Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 140: Red Ant

Chapter 140

Ch . 140 Red Ant

The red ants are running to my left and right, and because of their speed they look like after images of each other . Since there is almost no difference in their stats it’s due to their individual differences . One of them jumps and the other one tries to go through that gap created by the first .

I can understand what they’re aiming for, but it’s another thing altogether to be able to counter it . After all their speed stat inst weak . I have to be careful of both of them and deal with them properly .

First lets perform a simulation in my head .

I need to visualize their attack pattern and try to find a way to evade their worst hit . Such a task could be daunting, but I must be able to fully evade their attack .

In the meantime, I wonder if [[Scorching Breath]] will do any damage . It’s a good thing I had the other two out of my mouth . The range on it is long and wide, and in this narrow passage it will be difficult to avoid it .

The two red ants are enveloped in flames . However, it doesn’t look like this will be the end . Considering these guys stats, they should be quite lively .

I flap my wings and send out a few shots of [[Kamaitachi]] . The wind blades aiming for the red ants cut straight through the flames .


A beautiful cut is made on the head of the red ant in the front and it stops moving . The one in the back went straight past its fallen comrade .


A few red sand bullets appear in the air as the red ant cries out and fires it straight towards me . Oh, I saw this in its status [[Clay Gun]] .

Nostalgic . This is the same as the black lizard had . However the color of the sand bullets are red for some reason . It seems that it will hurt according to the color of the one shooting it .

I follow the red ants movement while blocking the sand bullets with my nails . The red ant who stopped moving behind also started moving again .

The cuts on its head have already been healed . This looks like [[Self-Regeneration]] .


The red ant in the front kicks off the ground and jumps towards me with its mouth wide open . Did you turn into a meat bullet? This would have been easier outside, because this place is so narrow it’s hard for me to move . Is frustrating, but it looks like it will be a fistfight from here on .


I swing my arm aiming at the ant in the air . I should be able to hit it .

The red ant arches their back in the air and my nails swing through the sky .

The red ant grabs my outstretched swinging arm . Would you look at that, it’s wrapping around my scales . I lift my arm as is and bang the red ant onto the ceiling . The Red ant opens its mouth and falls to the ground .

I can’t afford to relax . The other red ant is about to bite my abdomen . I guess he was aiming for the gap made when I raised my arm . But I already knew that its attack formation is to attack from the top and then the second one aims at the gap created through the bottom .

Don’t think that such a simple strategy will get through!

I take a step back and kick the red ant who was aiming at my abdomen . I then attack the defenseless red ant still in the air with a [[Dragon Punch]] and make it launch some distance away . The red ant fixed its posture in the air and landed on its feet .

Its tougher than I thought . However I succeeded in gaining some distance . With this, I’ll be able to deal with the other red ant until the other one comes back .


I roar while tracking down the other ant .

Where did you go?

The other red ant was retreating back towards the red ant that I managed to blow away . What? Did you finally realize the difference in power?

The two ants nod at each other after facing each other and come rushing towards me again .

…Oh, did you realize that you couldn’t attack alone and that it would be better to act as a unit?

Surprisingly, the cranks in those guys heads turn I guess .

Nonetheless, if it’s attacking at long distances, i’m better . Also, I can scrape away at their HP with [[Kamaitachi]] and [[Scorching Breath]] .

The red ants plunge into the flames as is but they should have received some damage either way .

Although they do have [[Clay Gun]] as a long distance attack, since this is a narrow passage they can only shoot it from the front, which I can easily block with my nails .

The MP consumption for these was not very high for now, and their [[Self Regeneration]] can not be constantly used .

I should confirm the status of the red ants and see how much HP I’m chipping away .

Race: Red Ogre Ant

State: Normal

Lv: 29/55

HP: 132/246

MP: 21/78

Race: Red Ogre Ant

State: Normal

Lv: 27/55

HP: 86/239

MP: 56/75

Alright, they have been considerably shaved down .

This situation is getting better .

Let’s make the first strike again with another [[Scorching Breath]] .

I inhale and blow out a full flame towards the red ants . There is no room to escape and little chance to avoid, surely with this they will take considerable damage .

The two red ants feet stopped at the same time .

Where did your courage to jump straight in from before go? Is it because your HP is low?

Either way, even if you stop now it is unavoidable . If you really wanted to avoid it, you should have run away the moment I started to inhale .

With such a half-baked response, you will receive heavy damage .

My sight is covered in flames .

Just like before, I released [[Kamaitachi]] towards the flame .

With a clank, the wind blades that were sent into the flames sound out .

Hmm, what happened?

When the flames receded, a red wall of sand was blocking the passage . Did you make a wall with [[Clay]] to withstand the flames?

At the same time I was thinking so, the wall collapsed and a large amount of stone flew at me as they used [[Clay Gun]] .

I’m taking on two attacks at the same time . Since the passage is narrow it can’t be avoided, but I only have to block them in this case .

Despite desperately parrying it with both hands, I can’t keep up with it and the rate they are coming gradually increases . I want to guard with my wings but that’s the gap they are aiming for to rush me .

The ones that I couldn’t parry with my nails head towards my body . I thrust my right shoulder forward and catch the thrown stone with that side of my body .

As if this was their signal, the two red ants jumped in at the same time .

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