Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 212: An Ominous Feeling (4)

Chapter 212: An Ominous Feeling (4)

It had been the first time I’d seen that expression since the Cursed Shrine incident. I unconsciously flinched, but I wasn’t very conscious. I knew Jung Hayan was better than this.

Lately, she hadn’t killed anyone, and I had seen her trying to avoid doing things I didn’t like. In fact, her current silence meant that she would not harm me.

Jung Hayan stared at Han Sora for a long moment before thick tears started dripping down her face. Even as she started hiccupping, she looked surprisingly cute in my eyes.

“Haaa… Ugh… Hic!”

‘I have to soothe her later.’

I was beginning to think she would soon develop a sadistic disposition.

I didn’t know what she thought when she saw Jung Hayan crying, but Han Sora looked quite happy. She must have felt that things were going according to her intentions.

Her own plans were just as dumb as her. Her big plan was to ruin me with a sex scandal and ensure her spot in Blue?

‘Her efforts are commendable, but…’

She was going against a powerful enemy. Her plan was understandable, considering that even the owners of large corporations suffered from sex scandals, but unfortunately, this was not Earth.

“Haaaa… Hic…”

Jung Hayan’s expression had taken on a complex form.

In the case of Yuno Kasugano’s bed-sharing incident, it seemed that being severely scolded had been memorable, so she seemed to be hesitating now.

She thought she would get scolded again. Eventually, after lowering her head, she started to cry and run away.

‘I have to praise her for that.’

It seemed that it had been effective to get scolded once. Meanwhile, Han Sora shot me a triumphant look.

“I told you you’d regret it, right? Now, who will protect you?”


“It will make you feel that you have messed with the wrong person. Please note that I didn’t want to do this, too.”

“Alright, whatever. Just get out.”

“I will go to instructor Jung Hayan.”

“Okay. Do whatever you want to do.”

“I’ll run to instructor Jung Hayan and tell her that you have molested me, and then I’ll tell the instructors of the Red Mercenary.”

“You’re a dumb bitch. You know that, right?”

“That’s what I want to ask you. Anyway, please struggle with your heart’s content.”

“Okay. While you’re already visiting, make sure to tell her to do whatever she wants.”

“Aha, bluffing until the end…”

“I said, I’m busy. Get out quickly.”

Jung Hayan’s tearful acting was nowhere near close to Ahn Ki-mo’s, but she would still get merits from me for that.

‘About 70 points…’

After the door closed, I could hear Han Sora running.

I still had a lot of work to do, so I was annoyed as I had lost so much of my precious time, but I didn’t bother with it very much. As Han Sora said, she was going to find Jung Hayan on her own.

‘If I think about it, it wasn’t a bad plan.’

If she was going against a common instructor of a medium-sized guild and not me, it was worth applauding her. She aimed for the time where Jung Hayan would come, and although it was a little dull, she did that because she knew she was in a weak position.

‘And she was daring, too…’

If only I were a common instructor from a medium-sized company…

“At least it wouldn’t have been like now.”

She wouldn’t get humiliated if that had been the case. Jung Hayan was surprisingly clever. Basically, she understood the power difference quite well.

Compared to dealing with the woman who I couldn’t remember the name of, a lot had changed.

She knew her social position very well, and she could even afford to think about others’ social position and strength. She was aware of who was important to me and up to what extent.

For example, Cha Hee-ra, Yuno Kasugano, Lee Jihye, and Dialugia have already been classified as important people to me.

She had categorized them as ‘a strong person,’ ‘a person who is helpful to Oppa,’ ‘a useful person,’ and ‘a person I don’t like a little, but should not harm’ respectively.

I couldn’t read the inner heart of Jung Hayan, but it was an aspect of hers that I realized after observing her for a long time. Of course, even so, her disposition had changed a bit. She was still very jealous and often gave out a cold expression at times.

Han Sora, however, was neither a strong person nor a person who could help me. She also had a very low social position.

It was just a simple guess, but I knew she wouldn’t stand for it this time. Jung Hayan may know better that there was no physical contact between us, but…

‘I think she forgot, seeing her reaction…’

It seemed that everything had been completely forgotten by the impact of what she had seen.

‘Well, it doesn’t matter.’

If Jung Hayan did this matter right, I would reward her handsomely.

“Now, who should I take for the second party’s backline…?”

* * *

‘It worked better than I thought…’

The best thing was to encounter instructor Jung Hayan in this state. No, in fact, a better situation would be to have the stupid alchemist to accept the offer, but heartbreakingly, he refused. I wondered if there might be any other bluff that I don’t know about because he looked overly relaxed…

‘It’s over.’

Everything had been done perfectly.

I knew the bastard would try to control the instructors somehow to prevent the spread of rumors, but there were many things I had thought of and prepared for.

One would be to draw Instructor Jung Hayan over to my side. I felt better when I remembered her crying. Of course, it would only be natural for her to do so.

It would naturally be shocking to see the man you love rape and harass another woman.

Originally, I thought about visiting the Red Mercenary first, but when I remembered Instructor Jung Hayan’s devastated expression, I had no choice but to think that this might be a little more effective. She must be really confused, so if I visited her to inform the facts, it would be a natural step for her to become Lee Kiyoung’s enemy.

‘It will take a little time, but it’s going to be easy to persuade Jung Retard.’

She would be my first priority before the Red Mercenaries. I was in the victim’s position, and I didn’t have an affair with Instructor Lee Kiyoung.

That part was important.

As I followed after Hayan, I could see people looking my way. This would be good, as it would be sufficient evidence.

I held back the laughter wanting to come out and continued to shed tears as I knocked on Jung Hayan’s door. However, there was no answer.

“I-I’m coming in, instructor. Sniff…”


As soon as I opened the door, I caught sight of Instructor Jung Hayan enveloped in a blanket.

“S-Sorry. It was so sudden… I know it’s rude, but I thought there was only one place to go for help. I-I thought you might misunderstand…”

“Haaa… Hic…”

“There was no other intention. Instructor… Instructor L-lee Kiyoung asked me to come to the temporary office for a moment… I just thought he’d make an offer to recruit me…”


“It’s a misunderstanding, Instructor Jung Hayan. It’s not what you think.”


“Yes. I’m not in that kind of relationship with instructor Lee Kiyoung…”


“I-It’s very hard to say, but… Instructor Lee Kiyoung… Sniff…”


“He said that if I stayed quiet, he would make me look good to the guild… O-Of course I said no, but…”

“His… Did Oppa say that?”


“Yes. Although I told him that he shouldn’t be doing this… Forcefully…”

“D-d-d… Did he touch you?”


“W… Where did he touch you?”

“To say that…”

“I-I-I’m asking where he touched you!”

The sudden outburst took me by surprise, but still, I felt happy with the situation.

Jung Hayan looked more angered than I thought, and she seemed to be mentally shaken.

“That… My breasts and…”

“Waah… Waaaaaaahh… Hic…Wahhhhhhhhhhhh…”

‘This is over.’

By now, the stupid alchemist may be trying to prove his innocence to the Red Mercenary, but if I make Jung Retard stand by the side, it would be the same as being half successful.

“What did … Hic… oppa say… when he touched you?”

“Can I tell you…?”

“T-T… Tell me quickly!!”

“He called me attractive… And, of course, I kept saying no…”


“Yes. He said that as an instructor… he knows he couldn’t, but he was saying… sniff…that he was sexually attracted. Forcing me to kiss him…”


“He told me not to tell anyone while he lifted my skirt up, but…”

“Down below, too? Hic…”


“Waa… Waaaaahhh… Hic… Wahhhhhhhhhh…”

‘She sure cries a lot.’

Of course, I could understand that it was shocking, but I couldn’t even imagine crying like that with my body wrapped tightly in a blanket. I was starting to think she really was deluded.

Her emotional shock worked in my favor, but not when she would be too busy crying in order to talk to me properly, and that would be bad.

‘She has to testify… Tsk. She’s so annoying.’

“Waah… Hate… I hate it… Hic!”

“The shock must be great… Instructor Jung Hayan.”

“I-I will kill…”

“You can’t do that. Even if…”

“Hic… Gasp… Waaah… I’m going to k-k-k-kill… I will kill!”

‘Crazy bitch. She really is a crazy bitch.’

“Wouldn’t it be nice to go to the Red Mercenary and explain the situation? T-To go this far, even Jung Hayan-nim would be in trouble. The first step should be to testify… Of course, it doesn’t mean that instructor Lee Kiyoung is not guilty, but if you kill him…”

“I-I think I can kill because it’s useless. Only this time… right? I’m only doing it this time. It’ll really be the last…”

“I’m sorry?”

“Y-You can’t… you can’t do that! Oppa will get angry. You might be really scolded. This time it’s real. What if he bans access this time?”

“What… What are you… saying now?”

“But she doesn’t have anything, right? It’s not even helpful to you, like the red-haired and the blind bitch! Oppa didn’t even tell me to be careful! Isn’t this true that he hasn’t told me anything? No! It’s different! This time I might not be going to be s-s-scolded!”


“Can I do that? Just, just, just this time? Yes… she doesn’t have any talent… Oppa was mistaken this time. He hasn’t even offered to recruit her yet. Yeees! She’s useless!”

“Jung Hayan…?”

“Okay! T-T-T-then… Let’s kill it! No…You can’t kill it. If you kill, you will be caught by oppa.”


She slammed against the wall.

“If I just don’t kill… fine! Let’s do it!”

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