Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 283: Please, Revolutionize (2)

Chapter 283: Please, Revolutionize (2)

“Sacred Democracy.”


“It is a book written by a man named Oscar. Honorary Bishop Lee Kiyoung probably wrote and distributed it. I think everyone has read it. The more I read it, the more I think it’s a really interesting book. In places where the foreigners lived, this idea seems to be common. I knew it, but it was true that our Empire was in retreat.”

“… …

“This book, completed in a matter of days by a foreigner, completely denies the current regime of the Empire. Anyone who thinks such a way will know how the Empire’s vested interests have led its people with absurd ideas. He didn’t say anything wrong. All humans are equal.”

“What does Your Majesty… think of this Sacred Democracy?”

“Excellent. It’s very good. Of course, the idea of ??bringing democracy based on the doctrine of Goddess Benigore bothers me a bit because there is a conflict with the ideals we want. Rome wasn’t built in one day, right? I can’t even argue that this is the best course of action right now. He might have thought that the Goddess’s will must be laid on the ground for the imperialists who are still accustomed to the imperial system to stand up. He may have thought of the Pope’s side support, too. In a way, it is a genius idea to draw in the doctrine of the Goddess.”


“Yes. There may be some side effects, but it’s just as effective. He might be focusing on the restless imperial people.”

“I’m glad that what you thought has worked out, Your Majesty.”

“This is just the beginning. Yes. It is more important what happens from now on.”

I could see their faces nodding and responding to my words.

Seeing that everyone’s eyes were sunken, it looked like they hadn’t slept well yesterday while reading the book.

That was obvious.

This little book was, strictly speaking, the first new kind of Bible in circulation in the Empire. It was a book containing the ideas and ideals from the continent of the foreigners.

Of course, it wasn’t without fault, but as I said earlier, I thought this was a problem that time would eventually solve.

For now, the top priority was to overturn the current system of the Empire. The work that had been done little by little from the old days has only begun to bear fruit.

‘My prediction was correct.’

It was right to judge that, if I pushed him to a corner, he would destroy the system.

Of course, it was much faster and more radical than expected, so I was surprised, but it seemed to remind me that he was competent, so I could confirm once again that this decision was correct.

‘I thought it would take at least six more months…’

In less than a month, a strange atmosphere had formed throughout the Empire.

Unlike me, who couldn’t figure out how and where to start, he was doing things perfectly. It would be strange if my jaw hadn’t dropped.

Civil revolution.

It was a dream and a wish that had been in my mind for a long time.

If I were to think about it, the first idea came when I overheard the conversation between the foreigners, Cha Hee-ra and Victor Hart, a few years ago.

‘Old man Victor, there were no nobles or Emperor where we lived. I’ve never learned this etiquette.’

It was just one word, really just one word.

It was something I heard by chance, but it’s a voice that kept coming to my mind.

I couldn’t understand with my head full of thoughts of being Empress at the time, but I remember that was the beginning.

A country not ruled by an Emperor. A country without nobles.

‘Is that possible?’

No wonder my head had been filled with doubts.

Of course, it wasn’t impossible at all when I were to think of the Republic, which was in conflict with the Empire.

The Republic, whose power had been skewed by special groups, advocated for the liberation of all humans, but it was because the President was wielding unprecedented power under a one-party dictatorship.

I thought it would be different from the meaning of the absence of an emperor and nobles, as the foreigner Cha Hee-ra had said.

Literally, their continent was a place where one did not need to learn etiquette.

‘They’re all equal.’

I tried to forget about it, but my curiosity began to grow like a snowball.

In a few words, my curiosity had been piqued.

There were many times I couldn’t sleep because of frustration, and in the end, I had to move to solve this curiosity.

I started by inviting foreigners to the castle.

Where is the place? How can such a place exist? Without an Emperor, who would rule the country?

I had conversations with foreigners several times a day, but it was difficult to find someone who could correctly answer my questions.

This was because the majority of them were scared.

It was not unusual for ordinary foreigners to be scared, as it was considered taboo to discuss their continent within the royal castle.

Of course, it is natural that I was shocked by the basic information that I could get.

‘An election in which a leader is elected every few years. A representative elected by citizens, impeachment. The people’s check of power, the history of the foreigner’s continent…’

Everything was full of wonders.

When I reached the point where my curiosity could not be solved only by the invited foreigners, I immediately began to run outside.

Of course, I couldn’t move freely because of all the gazes, but I looked around the Free City built by the foreigners whenever I had a chance.

What was their life like, what did they do, and how did those who had come to a new continent live?

It was to check the things I was curious about. Honestly, the results were not satisfactory.

Contrary to what I imagined as a utopian world, there was also poverty and discrimination.

An Emperor did not exist, but there were leaders up there by force, and in a way, it seemed that there was nothing much different from the situation of the current Empire.

When I tried to return after feeling skeptical, what I saw was the beginning of the media. This was what had urged me to learn more.

I felt like the world had changed overnight. I could see how the world was changing, even from the eyes of others.

The foreigners, who belonged to the lower class, rose, and they directly began to boycott the powerful. It was an incomprehensible situation.

It looked like a small version of the events that I only heard as stories that the ones who had been quiet so far started to move as one.

What I thought would never change slowly did.

The giant guild Black Swan, located in the Free City of Lindel, began to watch out for the foreigners, and even within a few days, the Black Swan’s leader changed.

“No way…”

The lower class of foreigners changed everything without spilling any blood or causing any damage.

‘Bloodless Revolution.’

The shock of seeing it with my own eyes was indescribable.

It was no wonder that my gaze had been drawn to the person at the center of the case.

At the time, the media had been dealing with Lee Kiyoung as a victim. I began observing this foreigner, who seemed to be moving the media, and dug information using my powers as a Princess.

I learned several things about him.

That he came to the castle and found the demon worshipper Ito Souta.

That he successfully defended Castle Rock.

That he was chosen by a dragon, and not only obtained a position from the Pope’s side, but was also loved by many nobles.

Of course, there were times when I saw things I didn’t want to see, but the important thing wasn’t what kind of person he was.

I started to see more and more of what he could do. His weapons weren’t just dragons or potions he made.

His fancy speech and personal connections were also his weapons, but the biggest weapon he had was the press, and the right way of using it. Because of him, I learned a lot of things.

The incident at Lindel became a new hope and light.

‘I need to prepare.’

I could change the Empire.

‘Imperial people can also stand up.’

Those with will had to be brought together.

‘There are definitely nobles and awake intellectuals who consider the current system unfair. Definitely.’

Foreigners would also help.

‘I have to move him.’

What I had been doing without a break has finally begun to pay off.

I hadn’t accomplished anything yet, but if someone were to ask me if I was happy, I would nod.

“You seem to be in a good mood, Your Majesty.”

“Yes. It is difficult to continue to conceal my joy while thinking that this is the beginning.”

“Er… Princess.”


“I’m sorry, but may I say something?”

“What are you sorry for? You can tell me, Baron.”

“I’m just asking. If this is over… I’m curious about what you will do.”

“Ohh. I will be the same as you. I will probably live a normal life. Of course, it’s hard, but I want my father and my sister to live a new life. The life my mother told me about in the past. That is… if it’s possible. Haha.”

“Princess, but as I’ve always said…”

“Baron, I am no different from other imperial people. I was lucky to be more educated than they were, and I was lucky to be able to explore more than them. There is a lot I realized while learning about foreigners. I am not a person who can stand on top of others. I just want to live a normal life. Like you guys, I want to love, and I want to have normal relationships.”

“This is so like Your Majesty. Haha. Do you have anyone in your mind?”

“Haha. That’s a question so like the Countess.”

“Perhaps… the reason you’re always watching the Honorary Bishop…”

“Hahahaha. No. He’s an interesting person, but he’s far from my type. Rather, the person who can be called his boss is a little closer to my type. I don’t know what I’m talking about in front of you. Anyway, let’s end the conversation here today. We’ll be busy again from tomorrow.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Have a good night, Your Majesty.”

As I quietly nodded, I could see them leaving.

When I hurried back to my room and flipped through the Sacred Democracy again, previously incomprehensible ideas started to get stuck in my head more clearly.

For the time being, I thought I would spend my time reading this book over and over again.

“The sovereignty of the Empire rests with the imperial people, and all power comes from the imperial people.”

Others who might be reading this somewhere would not be different from me now.

Some would be reading this book in the stables, others in the school when they were out, and others relying on small candles.

Perhaps there were even people in this imperial castle reading this book.

They would be enlightened by sharing the book and discussing it with each other. This little Bible would be the beginning of the revolution and the light of the imperial people.

“He is a genius.”

I had no choice but to admit this as I flipped through the pages once more.

“Honorary Revolution.”

If everything went according to plan, the Empire would be able to take one step further without ever spilling blood.

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