Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 189: Escaping Battle

Chapter 189

Ch . 189 Escaping Battle

The path behind me is blocked due to the passage collapsing . To the front are twenty red ants equivalent to a little rock dragon . It’s a situation I would have thought of as insane if I was still in that forest .

But if I’m able to break through then I’ll be able to safely get out while accumulating some much-needed experience points .

The passage earlier was wider than this one since the ants had heavily modified it . With this, the amount of ants I have to take on at the same time has increased to five .

“guu… . ”

I groan and close my mouth, while the red ants keep watch .


The lead red ant signals the rest and fires off [[Clay Gun]] . It’s a storm of stones . Since there was no fear of accidentally injuring their own like before, they all mercilessly fire off [[Clay Gun]] . There was no space to move, and I can’t shoot them all down with [[Kamaitachi]] . I have no choice but to run through it .

I use my arm as a shield to knock down the barrage of stones as I rush towards the red ants’ front line . Face, arms, chest, [[Clay Gun]] projectiles are hitting me all over my body . My head that the ball rabbit is sitting on must be held up at all costs . Though it doesn’t hurt as much as before since I leveled up, but the damage is still painful .

I forcibly shorten the distance while getting ready to attack the red ants in the front with my claws . Since Adofu is in my mouth, I cant use any breath techniques . So now all I can do is power through with brute force alone .


When the ball rabbit cries out, the pain from my bruises are relieved a little . It seems that the ball rabbit used [[Rest]] . That was much appreciated .

The red ants’ physical strength has fallen thanks to the poison . Since I’ve entered this nest, my level has gone up by 7 levels . Due to the level gap, I should be able to handle these twenty ants somehow .

I lift my arm to prepare for a big swing . The red ants, thinking that this was a chance, launch an attack to try to bite me . I turn my arm towards them and swing with as much power as I can .

Two red ants became a sandwich . Fragments of their bodies and limbs are scattered about .

[806 Experience points obtained . ] [Title Skill [[Walking Egg: Lv–]] activated, 806 bonus points obtained . ] [Level of [[Evil Plague Dragon]] increased from 70 to 72 . ]

As I thought, a large, full-powered swing was overkill, right? Though they were killed rather quickly, the damage I received before the kill isn’t quite to my liking .

Dodge to avoid attacks and launch my own attacks with my claws . Shoot down stones with [[Kamaitachi]] while receiving attacks with my wings then lash out with my claws .

I ignore the red ants that switch out to use [[Auto-Regen]] . It would be troublesome if they rotate, but I dont have the time to intercept them . Since their MP should be decreasing, they will eventually tire out .

I strike a red ant with my claw, killing it . God’s voice rings out about gaining experience points as the red ants in the back row step out after I trample the red ant . They are quick to rotate just like I thought .

Hoo, their formation may actually go well for me .

I step in to make this a close ranged battle . It’s hard to move around my arms and it’s tougher to attack, but this should be fine .

“Pefu… . ”

The ball rabbit who seems to have read my thoughts faintly barks . It’s good that I can transmit my thoughts so easily .

I aim for the interval between attacks before flipping my head . The falling ball rabbit stretches its ears and catches onto my fangs before tossing itself inside my mouth . I shut my mouth and start using [[Roll]] at point blank towards the red ants .


The red ants spring into action while I’m rolling up on them . Alright, let’s do this . The injured red ants from the back that have recovered have also started moving to the front . If the injured red ants get involved then I’ll be able to finish this with ease .

In order for the red ants to stop my [[Roll]], they cooperate in making walls with [[Clay]] . But if the red ants are lined up like that, the [[Clay]] produced by the injured ants won’t come out as well as it should, making it worse off for themselves . I guess the red ants are starting to exhaust themselves as I can hear their breathing becoming ragged .

“Kuchaa!” “Kuchaa!”

The screams of the red ants resonate . The feeling of crushing and repelling while rolling over the red ants is transmitted through my body .

[392 experience points obtained . ] [Title Skill [[Walking Egg: Lv–]] activated, 392 bonus points obtained . ]

[376 experience points obtained . ] [Title Skill [[Walking Egg: Lv–]] activated, 376 bonus points obtained . ] [Level of [[Evil Plague Dragon]] increased from 72 to 73 . ]

[403 experience points obtained . ] [Title Skill [[Walking Egg: Lv–]] activated, 403 bonus points obtained . ]

[415 experience points obtained . ] [Title Skill [[Walking Egg: Lv–]] activated, 415 bonus points obtained . ] [Level of [[Evil Plague Dragon]] increased from 73 to 74 . ]

The notifications from God’s voice don’t stop . I’m starting to get sick of all the notifications . Settle down a bit will you?

[Title Skill [[Calamity]] Lv increased from 5 to 6 . ]

…Ahh, Calamity went up . Though I want it to stop before I evolve, I know it’s useless to complain now that I’ve destroyed the red ants’ nest .

“Kuchaa!” “Kuchaa!” “Kuchaa!”

Three red ants in the last row bark at me . A red wall rises up in front of them .

Either because it is too fast, or because they are short of MP, the wall seems a bit brittle compared to the passage walls . I speed up my rotations and jump towards the wall . The hastily made walls are smashed .

I crush the red ants hiding behind it .

[392 experience points obtained . ] [Title Skill [[Walking Egg: Lv–]] activated, 392 bonus points obtained . ] [Level of [[Evil Plague Dragon]] increased from 74 to 75 . ]

[Level of [[Evil Plague Dragon]] has reached MAX . ]

[Evolution conditions met . ]

Finally! I’ve reached Max level . I keep rolling as is, wanting to get out of the ant’s nest .

The last red ant tries running but it gives up along the way .

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