there’s obviously more to it than just this… there better be because I can’t see how we’ll take down Zeus just as a group of eleven.

“Hmph… that’s the job you sent us on demon? It’s finished but was a complete waste of time though”

“Don’t be like that Dermakvar, you seemed to enjoy the unrestricted destruction”

“Never said it wasn’t enjoyable dear, just tedious really”

(Dio) “Not really sure how I was any use throughout that. My hangover effect I can inflict doesn’t really work on inanimate objects”

(Asmo) “Heh, you were needed to guide them to the spot young God. If it wasn’t for you, things wouldn’t have worked on time”

Both my parents seem surprisingly tired from whatever task Asmodeus sent them on and Dionysus, the first thing he goes for a glass of wine once he’s back. Some things never change and my confusion is one of them apparently.

‘Okay, I might be Alice facepalming head first into the rabbit hole. This idiot better start explaining things…’


---Tried to make the dress blue, didn't work out but this one works better for Ikarus anyway.



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