Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 301: Laios, the Neutral Country (2)

Chapter 301: Laios, the Neutral Country (2)

As I got out of the wagon, I could see people roaming around with beautiful brown skin.

I could definitely feel that I had come to another area. They looked different from the State people who were your typical white people.

If I compared them with the races on Earth, it seemed like I was seeing people from South America. Their healthy, elastic skin and shiny black hair stood out.

The most interesting thing was how they were dressed. Everyone was wearing light clothes, unlike the typical medieval era.

‘Because it’s hot.’

The weather was quite hot because it was located further down to the south.

Right now, I also wanted to throw away these cramped clothes.

The inside of the wagon, where the temperature control magic was continually spinning, was okay, but I knew it would be hard to breathe outside.

‘Ah… so stupid.’

One thing I had overlooked was the attire of the Laios’s people around me.

‘It would be fine, right?’

The problem was that everyone was dressed too freely.

In this place, this would be a normal outfit, but honestly, I didn’t know where to look.

Like the dancers’ clothes, they showed off their solid bodies, regardless of men and women, so naturally, I was worried about Jung Hayan.

Jung Hayan, who was absorbed in magic training in the carriage, frowned as soon as she came out.

‘I just need to be careful.’

If I didn’t keep looking dumbly at them, there wouldn’t be any other accidents. Even so, Jung Hayan probably wouldn’t do anything because she had gotten scolded before coming here.

Anyway, since they came to say hello, it was correct for me to greet them, too.

While I was distracted by the exotic scenery, Cha Hee-ra had already finished with the greetings, so I also took a step closer.

’15 or 16 years old?’

What I could see was a kid who looked like a middle school student.

She had brown skin like the rest of them, but the distinctive ornament on the shiny black braided hair stood out.

It was a pretty noble face, but for now, I could see her greeting us politely.

It was an old custom of Laios to tap the red diamond pattern on the forehead. It was awkward, but I also thought it wasn’t bad to say hello in that way.

Nothing was stamped on my forehead, but it was a natural act because I had to show that I respected Laios’ culture as much as possible.

If the person in front of me were a normal kid, I would have ended my greetings by only bowing.

‘Pristina, the 27th Queen of Laos.’

Considering that the kid’s identity, whose complexion seemed to have been burned because of wandering outside, was the queen, there was no way I could treat her like an ordinary kid.

“I’ll introduce myself. I’m Pristina of the neutral country, Laios.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Pristina-nim. It’s a great honor to meet you. I didn’t think you were going to come in person, but I don’t know what to do with such hospitality.”

“No, Honorary Cardinal. It is an honor to be able to see the Honorary Cardinal, who is an important person in the State.”

“You can speak to me more comfortably.”

“No. I can’t. You’re an important guest, so it’s better to take you inside first.”

“Thank you.”

‘It won’t be easy.’

I just said hello for a moment. However, I was sure it would be hard to get what I could get from this conversation.

‘The guard is strong.’

They knew very well why we visited such a distant place. The purpose of this mission was to ally with Laios.

Strangely emphasizing the word neutral and saying she couldn’t treat me comfortably, I felt their will to never get involved in my affairs.

‘It will be so from their perspective.’

Being neutral was possible only when you had the power to protect your country.

However, this small country in the southern part of the Sacred Democratic State and the Republic was relatively weak compared to the two countries.

The number of named powerful people, the troops’ quality, and even the foreigners were also poor.

The reason why Laios could stand in a neutral position, despite being ironic, was the situation between the State and the Republic.

This happened as they walked a tightrope between the two countries that had always been fighting from the past.

In some ways, Laios was a strategic point between the two countries.

There was also a way to cross the sea, as well as being able to go directly to other countries through Laios.

From the Republic’s point of view, if Laios joined hands with the Empire, they thought they might be left behind, and the same was true of the Empire’s point of view.

In fact, there were times when the Empire and the Republic considered how to split the country called Laios, which meant that this country had suffered unwanted pain between them.

Some changes took place after the Continental War II when the Empire and the Republic almost extinguished each other, and there was no choice but to choose a ceasefire.

Laios declared complete neutrality, saying that they would not choose either the Republic or the Empire, and the two countries accepted and respected it.

I didn’t know why the Republic and Empire at the time accepted the Laios declaration of neutrality, but I had to think that there were probably some political reasons intertwined.

Perhaps it was because they were worried about whether or not the Laios would give power to the other side, or perhaps another talk came out with the armistice agreement between the leaders of that time.

I didn’t know whatever it was, but one thing was for certain: the Laios leaders were all wise.

Political skills were also unusual, and I could be certain of their ability to walk on a string.

‘It’s great.’

It was by no means easy to maintain sovereignty while breaking your back among the great powers.

Not as much as the State or the Republic, but they also possessed power.

I didn’t know what the foreigners from here were thinking, but perhaps the people who lived in Laios would have great pride in the country.

Looking back, Jung Hayan was slowly following me whilst talking with Park Deokgu, and Han Sora was still maintaining her safe distance from the two.

‘I can be relieved right now.’

Although she was on the lookout as if she felt upset, she didn’t look like she would explode right away.

If I told her to go out together tomorrow or the day after, she would loosen up and start laughing at once.

Apart from her, Cha Hee-ra and I, the main members of this mission, were walking on the street alongisde Pristina.

Although it was peculiar to walk down the street without using a wagon, I felt like I knew roughly what this kid intended.

‘This is a nice place.’

Basically, there were smiles on people’s faces.

The standard of living itself did not seem very high, but I could see that they were happy.

I didn’t know if the continent also surveyed the national happiness index like the Earth, but this country would surely rank at the top if I were to evaluate them.

The answer came just by looking at the people cheering for Pristina and her responding to their greetings one by one.

The faces of the city’s people were full of energy, and the tourists assimilated to them did not look awkward.

Those who had come from Dawan’s side for recreation and those who wore clothes that were slightly different from the national dress style were probably the Republicans.

It wasn’t without any strange tension, but it seemed that they were trying to avoid the friction in this place, where it was not classified as a conflict zone under continental law.

‘I didn’t know such a place existed.’

I kept seeing unusual things in front of me.

It was then that the kid with a bunch of things on her hair opened her mouth again.

“I’ve heard it’s the first time that you two visited this place.”


“Yes. That’s correct.”

“I’m curious as to how you two see our Laios.”

It was obvious what answer she wants. And I can predict what she’s going to say.

However, it was such a reasonable argument that I didn’t think it was going to be easy to refute.

Cha Hee-ra slightly passed the answer to me, and I had no choice but to speak up.

“It’s nice. People’s faces are full of life, and everyone seems to be satisfied with their lives. In a way, I think it’s ideal.”

“Thank you so much for seeing it this way. Since it is the Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung, who fought together for the ideals of the State people, who said that, I’m happy.”

She smiled a little and spoke again.

“It is as Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung sees. Of course, this country also has some problems, but I am proud of the previous kings’ achievements, and I want to keep their ideals in place.”

I knew it would be like this.

“A lot of time has passed in, bringing the country that has suffered every time between the two powers during Continental War I and Continental War II. Also, with many small wars, famine, and invasion of outside forces, Laios has shed a lot of blood to protect the ideal and its independence. Of course, we are grateful to the State and the Republic people who consider our Laios very important… To be honest with you, excessive interest is burdensome.”

“I can understand.”

“Perhaps that’s why Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung came here. I’m sorry to have to offer you a flat refusal even before you bring it up. But as before, we have no intention of standing on either side. Of course, I said the same thing to the Republic, so the leaders of the State and the Republic won’t have to worry.”

This meant that she didn’t want to go through hard times again.

If additional weight was shaken to either the Republic or the State, everything that had been achieved so far can be lost.

‘I can understand. Absolutely.’

This felt much like the power struggle between Jung Hayan and Cha Hee-ra.

To sum up, I had to remain neutral, but I couldn’t let Laios stay neutral.

‘I look like garbage.’

I couldn’t help but think that I was a typical hypocrite.

“I didn’t come here only because of that matter, Pristina. I’ll talk to you about other issues, but you were too hastily…”

“I see, Honorary Cardinal is right. I was a little hasty. But… I hope you think it was a way to convey our meaning more clearly. Of course, it doesn’t mean that we don’t welcome you. We at Laios are always ready to thank and welcome those who come here. Of course, it is also one of our tasks to welcome your delegation to this place.”

“Thank you.”

“It is an old custom and pride here to thank a friend from afar.”


“You must be tired, so we will guide you through the room as soon as we enter. Oh. Come to think of it. You said that it was your first time in Laios. It’s a little embarrassing for me to say this, but there’s a lot for lovers to enjoy. I heard that Cha Hee-ra and Lee Kiyoung made good ties since the continent of foreigners. It wouldn’t be bad to take a brief look around.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

It was Cha Hee-ra who said thanks.

She seemed to be in a good mood right away, but for some reason, I was afraid to look behind me.

Like me, I didn’t know if she was trying to smash my neutrality, but she was quite sharp.

“Looking like this, the two of you make a nice couple.”

It felt like the temperature in the back was gradually decreasing.

‘She’s not doing this on purpose, right?’

There was no choice but to send a slightly suspicious expression to the battered blows that flew in.

“There is a rock that says that if you whisper love, you will be together for a lifetime, and many people who visit Laios often visit it together. If you have time tomorrow, perhaps you two…”


I knew Pristina meant no malice, but I wanted to shut her mouth as of right now.

Jung Hayan’s expression looked positively dangerous.

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