Reincarnated As a Fox With System

Chapter 506: Bloody Treasure Island!

Meanwhile, Bing Yi and Hei Yinghao had finished their special training and also heading into the classroom to attend Instructor Mei Lan's class too.

The aura of both Bing Yi and Hei Yinghao had completely changed maybe because they were affected by Instructor Mei Lan's hell-level special training.

Bing Yi let out an extremely cold aura that rejects all people... or foxes, giving them the sense of distance thousands of miles away.

While Hei Yinghao gave a very sharp murderous aura as if he wanted to kill every creature he met.

When both of them met in the corridor in front of the classroom, their aura clashed violently with each other!

"Step aside, Ice Block! Let me enter the class first!" Hei Yinghao said with a hoarse voice mixed with thick killing intent.

"It is you who should step aside, Silly Fox. Only I can enter the class first!" Bing Yi glared coldly at Hei Yinghao and replied with an alienated chilling tone.

Hei Yinghao's wicked killing intent became much thicker as he warned with a heavy tone: "Ice Block, do you want to die so badly?"

Bing Yi squinted her eyes dangerously as her chilling aura became much colder until the entire corridor was covered with thin frost.

Bing Yi glared at Hei Yinghao and answered with an icy tone: "Silly Fox, you have become so arrogant now. It looks like I need to make you remember where your place is."

Hei Yinghao emitted a few sparks of his black lightning and the surrounding thin ice covering the corridor started to crack, then shattered like fragile porcelain.


But Bing Yi refused to lose and emitted an even colder frosty aura!

Hei Yinghao's black lightning and Bing Yi's extremely cold frosty aura clashed violently!

Hei Yinghao and Bing Yi were too focused on suppressing each other aura, and they failed to notice that Tang Li Xue already walked in the corridor and heading toward the classroom.

When Tang Li Xue approached the classroom, she saw Hei Yinghao and Bing Yi facing each other.

Tang Li Xue immediately felt extremely happy since she did not see them for more than a month, so she missed both of them a lot.

Tang Li Xue ran toward them, but she immediately realized that the atmosphere between them was not right, so she asked with a curious tone: "What are you two doing here? Why don't you two enter the classroom? Is the classroom still locked?"

"Little Xue~!!!" Bing Yi and Hei Yinghao shouted in surprise at the same time.

Bing Yi's extremely cold temperament and aura melted in that instant as her eyes became teary, and she quickly hugged Tang Li Xue.

"Little Xue~!!! I really miss you so much~! Little Xue, you do not know how much I suffer this month~! Uwww, I even almost died!" Bing Yi cried like a big baby while tightly hugged and seeking comfort from Tang Li Xue.

Hei Yinghao stared at Bing Yi with eyes full of envy.

Tang Li Xue patted Bing Yi's back and consoled her: "I understand, Bingbing. I also almost died several times this month. But we got much stronger now, right? So, our sacrifice and effort were not in vain."

Meanwhile, Yaya puffed her cheek cutely in jealousy, then she quickly pushed Bing Yi away to separate her from Tang Li Xue.

After that, Hei Yinghao imitated Bing Yi's act before and opened his arms, then ran toward Tang Li Xue while saying: "Little Xue~!!! I really miss you so much too~! Little Xue, you do not know how much I suffer this month~! Uwww, I even almost died in the hands of that devilish Instructor Lan many times!"

Both Yaya and Bing Yi quickly blocked in front of Tang Li Xue like a pair of bodyguards while staring full of disdain at Hei Yinghao.

Who knew that the classroom's door slowly opened while there was a gentle sound coming out from behind the door: "Ohh~, so I am a devilish instructor now?"

Hei Yinghao's body instantly became tense and stiffened.

As he hesitatingly turned his head to see the classroom's door, Instructor Mei Lan already stood there with her signature gentle smile on her soft beautiful face like Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But Hei Yinghao's reaction was so exaggerated as if what he saw was a demon lord or ghost god.

His expression turned into fear and horror as he swiftly ran and hid timidly behind Tang Li Xue instead.

It looks like Instructor Mei Lan's special training really gave Hei Yinghao an unforgettable mental scar.

"I seem the special training I give you is still too lenient. Don't worry, next time I will be sure to increase the difficulty. Now, let's all enter the classroom now. We will begin the lesson soon." Instructor Mei Lan instructed as she ignored Hei Yinghao's mournful cry and entered the classroom again, then sat leisurely on the teacher's seat.

Tang Li Xue, Bing Yi, Yaya, and Hei Yinghao quickly followed and entered the classroom too.

Honestly, Tang Li Xue was very curious about what kind of hellish special training Bing Yi and Hei Yinghao had received from Instructor Mei Lan before, but this was clearly not the right time to ask about it.

Tang Li Xue decided to ask them after Instructor Mei Lan's lesson was over, and they walked back to Residential Building later.

"There are only two more days left before the Foxes Hunting Festival start. So, today, I will explain to all of you what you need to prepare and do when the Foxes Hunting Festival starts later." Instructor Mei Lan slowly stated with her gentle and soothing voice.

Instructor Mei Lan distributed a jade badge to each of them one by one except for Yaya, since Yaya would follow Tang Li Xue later.

"You can drip your blood into that jade badge later. When the Foxes Hunting Festival starts, you will be sucked into that jade badge to participate in the festival, so you do not need to panic later." Instructor Mei Lan explained clearly.

"After that, you will be sent to the rich isolated island full of treasures, but of course, those treasures would not appear all at once. They would only appear one by one. The first to appear would be the least valuable ones, and then they will gradually become more and more valuable and precious as time passed." Instructor Mei Lan added with a solemn tone.

"From this, you should understand, right? It means the longer you last in this Foxes Hunting Festival, the more likely you will obtain much more precious treasures later!" Instructor Mei Lan pointed out the crucial information to them.

Tang Li Xue frowned a bit as she thought for a while and raised her right hand to ask.

Instructor Mei Lan pointed her slender finger at Tang Li Xue to let her ask the question.

"Instructor Lan, you said we must last longer in the festival to obtain more precious treasures, so what if we have a dispute with other foxes over those precious treasures? Should we kill them, beat them up, or just restrain them? If we are banned from killing other foxes, doesn't it means all of us can last until the end of the festival?" Tang Li Xue asked her puzzlement.

Instructor Mei Lan shook her head and explained again: "Oh, right... I almost forget to tell you about that. Even if you get killed in the Foxes Hunting Festival, you will not really die. You will just get kicked out of that treasure island and go back to where you come from. That jade badge will also automatically shatter."

Tang Li Xue nodded her head in understanding.

"Because of that, you do not need to hesitate to kill any foxes you have met, since the other foxes will also never spare your life too later. That treasure island will become a giant meat grinder." Instructor Mei Lan warned them with a harsh tone.

Instructor Mei Lan thought for a few moments and gave another example: "All of you should have heard about Gu. The way to create Gu is to gather hundreds of poisonous insects and sealed all of them in a huge jar. They will start devouring each other until only one strongest insect is left. This Foxes Hunting Festival adopted the same principle as that Gu."

Instructor Mei Lan let them digest the information she told them for one or two minutes while checking out her students' expressions one by one.

'These little ones look brimming with confidence now. It seems their arrogance become a bit inflated after they got a little stronger. At this rate, they would certainly make rash moves and only last a few days at best in Foxes Hunting Festival later.' Instructor Mei Lan concluded.

Although, Instructor Mei Lan said that she only wanted her three students to gain more experience in the Foxes Hunting Festival, but she actually also secretly hoped that her students could obtain some benefit in the Foxes Hunting Festival later.

After hesitating for a while, Instructor Mei Lan decided to give them several more hints and warnings.

Instructor Mei Lan took a deep breath and continued her lesson again: "I know all of you feel that you are already strong enough. But I still honestly suggest that the first thing you should do after you arrive at the treasure island is to hide yourself."

Bing Yi and Hei Yinghao instantly frowned deeply and asked in a disapproving tone: "Why?"

Different from Tang Li Xue who has the stealth-type divine ability, the divine abilities of both Bing Yi and Hei Yinghao were more about the frontal battle.

Instructor Mei Lan chuckled and replied with a cold tone: "Do you really think all of the foxes participating in the Foxes Hunting Festival are soft persimmons? Those foxes are top geniuses in their own continent or place."

"Meanwhile, you three could only barely count as geniuses since you do not have enough time, experience, and training to mature yourselves. In fact, you three are still not qualified to participate in this grand event of the Foxes Hunting Festival yet." Instructor Mei Lan let them know some harsh truths.

"If not for the three recommendations from me, Sissy Wei, and Drunkard Bai plus my old man pulled some strings from inside, you three would really not be able to take part in this grand festival." Instructor Mei Lan added.

Tang Li Xue, Bing Yi, and Hei Yinghao looked at each other in bewilderment and shame.

Tang Li Xue decided to ask again to clear her confusion: "Then Instructor Lan... How can we obtain some precious treasures if we only hide ourselves? Can we just steal them from those genius foxes?"

Instructor Mei Lan pondered for a while again, but she still decided to tell them another piece of important information so they could survive longer on that bloody treasure island.

"Sigh... All right. Next, I will tell you a few phases of the situation that would happen after you enter the treasure island. This will also be the last piece of information I can give to you all." Instructor Mei Lan uttered with a solemn expression.

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