Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 164: What Money Can’t Buy (5)

Chapter 164: What Money Can’t Buy (5)

“That’s correct.”

I had to admit that her learning ability was better than I thought. If one were to look at this place, the reality would be much faster to accept.

As soon as I raised my hand, the other mercenaries came into the amphitheater in no time.

Several humans with shields approached the survivors while casting spells on the monster.

Some people in the stadium wrinkled their faces in the sudden situation, but some were interested in the change. Arrows and magic were gradually embedded within the monster’s body. Of course, it was natural that some got injured in the process.

It seemed that they had to go overboard on this a little to save the item I was buying.

In the end, however, the monster who had torn and killed humans soon stopped moving.

I thought they would finish stunning it, but it seemed like there was no way to stop the enraged guy except by killing it. There was no use crying over spilled milk, however.

‘I guess I’m going to have to pay for that, too.’

Not only that, I feel like I’ll have to pay to treat the injured.

Unlike me, who worried about useless things, Cho Hyejin muttered quietly as she continued to watch. I could tell what she was thinking.

“Like this…”

She wouldn’t have imagined it would be solved so simply.

“Like this…”

She wouldn’t have expected it could be ended so easily.

While she muttered out from the stands.

“Kill it!”

“What are you doing! Kill it!”

“You think I’m paying to see something like this?!”

“Kill it! Kill it!”

‘I think I’m going to lose some money.’

However, it wasn’t such a bad end.

“Simple, right?”


“I’m saying that it’s just like that. It wasn’t this simple to solve because we’re in this place, Yuka. The problem was solved easily because I have purchasing power. Not only here, but also out there. Most of the problems around us can be solved with these shiny objects.”


“Perhaps Yuka can’t afford to pay for that, so I will lend you the money. I think it will be more expensive than I first thought.”


“I have one condition, however… that you become my friend.”

Cho Hyejin didn’t dare open her mouth. She just looked at me quietly.

Of course, one of the guides started approaching us. Probably, he was calculating what just happened.

“How would you like to pay?”

“How much is it, exactly?”

“The cost of the surviving slaves is 50 gold each for four people. One is a different species. An elf will be up to 500 gold…”

“No problem.”

“The cost of a dead monster is 10,000 gold.”


Monsters were worth a lot more than dead slaves.

I had expected this, but for Cho Hyejin, I could see that she wasn’t convinced as she looked at the guide, who had brought the slip with a blank expression.

“Also, the cost of the mercenaries invested in the rescue is 600 gold. Oh, the price includes treatment for the injured.”


“The total admission fee for the audience in the stadium is 40,000 gold. In addition, the damage compensation amount is 20,000 gold, and the base cost is 50,000 gold. This will be a total of 121,250 gold.”

‘Ah, it is more expensive than I thought.’

However, I would still be able to pay for it. Though it was a tremendous price, I knew Yuno Kasugano would end up paying it for me.

‘I’m sorry, Yuno.’

Even for a large guild, it didn’t feel good that this much money went out at once. It would only be right for me to pay her back someday. For that, I needed to write her a letter.

“I will take the payment slip.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“I’m sorry for these 3333 sudden events.”

“It’s okay.”

“I am a lover of different races, and it hurts to see the elf dying. Elves aren’t born to die. I haven’t heard in advance that there were elves on the prey side… Doesn’t the original vendor provide advance information about the show?”

“Oh, we’re sorry, sir…”

“I think it would be okay to make a brochure. Tut-tut.”

“Well, I can’t call this to be an apology, but I’ll provide you with some of the remaining elven slaves.”

When I looked at Cho Hyejin slightly, I saw her slowly nodding her head.

It would be strange to refuse to get the elves for free when we could free them from pain.

“Hmm. Alright. I hope they are those who have even a little combat ability. Oh, I don’t want elves that are too educated. If you were serious earlier about apologizing, you’d better show your sincerity. I also want to keep a good relationship with this place.”

“Yes. You don’t have to worry. Our company always acts only for your satisfaction. When are you going?”

“I will go after looking around for a bit. I’m not really in a good mood.”

“We apologize once again for our inexperienced management of a company.”

“It’s fine. I can understand. Then, we’ll be going.”

“There are a lot of good elves in the central auction house today… If you are interested…”

To be doing business at such timing, this guy had some nerves.

“Are there any special items besides that?

of items will be auctioned, including a monster egg and heroic-grade items. that are not available anymore…”

“I’m not interested in art, but… Hmm, did you say that a monster egg is coming out?”

“Yes. They say it is a special item that was very difficult to obtain.”

“Although it is interesting… Unfortunately, we’ll stop by at the central auction house next time.”

I didn’t know what kind of egg it was for the central auction house to be selling, but it was better to get out of here right now.

If we spent more time here, I might have to spend more than what I could afford. Cho Hyejin seemed to want to leave as soon as possible, anyway.

Seeing her not saying anything until she got up from her chair and went out of the circular arena, she must’ve been really shocked. The provocation was too strong for an innocent person.

“It’s 50 gold.”


“The value of those who have just died is only 50 gold. Only… Only… 50 gold…”

“To be honest, it was more expensive than I thought. I guess that’s not like that to Yuka.”

“That damn monster cost 10,000 gold.”

“Don’t you think it’s a reasonable price? I heard that it is difficult to capture that kind of monster… Of course, it will be more difficult to manage. It is quite natural for them to be of higher value than humans assigned to be food; this is natural from their perspective. If you disassemble the corpse of that monster right away, the price of the things that can be used as catalysts will be over a few hundreds of gold.”

“I’m still not convinced.”

“No one cares about whether or not our Yuka is convinced. The only thing that matters is the fact that monsters are more expensive.”


“I’m not saying what I think; I’m telling you a fact. It is not me who set the price; it’s them. You’re free to get drenched in your emotions, but I think it’s time to wake up to reality… Or are you a little more naïve than I thought? You’ve seen it with your own eyes. Isn’t that what you would call injustice?”

“I… understand, too… I definitely understand, but…”

“Is it not convincing?”

“Let’s… just say so.”

At this, Cho Hyejin closed her mouth, looking deep in thought. At this point, I knew it would be fine to end the conversation. Just the fact that she was thinking was a good thing altogether.

I had come this far. It felt embarrassing just to leave. I went inside again and looked around slowly, but the other features didn’t seem like they would provoke her much. Of course, she would show a shuddering reaction, but that would be all. It seemed that the scene she saw in the amphitheater would not be leaving her mind.

Eventually, we ended up heading outside, where a wagon waited for us. Several elves looked our way, trembling, but I had no particular interest in them.

‘Five people.’

Although the numbers were small for those who said they would take care of me, their condition didn’t look bad. The restraints completely constrained them, and there was a feeling of fear rather than hostility in the eyes looking at me.

“They’re fine.”

“This is sincerely for customer satisfaction.”

“I am definitely satisfied. I shall visit again next time.”

“That is noted. Please do have a comfortable trip back.”

“Ah. Those elves can be loaded onto the wagon.”


After getting on the carriage with Cho Hyejin, the elves with trembling ears began to enter as well. When the carriage door closed, I could see Cho Hyejin carefully reaching out for one of them.


I cringed at the sound.

From their perspective, Cho Hyejin would not be seen as a brave knight who saved her, but a crazy human.

Cho Hyejin quietly spoke up as she watched the five people shaking together. I realized she was talking to me, not to them.

“What do you…plan to do with them in the future?”

“Well… In fact, one can be said to be yours… I need to think about it. I don’t think it’s good to go with them to the Yeongju Tower or release them in a reasonable place. I must find a place where they can be safely stored. Perhaps it makes the most sense to send them to Blue.”

“You are not going to release them?”

“Even if I release them right now, it doesn’t change much. Soon after, they’ll be caught again, and they’ll be humiliated in the same way once again. Do you think elves, who can’t do anything, will find their forest?”


“For now, I have something important to do, so it’s impossible right now. I will take them to the Elven Kingdom when I have something to do there. It wouldn’t be bad to visit once the work is done.”

“That’s… a relief.”

“I’m not as bad as you thought, right?”

“I don’t want to answer that.”

“I will take that silence as a positive sign.”

“Why did you bring me here?”

“You needed to understand. You needed to see the result.”

“The result… What do you mean?”

“Yes. The result. The result of your judgment and the results you see now. The difference between what you previously did at Castle Rock and what you did today. Think for yourself which one is the right solution, Hyejin-ssi.”


“It was me who saved them, but it was you, too. Your right choice saved them.”

“I don’t necessarily think so…”

“The results you see are different, but… If you say you don’t think so, then I’ll respect that.”

Cho Hyejin shut her mouth at this. She seemed to be in denial about it, but it didn’t matter at this point. What mattered was that I was able to get my thoughts through to her.

By nature, bonds could not be formed in a short period. A bond was formed only when each other’s values ??and ideas were exchanged and accumulated over a long time and when they can understand each other.

Personally, I didn’t think I was going to be influenced by her stupid ideas, but I at least had to show that I understood her. I was not hoping for something dramatic. I just needed to understand her for her to understand me.

For now, this was enough.

“I don’t necessarily think so… but… About today… Thank you, Vice Guild Master.”

‘As expected, I’m right.’

There was nothing that money could not buy.

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