Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 314: Jung Hayan’s Instruction Manual (8)

Chapter 314: Jung Hayan’s Instruction Manual (8)

No wonder I thought I had to catch up to her in a hurry.

I was moving too slow because Han Sora kept limping, trying to keep up with me as much as possible.

‘Should I leave her?’

The thought passed for a while, but Han Sora, who recognized my expression, opened her mouth.

“Don’t leave me. I’ll run as f-fast as I can. Haaap… Haaap…”


I felt like carrying her on my back.

However, it was terrifying that Jung Hayan might see the scene again.

But more important than that now…

‘Where is she going?’

I just wondered where in the hell she was going.

I didn’t know if she thought she should leave for now, or if she was trying to finish something she didn’t finish, but whatever it might be, it was not good news for me.

Once again, the words of Yuno Kasugano echoed.

‘Is this serious…?’

If the city became ruined by this kind of thing, it would be a ridiculous occurrence.

‘Sh*t… Damn.’

I put magic into my eyes as much as possible and continued to pursue Jung Hayan.

It was difficult for me to catch up as I ran around an unorganized, crowded city.

First of all, I was curious about which direction she was running. The most likely thing was, however, the ruined place where the Republic people were.

I thought it was likely that she was going to finish something she didn’t finish.

Putting Han Sora aside, for now, it seemed she was thinking about me hating her first.

I began to think that my Mind’s Eye would be able to read the subject’s mind.

I couldn’t figure out what Jung Hayan was thinking right now, so it was frustrating.

It was hard to understand Jung Hayan in a standard way of thinking, but I can’t get the hang of it this time.

Perhaps the most probable guess was that she was going to use magic.

Even while wandering through the alleys, I couldn’t get a picture of where Jung Hayan was headed.

One thing was for sure; she was continuing to go into the outskirts of the city, which made me a little more puzzled because it was far from the place where the Republicans were staying.

It was then that Han Sora opened her mouth.

“I think I know where she is heading.”

“Where is it?”

“To the beach. I’ll give you the explanation while moving.”

Even if she didn’t say that, I wouldn’t want to throw her away, but it seemed that Han Sora herself tried to build her own safety device.

“There is a place where I made a magic circle. Basically, it was a device to trap Jung Hayan’s magic power in my body, but she customized the magic circle I made. She said it was a way to maximize the magic output…”

“You haven’t erased that yet?”

“I’m s-sorry. However, Jung Hayan-nim said that it might be useful in the future. She said that if things were to fail, she might have to come again, that for now, it would be better to watch the situation after the first attack…”

“Sh*t. How can you leave a trace? Is it a place where other people can find?”

“They won’t be able to find the place of the magic circle. There are complex types of magical barriers, so no one can enter except Jung Hayan and me. Of course, there is no problem because the place is twisted in double or triple. Finding or destroying it is impossible unless they are a wizard who is in the field…”

Unfortunately, there was one more wizard in Laios who had reached the point.

Of course, there was a possibility that he would not be able to find out right now since he was solving this problem with the Republic side, but if that remained, it was correct to erase the traces as soon as possible.

If the pro moved faster than I was thinking, there was a chance that they would get there.

‘You did a lot. Fuck… How in that short of a time…?’

Not only did she search for a magic spot, but she laid traps and even twisted them in double and triple.

By my standards, it would take more than a month to prepare. It felt right to think that it was possible because it was Jung Hayan.

Han Sora, who was also smart, also helped, so of course, the job was solved in a flash.

Since there was no one to stop it, she would have worked like a runaway locomotive. If the place where Jung Hayan was heading right now was really that place, it was correct to think that she would undoubtedly go to unleash the next magic.

Of course, I could tell without seeing that the firepower will be even greater than the first.

‘I have to go quickly.’

At least, I must arrive before Jung Hayan had completed the magic.

“Where is the shortest distance?”

“I don’t know that well. We can just head to the beach.”

“I think we should go a little faster. First of all, you’re going to need to be on my back or my arms.”

“I can’t! P-please… Jung Hayan can see it. I can’t do that.”

“Uh? Hyung-nim! Did you also come here? Hey, have you met Hayan? She said she was going back because she had something to do…”

‘Nice timing, Park Deokgu!’

It was Park Deokgu who was cleaning up the collapsed wreckage.

He was busy doing volunteer work, and his face had something, but his face that saw Han Sora and I was happy.

He thought we also came to join him.

But after checking our faces that seemed desperate, he realized that it wasn’t.

“What is going on?”

“It’s all good. Carry Han Sora here and follow me. Sora can tell Deok-gu the place you said earlier.”

“What kind of frenzy happened? W-what happened? This.”

“First, follow me. I’ll explain it later.”

“Where did Hayan go?”

“Just run.”

“I-I have to do what you ask, but…”

“It’s urgent, so quickly.”


We met a reliable support group met at a reliable timing.

As if responding to my expectations, Park Deokgu lifted Han Sora and started running, and I, too, was able to move quicker.

The more I chased after Jung Hayan, the more I headed toward a place where there were no people.

It was a place I decided to come to one day, but I feel a little sorry for coming only after this situation.

However, there was no reason to think of such sentimental thoughts.

When I saw that I was now standing at the crossroads of death or life, or destruction or not, the sunset sea did not look pretty.

“Where are you going?”


“Oh, we’re almost there. Just go inside a little more…”

“From here on, I will take the lead. Sora, please, just guide me. Deokgu, I think it would be better to follow from a few steps behind.”

“Oh, I see. Are you going to a dungeon in this situation?”

It was not the right answer, but it indeed felt similar. The inside looked like a maze.

It was like recycling a dungeon that was previously abandoned.

As Han Sora chanted the spell, the magic barrier faded, and Park Deokgu and I entered inside.

It felt like pressing a password, but curiously, I could see the magic barrier created immediately after I passed.

It really felt like I had entered a dungeon.

If this dungeon’s boss monster was Jung Hayan, it was almost impossible to execute the attack with these party members now.

As I went inside to some extent, I could see various barriers, so, naturally, Han Sora pressed the password each time.

It wasn’t until after a long time that I could go to the passage that led to one road, but it was better for me to enter first than Han Sora and Park Deokgu.

Even Han Sora, who asked to come together, didn’t seem to have any intention of meeting Jung Hayan before me.

When I beckoned, she immediately nodded, and I had no choice but to repress my anxious mind and move on.

What I saw was a room with a light generated by the magic circle.

It was usually where the dungeon’s boss monsters took place, but if you want to say that it was beautiful, then it is beautiful.

Of course, it was Jung Hayan in the middle of that magic circle.

I could see her looking at me with messy hair and bloodshot eyes that I hadn’t seen in a while.



The outward appearance showed that there was a great deal of mental concentration.

“In a little bit, i-i-it’s over.”

‘What’s over…’

“This, this time, I can definitely do it! S-so please forgive me. Please forgive me. I won’t say it anymore. Hic!”

‘Forgive what?’

“I-it’s that person’s fault. I’m not a strange woman.”

“I never said you were a strange woman. And it was a misunderstanding when I was with Han Sora just before. Come here. It’s okay, so you have to come here.”

“I know it’s a misunderstanding. Still, the way Oppa l-l-looks at me has changed. I’m really not that kind of girl… You said we would go on a lot of dates… and it was all canceled. Hic. It’s all because of them. You said we would go to the beach, too, but all of it was canceled…”

“No. It’s not that…”

“You still think of me as a b-bad girl. Hic. That’s why you didn’t meet me!”

‘It’s not that. Fuck…’

I didn’t know where to begin with this ridiculous misunderstanding. I couldn’t even think that my thoughtless words would cause such a big wave.

‘Why did this turn out this way?’

No matter how much I thought about it, it was difficult to understand Jung Hayan’s thoughts.

“T-That’s what Deokgu said in the past. Once in doubt, you will continue to doubt… me too.”

‘Park Deokgu, this bastard. Stop saying useless things.’

“O-Oppa will continue to doubt. You’ll keep being suspicious until that bad idiot is gone from this world!”

“I don’t do anything like doubt, Hayan. Really.”

“You’re saying you don’t, but you still have doubts. You think I’m a superficial woman! I think I know just by looking at your eyes. Hic…”

“No. I don’t. Never…”

“Right. You’ll continue to doubt. You’ll keep being suspicious.”

“I’m saying I’m not. Fuck…”

“I have to prove my innocence!”

‘There is no need to prove… Stop proving.’

“Right now!”

The room began to rumble in an instant.

Magical power beyond my imagination began to burst out.

‘The fire sea ending is not allowed.’

Yuno Kasugano’s voice spread like an echo.

“Jung Hayan!”

“I have to prove innocence!!”

‘This crazy!’

With a rumbling sound, dirt fell from above.

The light of the magic circle continued to illuminate Jung Hayan, and the magic power from all over her began to gather on her.

“Hayan, there is no need. You know how much I…”

“They should be gone. Those idiots must be gone!”

She kept muttering that she loved me, but there was no sign of any decrease in her magical power as if she had already gone crazy.

It was natural to think that, if magic is unleashed here, they’ll definitely suspect us.

The alliance with the Laios won’t happen, and instead, the continent may be stamped as static, resulting in a scenario for the destruction of the State.

‘I neglected too much.’

I just pushed and didn’t pull.

Without my knowledge, she was mentally confined. The magic continued to rise, and the sound coming from the room grew as if it would tear my ears at some point.

It was natural to think that it was not long before the magic would be unleashed.

Probably the moment a spell pops out of Jung Hayan’s mouth, I bet that part of Laios will be ruined.

‘It’s ruined. Fuck. It’s ruined…’


The moment a dark red light emanated from the spellcaster’s eyes and mouth, I was also forced to shout the magic spell with a loud voice.

“Let’s get married.”

In an instant, silence subsided in the room.

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