Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 20: The Massacre in the Fog

Chapter 20: The Massacre in the Fog

Admin's note: This chapter is missing in translation, below is machine translation.


A squad of sixteen, walking cautiously in the dense forest.

The expression on Zheng Guodong's face is very uneasy. He didn't think that the degree of danger this time could be much different from the last time.

But the hordes of giant centipedes blocking the road made it clear to him that if the Wanzhuhai Nature Reserve was a little careless, it would become a burial ground for the 16 of them.

"Lighter footsteps, slower speed!" Zheng Guodong softly ordered the players, while he was at the forefront of the team, constantly searching for all possible dangers.

The distance between the team members is very close, and no one dared to speak loudly. Since seeing the giant centipede that exceeds the size of the worldview, their original worldview has also shattered.

These fifteen transcendents have not participated in any exploration of the "spiritual realm" before.

The whole province of Shu, and even the entire Tang states transcendents have used many transcendents in the exploration of the "spiritual realm".

However, even the number of nearly 10,000 transcendents could not help the increasing attacks of mutant creatures in this spiritual realm, and they suffered considerable losses.

This is also caused. Many transcendents who have been to the "spiritual realm" are unhealed, while the transcendental rookies who have never been to the "spiritual realm" have very little knowledge of mutant creatures only in pictures and videos.

Just like these fifteen transcendent members, their previous understanding of "mutant creatures" still remained at the level of "several times larger than in the past." They never expected that they would be caught when they entered the Wanzhuhai Nature Reserve. Have a lesson.

This kind of giant centipede, if there is no Zheng Guodong, their pure "power system" is absolutely impossible to deal with.

Zheng Guodong is a special transcendent who has the power to use the "fire element". It is said that there are only twelve such transcendents in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, Zheng Guodong's strength can even rank in the top five.

After the "spiritual realm" gradually appeared in various parts of the Tang state, Zheng Guodong ran from the east to the west, almost retreating from the whole body every time he went to the "spiritual realm".

These fifteen extraordinary rookies are convinced by Zheng Guodong because of this-strength.

In the era of aura recovery, strength is absolute.

Even if they think that they are very talented and think that the power they have can make them despise ordinary people, but in front of Zheng Guodong, they are not unconvinced.


At this moment, Zheng Guodong suddenly stopped and shouted to the players. At the same time, he also took out the dagger as fast as he could!

"Ready to fight!"

Everyone is extremely nervous, and the players' immature faces are full of cold sweat.

They all heard it too. In this valley, over and over again, the howling of wolves seemed to be warning.

"The words of wolves... I hope that they have mutated to a degree that we can't handle them." Zheng Guodong took a deep breath. This creepy howling made him feel a little inexplicable boredom and panic.

Weird, what's the matter.

Although he has been to more than a dozen spiritual realms, Zheng Guodong feels that carnivorous mutant animals are the most difficult to deal with.

Among them, the mutated wolf pack is the most troublesome existence among them.

As the top carnivores, they appear in groups, and they are the strong ones that people cannot ignore.

"Team, Captain! I, let's go first, first..." Meditation trembled all over, the original arrogance no longer existed, and the bangs on his forehead had been completely soaked with sweat.

She was so scared.

The other fourteen people are not much better.

Originally, they had only received a few months of rigorous military training, but the various personalities of ordinary people are difficult to change.

Especially in the face of this wolf howling that seems to be able to shock the soul and bring extremely fearful effects!

Zheng Guodong shook his head: "If you don't want to die, just listen to my orders!"

At this time, I just stepped into this spiritual realm for more than half an hour and then retreated, but absolutely not!

The task of finding people hasn't got a clue yet, and their more important task has not yet been completed!

"But, Captain Zheng, I don't know what's going on. This wolf howling makes me feel a little uncomfortable, and it seems that I still have a headache..." Another female player Guo Ting also bit her lip, her face pale.

The others also nodded their heads. If it is the two female players, Shen Sisi and Guo Ting, who are squeamish, the rest of the male players also feel this way, which is quite abnormal.

"I said, I don't want to die here, just listen to my orders!" Zheng Guodong roared, his face is full of sweat, "Something is really wrong, Liu Cheng, you put the instrument down, We are here to measure the concentration of Reiki! Others take cover and stand in all directions!"

Liu Cheng hurriedly put the big bag on his back on the ground, took out a microwave oven-like metal instrument from it, put it on the ground, and joined the formation of cover.

He and the others stood in eight positions in pairs, paying attention to the surroundings nervously.

Zheng Guodong debugged the machine, and the value of the aura concentration on it made him a little confused.

"Thirteen thousand and five? This..." The number above was much lower than expected.

"Wait, wait, no, is the machine wrong?"

He restarted again, but the number above still stayed at the highest value just now13,500.

More than 10,000 points means that this spiritual realm is just a "low-level spiritual realm". The level of mutant creatures in it is only F and so on. It doesn't take much attention at all. As long as you don't make a mistake, there will be nothing. Too big a problem.

Although this is only a short time after entering the valley, the accurate value of this concentration value will not exceed five thousand.

That is to say, with these five thousand, here is only less than twenty thousand points of spiritual energy concentration, far from being a spiritual realm of the level with powerful mutant creatures.

And the so-called F-rank mutant beasts refer to the so-called demon spirit mutant creatures with lower levels.

According to international standards, there are also detailed classifications of the levels of mutant organisms.

The lowest grade is F grade, UU reading www. is also a creature that "has just mutated", and its harm is basically negligible, and it is only slightly larger than normal organisms.

Reiki concentration is no more than 200.

followed by E, etc., the highest concentration of Reiki is 600, which is initially demonized. They are slightly larger in size, but their combat effectiveness is average and slightly destructive. Very few have the most basic thinking ability, which is the so-called "smart intelligence."

D, etc., near demon spirit, the highest concentration of aura is 1200, combat power has risen sharply, destructive power is great, self-thinking consciousness is strengthened, threat is great, and it is not afraid of basic weapon attacks such as bullets.

C, etc., initially demonized, with a maximum aura concentration of 6000, extremely terrifying combat effectiveness, extremely destructive power, and a little more sound intelligence. They have more developed thinking abilities, and ordinary thermal weapons are invalid.

B, etc., medium demon spirit, the highest aura concentration is 18,000, and the combat power is close to unsolvable. It needs to dispatch a huge army or a shock-level weapon to destroy it, mature in intelligence, and possesses the same thinking ability as humans.

A etc., no observation records.

"Could it be that the howling of the wolf is just a psychological effect? After all, last night, we did not have a good rest because the villagers were too enthusiastic." Zheng Guodong thought of this, and the spirit that had been tight, relaxed a little.

The giant centipedes when they first came in are probably the most powerful mutant creatures in this spiritual realm. They should be unlucky, they just ran into it at the beginning.

"Go ahead!" Zheng Guodong still decided to believe that this represents the data of the latest technology of the Aura Concentration Analyzer, and ordered all the players, but he did not completely relax, after all, anything can happen in the spiritual realm!


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