Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 204: End of the War

Chapter 204

Ch . 204 End of the War

This is the innermost part of the red ant’s nest . The passage ahead spreads out into a whole room with it being the only place with a suspiciously high ceiling .

Six red ants appear . Then, a red ant with a body much larger than the rest comes into view, standing in the middle amongst them . There’s no mistaking it . That’s the queen .


Race: Queen Red Ogre Ant

Status: Normal

Level: 43/70

HP: 496/496

MP: 184/184


Her status checks out as well . She still has all her MP

The queen red ant has an area-of-effect type of recovery magic, but there are only six of her ants left in the nest, so that’s not going to be too much of a threat .

She’s not going to be moving well with her abdomen being bloated like that . Queens probably aren’t battle types to begin with, though . Her area-of-effect recovery magic will likely play a role in healing her returning troops as well .

“Kucha!” “Kuchaa!” “Kucha!”

The enemy red ants peek over towards us intimidatingly . However, none of them spring at us .

They should know that they have no chance of winning with the twenty ants waiting behind me .

While waiting isn’t helping anyone, the other side isn’t moving either, making any sort of actions difficult . I turn my head back and see the commander red ant scowling at me . He’s probably telling me to hurry it up . I turn and face forward again .

((I see . It is HER nest . I was going to go forward with my plan soon, but it fell behind schedule . It is unfortunate that I’d postpone such a sizable victory . I thought she was going to migrate quietly, but I’m certainly impressed that she’s managed to figure out how to bring a dragon onto her side . ))

The queen ant says that with [[Telepathy]] and then shakes her head .

…No, I think that might just be a coincidence . Though it is also possible that she really was planning to migrate .

((Tell her that victory… is her’s . ))

The queen ant has declares her defeat . The red ants that stood around the queen, protecting her, now bow their heads down limply .

“Kucha . ”

Something pokes my back, so I look behind me to see the commander red ant . Something seems wrong . All of the other red ants have already retreated near the entrance .

Just what is this? True, I could probably handle this alone… But there’s no need to retreat so far back…

“Kucha!” “Kuchaa!” “Kuchaa!”

Almost everyone calls out to me, including the commander ant . Why are all you guys in such a hurry?


The six red ants surrounding the queen all cry out at once . The large room began to shake violently .

The commander red ant starts quickly running off toward the entrance with the rest .

Huh? Wait, what’s going on!?

“Pefu pefu!”

Ball Rabbit beats my head like a drum . I finally realized that the queen ant was going to commit suicide and bring down the whole room with her .

The red portions of earth that were made with [[Clay]] that were supporting the huge room seemingly erode . If I try to go for any experience with the situation as it is now, I’ll be buried alive .

While it’s unfortunate that I’ll miss out on the queen ant’s experience and all, I’ve gotta book it . I turn around and run after the commander red ant .

Partner suddenly turns her head back around . Hey! Stop that! You’re getting in the way of my running!


When partner barked, a black light suddenly appeared and headed towards the ant queen . The black light wraps around the queen ant’s head and immediately disperses .

[688 experience points obtained . ]

[Title Skill [[Walking Egg: Lv –]] activated, 688 bonus experience points obtained . ]

[[[Ouroboros]] level has increased from 55 to 57 . ]

Ooh! Was that [[Death]] just now? That was quick thinking! Because the queen was fully prepared to die, the skill easily succeeded!

[Level of Title Skill [[Mean King]] has increased from 6 to 7 . ]

Well, sure . Whatever . Honestly, I’m starting to think that it’s useless to be bothered about these title skills .

I kick the ground and take off flying low across the huge room . Loose earth covers the ground of the room as it collapses in on itself . I thought the collapse would affect the passageway, but for now, everything seems fine .

After that, I simply went back the same way I came . Tomorrow, I’ll be fighting against the hero with my level as it is now .

Honestly though, I still have a few concerns . While my status is fine, there are still a lot of people in Haranae . Will it really be okay to fight in a place like that? It only makes sense that there will also be people there who’ll back the hero up . Plus, I have no idea what’ll happen when it comes to Adofu . Perhaps it would be better to have him run away…

“Kucha!” “Ku-cha!”


Hearing the red ants’ lively cries, I raise my head . The red ants looked to be carrying elongated red ovoids on their backs .

Huh? What are you guys doing? That isn’t food . Are those cocoons?

I go right to where the commander red ant is . Hold on a minute . What are all you guys doing?


((What that?))

“Kucha . ”

Calmy, the commander red ant responds .

((Bring home, raise them . ))

Ah, I see . That must be tough . They’ll just die if they’re left alone . So, yeah . It’s better this way . While I could come up with various ideas and what have you, I’m not going to interfere with this . I’ll just let the red ants do their red ant things .

((If possible, please assist . ))

U-ugh . Thanks to the queen ant, I did collect some experience points at the beginning, so it wouldn’t be too bad to lend a hand, however… I can’t help but feel like I’m a kidnapper’s accomplice .

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