Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 387: The Winner Doesn’t Pay The Price (4)

Chapter 387: The Winner Doesn’t Pay The Price (4)

No other expression came to mind. I felt like my mind was turning blank.

I couldn’t even breathe properly. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing through the magic hologram.

The person on the screen was definitely my sister.

Not only was she bowing her head, but she was also trembling. Seeing her shedding tears was unexplainable. Naturally, I didn’t understand what was going on.

Less than a day had passed, and yet the Eberian front had already been completely ruined. And that damn son of a bitch was patting my sister’s shoulder.

It would be natural for some questions to arise.

‘This is a manipulation.’

It was all manipulated content, but perhaps I only thought of it that way because I didn’t want to face reality.

However, I couldn’t think of anything else in a situation where I couldn’t understand anything. I had to believe that the scene I was witnessing right now was a lie and that it had all been fabricated.

A quiet voice then began to erupt from the screen.

-Thank you for introducing yourself, Yev Karina. Still, it seems to be a little insufficient. It would be nice if there were a way to prove that you are really who you say you are a bit more clearly. Let me ask you some questions. What do you usually do in your spare time?

-I… read.

-That’s a little unexpected. How long have you been here?

-7 years.

-What is your favorite food?


-Hmm. I don’t think it’s enough, but at this level, they’ll at least know this isn’t being manipulated. I would like to have more time like this for those who still have doubts, but unfortunately, we don’t have time, so I think it would be better to finish as quickly as possible. Oh, my name is Lee Kiyoung, 26 years old. I am the messenger of God. My hobby is studying theology, and my specialty is to pray. Everyone probably knows my face, right? Yev Karina?

-Yes. That’s right.

-Ooh. I don’t know how many people are watching this. From now on, the scenes you will see through the Goddess’ Mirror might be a little provocative. If you’re not ready, it’s better not to look at it. This is a message to demon summoner Jin Qing, not to others. And I’m just saying this, but it would be better if you don’t try to duplicate or export the footage illegally. You know that permission is needed to transmit from our control tower anyway. Trying to play a joke on the magic hologram would be meaningless. This artifact is for single-use as well. Now, I’m counting to 10, after which I’ll go straight to the point. As I just said, the scenes you’ll see from now on might be too provocative. Now! Yev Karina should get up and get ready.

In an instant, negative thoughts began to pass by in my mind. Before I could say anything, the voice of General Jin Qing was heard.

-Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!

“I want others to leave. This is also an order.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I have to check it myself, sir. No, I have to… see it with my own eyes. Please. Please let me stay. Please.”

“Will you be okay?”


I felt nervous, but I had no choice but to witness what’s about to come. It was something I had to watch and endure.

-One. Now! Let’s talk in earnest.


-Yev Karina, please sit again. Haha. Were you startled just now? Hey. I don’t know if you thought I was about to do something weird to Yev Karina, but if you really thought so, you’ve been fooled. Even if I look otherwise, I am someone who was chosen by God. I’m avoiding immorality as much as possible. There will be no harm done to Yev Karina. Yes. Absolutely.


-However, I hope that only Jin Qing is watching this magical hologram. It wouldn’t be beneficial for anyone if many people were to see it. That’s like finding multiple people reading a secret love letter of yours. Well, it doesn’t matter at all if you watch it with your friends in the Republic, but I recommend that you watch it alone if possible. You’ll understand what I’m talking about soon enough. Yes. It’s precisely what you’re thinking. It’s just a little, but it’s true that I’m bluffing.


-I hate getting caught in useless gossips, so I put on my own safety device. I’d like to point out that even if this video spreads all over the continent, I won’t lose much.

“Crazy bastard…”


It made me angry, but he was still right.

Even if the video were to spread all over the continent, it wouldn’t be able to shake the entire public opinion about what was currently going on.

-Now, then. Why did I suddenly take a video like this and send it to our demon summoner? There are two main reasons. If I dig into the details, there will be a little more, but first, I’ll talk about those two. The first is because I want to tell you that Yev Karina is in my hands. Isn’t it?


-I’m so grateful. Yev Karina has decided to join our Holy Allied Forces. She decided to repent for her past as the demon’s servant and is now fighting for the light, didn’t you?


-Yev Karina seems to have been taking care of you for quite a while. While having a good time with me, things like Jin Qing seem to have been erased from her mind, but apart from that, I am also worried that I have stolen the General’s girlfriend. Of course, this is a joke. Don’t take it too seriously. The important thing is that she currently got on board with me, so I hope you know that. Now. Yev Karina, please let them know about your future aspirations as well.


-What are you doing? You have to reveal your future aspirations.

-I, I…

-Yes, yes?

-I repented for my past mistakes of living as a servant of t-the last demon, and I… was reborn… with the heavenly blessing of the Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung. N-Now I will never stand on the dark side again and will do my best to take the lead of the light side and drive out the power of the demon.

-A little more firmly!

-I-I have been reborn as a light. I will now take the lead in saving the Republic’s evil forces, taking Goddess Benignore’s side!

She didn’t mean it. I could notice that much just by listening to her voice.

When I turned my head carefully, I could see Jin Qing nodding as if he was thinking the same.

-You did very well, our Yev Karina. Very well. It may be difficult to understand, but it has become like this. I’m sure you’ll come to terms with what I’m saying. Now with the first subject done, time to proceed to the next. In fact, the reason I mentioned it earlier is to match the assortment. Personally, I also wanted to show off my skills. When sending this kind of message, doesn’t it seem a little too strange if there’s only one reason? So I was forced to make this feature, as well as to drive you nuts.


-Of course, the real reason is that this is a declaration of war. The Republic also declared war on the State, so I think it’s only right to answer that. However, it’s more of a warning. Our allied forces will be targetting the heart of the Republic from now on. Together with the other races currently here, I will advance directly to the Republic’s capital.

“That’s ridiculous…”

-You might think it’s ridiculous. I think so, too. But what can I do? For me, it is you who can end the war the fastest. I want to exclude useless sacrifices as much as possible. All of them are workers who have worked for God and for the State, so isn’t it a waste to think about losing their lives this way? Hence, after working hard, I had to make that decision. But it’s not impossible at all. It won’t take any more than 20 days for our army to stab the heart of the Republic. Yes. It’s exactly 20 days. In the meantime, inevitable sacrifices will have to be made in Castle Rock, but if we think of it as a sacrifice for a more significant cause, then it can’t be helped.

The State couldn’t possibly abandon Castle Rock. That was an issue that anyone who had studied military strategy must have already realized.

-It’s only natural for you not to believe me. You may be thinking it’s a crazy idea and a ridiculous attempt, but I will repeat it one more time. I intend to go into the heart of the Republic. From here on out, I’ll be turning the army to cross the eastern front right away. Perhaps, by the time you’re done watching this video, we’ll be ready to go.

“It’s bluff.”

-It’s not a bluff.

“This is just deceit and bullsh*t. I know you, Lee Kiyoung.”

-It’s not deception. It’s not bullsh*t.

“You are scared now. That’s why you’re talking about useless things. You know you’re at a disadvantage like the chess game we played at that time, so you bark like a frightened dog. Because you know that if you act with the standard tactics, you’ll be pushed back. Do you think this childish psychological warfare can stop me? Does this war feel like a joke to you? This is not rock-paper-scissors. No one is shaken by the fact that you put out your rock, you scammer.”

-I am not a scammer. Of course, you think it’s hard to believe, demon summoner. But I will not bed. I do not yield. When we bump into each other, it should be you, not me, who have to step aside. I have told you that I am going to the capital of the Republic. You will come here. You will send troops to stop me. You will have no choice but to pull back the forces holding down Castle Rock.

“You will be the one to step aside.”

-It’s your job to step aside.

“I am not moving.”

-I will not move.

“I know this is bullsh*t.”

-I know you’re nervous because you’ve been beaten.

“It’s because I didn’t know you were a damn scammer!”

-Just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you can’t get backstabbed. The smarter you are, the more delicious your back is. I know it well because I have done it a lot.

“Lee Kiyoung, this motherfucker! Don’t mess around! This filthy scammer trash!”

-Just like this situation.


-I’ve said everything I wanted to say. It would be better to stay away. In exactly 5 seconds, this little thing is going to explode. Did you think you could lower your guard just because you can use detection magic? You should know by now that some magic doesn’t get caught by detection magic.

“Jin Qing!”



“Right now!”


“I will cast defense magic!”


“… …!!!”


“Come this way!”



-Baaaaaaaaannnggg!!! Oh, my! Oh, my! I saw everything. You just flinched. Jin Qing! Oops. Our Jin Qing is too naive! Puhahaha! You’ve been tricked again. Puhhahahahaha!


-You’ve been tricked again! Puhhahahahaha! Where in the world would there be magic that doesn’t get caught by detection magic? Are you really a wizard? Pfff. Hahaha!


-And how much firepower would it have if it only had such a small catalyst? At best, it would break with a cracking sound. Puhahaha. I shouldn’t do this, but I laughed when I thought of Jin Qing’s face while flinching.

“This…! This bastard!”

-Bye then! See you in the capital, General.

“I’ll kill you… I’ll kill you… Son of a bitch.”

-I pray that everything you want will come true. Well then. Oh! One more thing. Hmm… You have been deceived again, Jin Qing.


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