Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 427: Winner And Loser (3)

Chapter 427: Winner And Loser (3)

“I want you to testify.”


“As I said, I want you to testify. After all, I like that you are very straightforward. Usually, when you negotiate like this…”

I got pretty annoyed.

Nevertheless, the bastard looked at me quietly, not saying anything useless. He looked like he wanted to listen to what I had to say before judging my idea.

Seeing how he wasn’t worried about being stabbed in the back, not caring about trifle things. I could roughly predict where that mentality came from.

‘He has nothing to lose.’

Even if he got backstabbed, at this point, he had nothing valuable left to lose.

It seemed to me that he had let go of himself, causing me to nod unconsciously.

At that time, he was aware that he was currently in a weak position, so it was easy to talk to him.

It seemed like a good situation, but I still felt a bit alert in case anything happened. After preparing myself for any sudden events, Jin Qing suddenly began to speak.

“No. I will ask questions first. You said you wanted to talk. You should be able to tolerate this much.”

“Of course.”

“How is the situation out there right now?”

Any human would’ve been curious. It was natural to ask that, as the information that could be accessed after being locked up in prison was limited. He wouldn’t be able to make use of the information he would get, anyway.

I also wanted to show off the results of my victory, and… above all else, I was secretly having fun with the conversation.

“I don’t know. Well, it’s going very well. As you might expect, the war is over. Humanity has become one and is building a new system against the incoming evil threat. Because of you alone, all of humanity has been united, so I think I can thank you for that. I have to thank the Republic too. It was pretty fascinating to see them shut up as if they didn’t start the war.”


“Didn’t you feel that you had a lot of trash to clean up? Some people in the Republic are very openly proclaiming that you are the one who caused the war. They say they’re innocent, and all of it was done by Demon Summoner Jin Qing’s evil tricks. Of course, all the kingdoms on the continent, including the State, believed their story. There were some uncertain parts, but basically, the State forgave the Republic. I received some things later on, but I succeeded in completing the picture where everybody wins.”


“They got rid of you. Whew… and not only that. The Republic is using the children who haven’t heard of you as propaganda. When they learn of you and start throwing stones while trembling, they say it’s all because of you. I’m a sh*tty person, too, but there is plenty of garbage over there as well.”

“What are you trying to achieve with all this sweet-talk?”

“This is not sweet-talk. I’m just telling you the truth. The powerful people of the Republic have abandoned you, and even those who followed you.”



“Of course, there are still other people suffering. Your underlings are awaiting trial with you. The loyalty of those people surprised me a little too. No one is dead yet. You don’t have to worry about that as the Church is keeping them locked up.”

“Are they safe?”

“Yes, they’re safe. I don’t know what will happen after the trial is over, but they say they’re ready to die. It’s hard to talk to them. They always shook their heads, saying that they would never betray you even after trying to conciliate with them. It seems you chose your lieutenants quite well.”


He looked icky, I presumed from several things. I couldn’t tell if he was in a good or a bad mood. Of course…

‘It’s understandable.’

From his perspective, it was indeed understandable to think like that. I would’ve been like that too, if I were in his place.

No matter how anyone heard that those who followed them were suffering, it wouldn’t sound good.

“Do you have any more questions? No, more importantly, have you calmed down a bit? Your reaction is quite different from before…”

“Bullsh*t. If I could, I would beat you to death. But…”

“I understand that, Jin Qing.”

“I mean that I agree with you, you swindler…”


“What will happen to them?”

“The bad people, or the good?”

“My people.”

“They will die with you after the trial is over. Even though you’re the demon summoner and they’re your servants, which have harmed the continent, there is no need to use uselessly cruel methods in this new era where everyone coexists. It will be quick and painless. I’m also considering using my potion. Perhaps it’ll be less painful. It would be as if they’re falling asleep in a dream, drifting away from a painful place. Who knows? Will they be able to return to Earth when they die? I can be sure they’d be more comfortable dying like that than being here.”

“Is that your offer? If that’s really all, you’d better go out right now. I have already suffered a lot while I was here. If you think I’ll be tempted with those words…”

“No, of course not. That’s not everything. Oh, first of all, I have to give you an offer. Take a look at this.”

As I handed what was in my arms, I saw him looking at it. I thought I needed to explain the rest, but looking at the expression on his face, I felt that there was no need to do that.

The masked trash already knew very well what I wanted from him.

“Political opponents?”

“It’s similar. It also includes a list of people from the Republic who sold you out. All of the people in that list…”

“You’re thinking of dealing with them. That sounds a lot like you. It’s an idea befitting trash.”

“Yes. They are all demonic minions. It won’t be a problem if I reveal them, but wouldn’t the picture look better if you’re the one who reveals it? You will be able to take revenge against those who betrayed you. Some of them are not necessary, but I put them in as a bonus. The continent’s situation is a little… Well, the more experience one has, the better the situation would be for them. Oh! If you accept it, I would be particularly grateful if you could tell the people about the Devil’s Spire with more emphasis.

“Didn’t you say that you united the continent?”

“Their existence is useless. It’s obvious that they’re in the way.”


“They are also people with different values. I would like to embrace them all, but… this is all the will of the Goddess, so I can’t help it.”

“Are you…”


“Are you really a messenger chosen by the Goddess?”

“That’s not a lie. I am really communicating with the Goddess. As you might expect, the Goddess of this world is not fair. At least the one I’m related with isn’t. It is no lie that God has chosen me.”

“That’s ridiculous. Crazy bastards. Sh*t. Crazy… bastards… why…”

“I don’t know why, but what you’re saying is… blasphemous. How dare a human try to understand the will of the Goddess? Still, this might comfort you a bit. The reason I could scam you is because God has chosen me. You are superior and smarter than me. I can feel the spirit of the continental people.”

“Don’t look at me funny, motherfucker.”

I could see a face very despondent to my murmur. It was as if he denied everything in the world.

Jin Qing didn’t seem to want to ask why I did so much sh*t to him.

I couldn’t help but agree with his generous way of thinking. What I told him had indeed affected him.

“Now, it’s time for you to choose. That’s the end of my offer, and that’s the end of what you will get in benefit. Whether you accept it or not is entirely up to you.”

“Do I have a choice? No matter how I think about it, I don’t think there’s an option where you can save me…”

“Surprisingly, that’s also an option. I think you won’t accept that option, but… ahem. Anyway, if you listen intently, you might like it. It’s the first option if you accept my offer.”

“Tell me.”

“You can save your life. You will live miserably, but you will save your life anyway. Officially you will be executed, and everyone will think you are dead. It’s like going into an underground prison and staying there. It’s a place where you can eat and sleep, and it’s comfortable in its own way. Think of it as something roughly similar to being exiled.”


“And the second option is… as you might expect, it’s the guillotine for you. You will die swiftly and painlessly. The trial will proceed smoothly, then the announcement of this list will also be announced to the public, and in its own way, it would be your goodbye to this continent.”


“I’ll let you take off your stigma instead. I’ll say that an unknown force actually brainwashed Demon Summoner Jin Qing, and his sacrifice allowed the continent to become one. Or maybe we can assume that the people on this list were controlling you from behind. Rather than being executed… I don’t think it’s bad for you to show that you couldn’t endure what you have done, causing you to end your life after you regained sanity, or that your opponents killed you. There are so many options to choose from. I’ll look at the details a little more, but… essentially you will be going out with honor. Oh! Instead, please understand that this other option can take a while.”


“You will survive to the end while being cursed by the entire continent, or you will take care of the enemies of the Republic and keep the least honor. Two options. I think those are reasonable.”

“How can I trust you?”

“It’s your freedom. Honestly, you are already out of my reach. I once respected you a little, but now I don’t have that feeling, and to be honest, I don’t care much about it. My head is about to explode due offering this because it would make it easier to solve complex situations. Of course, there is no option to combine the first and second options. I am not worried about what happens after either. If you refuse, then that’s it. You will die as a demon summoner, leaving nothing behind. You will die as the worst trash that sold the continent to the demon.”


“Now, what do you think? Isn’t it quite appealing? Life or honor. If I were to choose, I’d choose the former…”

“One more thing.”

“I’m sorry, but there would be no negotiation.”

“I want you to be considerate of those who are here. They are innocent. Let this end only between us.”




“Well. I will think about it. It’s an easy thing to do. Anyway, I would like you to answer quickly. I’m quite late for dinner. Is it life or honor? Or will you not accept such a deal with a son of a bitch like me.”



A short time had passed by.

It probably wasn’t an easy decision, but I thought I could see what choice he would make.

The answer was so easy. I didn’t think I even needed to ask.


That was what he wanted.

‘He’s quite a difficult person to understand.’

It wasn’t just him.

The Second Princess Charlotte was of the same mind.

Our Princess and the Republic’s Jin were the ones who had chosen the latter of the two options. From my point of view, it was bound to feel strange.

In Charlotte’s case, of course, she couldn’t die like him, but if she too were in a position to choose, she would certainly have chosen the latter.

‘What’s the use of honor when you die?’

People could always throw away honor or personal value in the trash in the face of death.

If I had been in his situation, I would’ve held onto his pants and convinced him to keep me alive.

However, he seemed to want to choose an honorable death more than to continue to live somehow.

As I stood up, I saw the Demon Summoner looking at me. His eyes, which seemed to have already given up on everything, made me feel a tad uncomfortable.

‘That’s the difference between you and me.’

It was better a living coward than a dead hero.

“It looks like the conversation is over… well, I’ll be going.”

“Keep your promise.”

“Yes. I’m not trashy enough to lie, even in this situation. It won’t be dealt with right away, but history won’t record you as a demon summoner. You can rest assured that I am making this an oath under the name of the Goddess.”


Of course, things like oaths under the name of the Goddess had nothing to do with me.

However, I could see that the suspicion in his eyes was gradually fading away.

“I believe that you have already memorized the list I gave. I will discard it. And I’m telling you just in case, but it’s better not to do anything stupid. You won’t be able to do it right, but you know better about what happens to people who uselessly spread rumors.”

“I know.”

“Well, then.”

“There will come a time when the things you’ve done will eat you off.”

“No way. If there really is anything like that, would I be here now? Winners take no risk.”


“Then, this is really goodbye.”

If I came to his trial, I might be able to see his face, but I knew this had to be the end.

I might need to look at his face through an official event or the Goddess’s Mirror. There were still many issues that had to be dealt with involving him, after all. However, Jin Qing, which once stood at the center of the Republic, ended there.

From that point onwards, he had already given up on his life.

As I went outside and looked back, I could see him quietly closing his eyes. I didn’t know what he was thinking.


I would never understand what he was thinking.

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