Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 228: – Wight’s Evolution

Chapter 228

228 – Wight’s Evolution

The wight’s level has increased slower than I’d expected . In my case, I levelled so fast through the support of my title skill . I didn’t expect it to be this difficult to just raise its level by 3 without it .

After the wight defeated its sixth little treant, its level finally rose to 4 . With its increase in stats, I’ve become able to comfortably send it out to fight them .

Since then, it’s defeated three more, but its level still hasn’t maxed out yet . The next one should be enough though .

Together with the wight, I search for another young tree, then ask my partner to transform it .

【Normal skill [Soul AppendmentFake Life] has risen from level 3 to 4 . 】

… This has been used a lot too, so it’s been sucking up xp .

By the way, I tried using [Soul AppendmentFake Life] on the remains of a little treant that had lost all its HP, but it wasn’t revived . It’s not like it can’t work on corpses, seeing as the wight’s made entirely of bone . Maybe there’s some rule about the quality of the materials . It’s not like there was no response at all, so I get the feeling that it might work at higher levels .

“Higi, higiiii!”

The uprooted little treant leaps at the wight . With a relaxed movement, the wight dodges and grapples its back, snapping its limbs and gnawing at its body .


The little treant stops moving and collapses on the spot . With this, the wight’s level should have gone up .

It would be great if it could evolve into a more human-like form .


Species: Wight

Status: Cursed

Lv: 5/5

HP: 14/14

MP: 1/6


Alright, it’s levelled up . It should be able to evolve now .


With my cry, the wight looks up at me . Making a clacking sound, it nods at me . I anticipate its evolution, but… its form doesn’t seem to change . It just stares at me with its empty eye sockets .

Maybe there’s something I need to do? The only thing I can do for undead is to use [Soul AppendmentFake Life] .

Hey partner, could you give it one more shot . With as much magic power as you can .


With my partner’s cry, a black light envelops the wight . When the light clears away, the wight is visible

Some of its bones have become blue, and it’s got a cross-shaped mark on its forehead . It’s also got some patterns around its eyes and on some of its ribs… Other than that, it’s not really changed much . Rather than becoming more human-like, I get the feeling that it’s becoming more monster-like… As expected, it looks like it’s impossible for it to regain its living body .

Anyway, I’d like to see what it’s evolved into . I’ll check out it’s status .


Race: Skull Lowmage

Status: Cursed

Lv: 1/13

HP: 15/15

MP: 1/10

Attack: 5

Defense: 4

Magic: 6

Speed: 3

Rank: E

Characteristic Skills:

[Grisha Language: Lv 1] [Undead: Lv -] [Dark Attribute: Lv -]

Resistance Skills:

[Status Condition Nullification: Lv -] [Physical Resistance: Lv 3] [Magic Resistance: Lv 1]

Normal Skills:

[Gale: Lv 2] [Death Curse: Lv 2] [Life Drain: Lv 1] [Clay: Lv 1]

Title Skills:

[Servant of the Evil Dragon: Lv -]


[Skull Lowmage]… In short, a low-ranking bone magic-user? So next would be a skull mage? Th-this, is it even able to gain flesh? Won’t it be spending its whole life as bone . I mean, even though it’s dead .

It should be able to choose its evolution path like me though… Well, its MP has increased, so the number of times it can attack from a safe distance has gone up . If the wight… ah, it’s evolved so its name has changed . If the skull lowmage provides covering fire while I fight upfront, it shouldn’t be too difficult to power level it .

The experience points might be reduced because there’s less risk, but it’s got to be more efficient than slowly grinding through monsters of the same rank . That was how the ball rabbit suddenly rose to D rank . Plus, I don’t want to use [Soul AppendmentFake Life] like that if I can help it . Making living things for the purpose of killing them is not a pleasant experience .

Wondering what to do if it’ll always be stuck as bone, I watch the skull lowmage’s face . After examining its body thoughtfully, it stands up while staring at its hand . It’s not pleased about this development, is it? That’s as I expected . I wish it could tell me how much it remembers, but it hasn’t got a tongue . It’s all bone after all .

Come to think of it, it’s name from when it was alive isn’t displayed . Changing the way I call it every time it evolve feels weird, so ought to think of a good name for it .

But then I have no idea if it’s male or female . Is it a he-skeleton or a she-skeleton? Male and female skeletons differ, but it’s a child so…

It might have it’s habits from when it was a human, but that’s no guarantee it remembers its name . I get the feeling that if it knew, it would be displayed in its status . Until its name is decided, I guess I’ll keep calling it wight . Though it’s not like I’ll be saying it out loud .

For the rest of today, I’ll let the wight rest and regain MP… We’ll probably go hunting again tomorrow . For dinner, let’s eat the tribute . I’m also wondering if the Lithovar people will come again .

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