Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 159: Hypocrite (3)

Chapter 159: Hypocrite (3)


“I… haven't“

She wouldn't have. If she had ever lhuught about it at least unce, she wouldn‘t have done anything like (his.

“Everything is about thinking ?rst, and then acting. Erogs die by the stones thrown for fun. In the end, there are many humans out there who can die if I just


"Vau always have to think about the position you are in, and how many wavelengths you're going to cause when you talk Peuple like us… Ah, have a drink-

"No… I will not drink Vice Guild Master:

"l‘m embanassed because I've been drinking by myself. I will formally request an escort to Veongju Tower, so I hope you will follow me:

-Then, perhaps just a little…-

-Thank you for that. Well, anyway. If I were Hyejin, I would have done it a little more boldly. Someone like you would probably have thought of it like me.-

-what are you saying…?~

"Vau are aware that simply whistlesblowing doesn't solve the problem. right? Vau can solve the problem step by step from the inside and blow Song

Jungwouk's and your colleagues heads off. The guild will run normally, and there will be no damage to the guild staff, so there must be no problem:

“It’s a personal idea, but I‘m guessing you‘ve thought about this at least once in this room:

'Thzt’s because you're not slupid.‘

“Perhaps you didn't do that because you didn't want to create con?icts with your old colleagues. Vou don‘t want to blow their heads off, and you want to

keep your conso'ence. Vou wanted to do it without crossing the line, so you chose the whistleblower route. what do you think? ls it my delusion? I tried

to persuade you in various ways, but it didn‘t work. and in the end, you went with the last IesurL“

A strange silence sank in the interior of the bar. Jung Hayan looked straight at cho Hyejin without saying anything, and Cho Hyejin settled for quietly sipping

her alcohol.

silence was a positive thing in this situation. I spoke once more.

"As a result you were abandoned by them:

-That criticizing expression doesn't suit you:

"No. I'm right This is the ?rst time I have seen a person named Song Jungwook of Small Rock. but I can tell what he did. oh, even the friends you did the

tutorial with:


“They are greedy people. They are the kind of humans who constantly want to climb up. They don‘t care much about conscience or morals. More goods and

more money means more power for them:

"Vou can't know that for a fact“

~Theyre very different from you. Perhaps they pulled some strings to get you out. Eirst to spread bad rumors on Castle Rack. Second, to ask other guilds and

clans not to accept you. To have their plans hindered wouldn't have been so pleasant:

"I know hat much."

"I heard a lot of stories from everywhere. They say you‘re a person who has used her body to gain her cunent power, or that she frequemly caused friction

with other guild members. It's really funny. They‘re still doing what they did back when they were students. I don't know if they want to bully you, but it’s so

unsightly for adults to act like kids.-

“It’s a simple rumor. I don‘t care about rumors:

“They can still harm you. As a result, these rumors mined your position and reputation. what do you think? How do you feel about getting a betrayal in

return for a good deed?~

“I‘m ?ne with this. I was prepared for iL“

“So, what do you think about your choices? I mean, about this situation where nothing has been resolved. People in the world will see it and call it hypocrisy:

“It’s not hypocrisy!“


Cho Hyejin slammed her palms onto the table, panting heavily and looking angry. However, this reaction only meant that I had hit the spot

Meanwhile, Jung Hayan grew disoonoerted. she started getting up from her seat but when I raised my hand, she reluctantly sat down again.

"Anyune can say that except you, Lee Kl'young vice Guild Master. You are the hypocrite:


"I am not a fool. I know how different you are from the stories I heard about you:

"Vau are sharp:

'I didn't think she knew…’


“That's exactly what I mean!’

"I know what Hyejin is talking about obviously. I'm not all clean. The business I'm doing and what I actually do are subtly across the boundaries of the law.

So what do you mean?~

“That's what you call real hypocrisy, Lee Kiyoung:

"I donate tens of thousands of gold to the Pope‘s side once a month.-

-The donation is used into various parts of the Holy Empire and becomes a fund to help imperialist believers in need and free people who have a hard time in

settling themselves.


“Not atall. I also run a soup kitchen in a slum in Lindel. Vau may remember Manager Kim Misyuung. Not long ago, she was a poor woman begging every day

in a slum. she was a woman struggling with poverty with two children. who do you think saved hef?“


“It’s not just her. Blue doesn't choose only talented people. We may also choose a disabled person or a single mother, perhaps a warrior who suffers

from sequels from a major injury in battle. lt was also my order to tell them not to discriminate against them. of course, it’s an act that bene?ts Blue, but it‘s a

great social activity itself:

"How would you explain that you are controlling the media in collaboration with a large guild?-

"Vau know more than I thought

"I just happen to know. when you work in a guild, you end up seeing things you don't want to see:

“Is there a law in the Holy Empire that states that individuals should not control the media?~

“In the Holy Empire, the concept of the press created by Lee Kiyoungsssi is still not well understood. Eorthem, the press is just a newsletter. Most people

don't understand the seriousness of what Lee Kiyuungsssi is doing right now:

she was de?nitely a sharp knife.

-vice Guild Master, this is a matter of basic common sense. what you are doing is wrong:

“Well, I don't know. Then, why doesn't Hyejinsssi comment about the problems of the current Holy Empire?”

-what are you talking about…?-

-why are you dosing your eyes to the aristocratic or royal system that believes that destiny has been dedded since birth? It you think about this, too, it isn't

unacceptable by the common sense of the Earth, as Hyejin said:

“That's lheif Iife…’

"If you really want to keep morality, shouldn't you have to start the Erendr Revolution here? Marlin Vuungsae can eat cake ifshe doesn't have bread, right?

chances are, she doesn't even care about the poor people in Castle Ruck. How about leading the people and making a guillotine right now?”

"This Is… choplogic:

"I am aware of it to some extent. lt is a choplogic. However, it is obvious to shout choplogic in this situation. The boundaries of the law are very vague in the

rst place. whether to follow the common sense of the Earth or the common sense of this continent is what confuses all free people:

“That's choplogic too:

-There are so many intertwined values to behave according to an individual's conscience. Even if you just think about the death penalty right now… Isn't it

unethical to burn someone who commits a crime? A Japanese man named lto Souta lto drowned in a statue ?lled with holy water on charges of being a

demon worshipper. Isn‘t this unethical?-

-The death penalty itself is unethical. But such a pmctice is natural in this continent Let's think once again. Who is the bigger hypncrile?’


“Is it me, who is contributing to this society while remaining within the boundaries of the law? or Hyejin, who ran away as a whistleblower because she was

afraid of being confronted by her colleagues? who is the bigger hypocrite?~

“I‘m not saying we should argue right now, Hyejinsssi.”

-lt doesn't seem like that Anyone can see that the vice Guild Master is provoking me:

“It’s a common matter that can be debated about while drinking. Think of it as a simple exchange of opinions. I‘m not taunting you, but in fact I don't think

Hyejin looks that bad. It‘s wonderful to keep your personal beliefs:

"If you're teasing…-

"No. I'm not teasing. You are a closer human to Kim Hyunsung than I am, but I long for those who adhere to that method. I admire upright people.-

"Vou say that too easi.'

“It’s my role to help the upright people from breaking:

“Lee Kiyoung… Vice Guild Master… -

"I am a helpful human being. Oh, let’s turn the subject once again and talk about Sung Jungwuok. Assuming that they‘ve still been dealing with

illegal monsters and trades of intenadal slaves. what would you do if I had a way to decapitate them?-

At this, cho Hyejin took on a serious expression.

"I think I can take your revenge:

Her expression deepened.

she was usually pokersfaoed, but now I could understand why she was acting this way. I already knew what she would choose in the ?rst place.

"I don't need help, vice Guild Master… You should just focus on your job.-

"Ah. I see."

“I‘m sorry, but I'll be going ?rst I will ask the knights in Veongju Tower to escort you. I‘m sorry.-

I saw cho Hyejin standing up quickly, looking deeply offended. I knew she would have a lot of things to think about now.


It was a word that suited her a little. she may be aware of it too, which was exactly why she had on such an expression.

'She wants to implement justice, but doesn't want her colleagues to get in trouble:

There was no pushover like her. As cho Hyejin left, Jung Hayan opened her mouth.

“She's a sel?sh person. she said she'd escort you and went ?rst…-


“I‘m talking about Hyejin"

"Ahhh. Don't hate her so much. She's actually very kind"

“Even if she acts like that now, we‘re going to be very close friends later"


“Friendships only get stronger after resolving disputes:

[Cheddng the unique characteristic of the player cho Hyejin]

[Elower that Bluoms in Eriendship]

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