Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 249: Legal Robbery

Chapter 249: Legal Robbery

"Why are you blanking out? What are you staring at?"

Christine followed Calvin's line of sight, but there was nothing in sight.

Calvin silently dismissed the system notifications floating in front of him.

"Heh..." An ominous smile painted his face.

Then, all of a sudden...

The extinguished candle lit up!

"Ah!" Christine was so shocked and startled that she stood up and turned around to run.

"Wait!" Calvin caught her arm and stopped her in her tracks.

Christine then turned around and looked at Calvin.

Her eyelids seemed to have been drenched in tears.

"I was just joking, what the hell are you crying for?" Calvin didn't know what to say.

Seeing her teary-eyed look, he wanted to tease her at first, but now he didn't have the heart to do so.

"Where's the handkerchief?" Christine suddenly asked.

"Handkerchief?" Calvin's eyebrows knitted. Fortunately, he soon connected the dots as he opened his palm and exaggeratedly gestured.

"Pa! There it goes!" He abruptly opened his palm before he sneered in Christine's direction.

"What? Were you expecting something? Did you think that I was some sort of a magician?"

"A magician?"


Calvin realized that he had used an Earthling term that Christine wouldn't possibly understand.

Smiling, he decided to change the topic.

"Let's set that handkerchief aside for now and think about if you are ready to take them on right now."

"Ready? Who do you think I am? I'm always ready." Christine coldly snorted in derision.

Calvin let out a sigh of relief seeing the energetic look on Christine's face. It was a good thing that this woman's attention span was lower than a goldfish.

He really didn't want to explain Earthling terms to a native Las Felipinas person for he knew that it would be an uphill battle that would end up being a pain in the ass.

"Have you grown tired of pretending as a man? Would you like to be able to use your true identity? How's the situation in your family? Do you have any enemies that will be able to take advantage of your presence in a place like this?" Calvin suddenly asked.

Christine thought about it for a moment.

She couldn't think of anything bad that would happen if she revealed her identity.

In fact, she thought that it would be more advantageous for them if she revealed her identity as a member of a noble family. After all, if she did such a thing then people would respect them and give them various benefits that they didn't know they could have.

This was why...

"Yeah. I don't want to keep up with this pretense anymore. It's so tiring!"

... Christine answered positively.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Calvin hinted.

"Oh..." Christine recalled what Calvin had said just now. Then, she shook her head. "Elder Sis will definitely be angry at me once she finds out, but mother and father had always been easygoing. In fact, both of them might even be happy to find that I am in a place like this."

"What?" Calvin was confused. "What kind of parents would be happy to find that their precious daughter had visited a place dedicated for degenerates?"

"My parents..." Christine wore a look of amusement. "You'll understand what kind of people they are once you've met them."

"Oh? Is there a reason for them to meet me?" A teasing look was on Calvin's face. "Young miss, have you perhaps fallen for me?"

"Wha" Christine was shell-shocked.

In a fit of mixed panic and fury, she brandished her fist towards Calvin's chest and pounded against it hard as she exclaimed. "Who would fall in love with the likes of you?!"

"Yeah, that's right... Pound on me harder."

Calvin lightly chuckled. "You can't fall in love with me young miss. I already have a wife and daughter."

"Oh, you already have a family?" Christine looked astonished. But then her fist came crashing down Calvin's chest once more. "As if there's a woman out there that's going to fall in love with such a cheeky person like you!"

As he was being beaten up, Calvin didn't know what to say.

He was telling her the truth, but it seemed that Christine wasn't willing to believe it.

Anyway, it didn't really matter right now, so Calvin decided to let the matter pass.

However, Christine's heart was still in turmoil.


'Have I really fallen in love with this person?'

'Impossible... that cannot be... It cannot be this fast!'

Christine wasn't willing to believe it as her heart thumped violently against her chest.

As for the matter about Calvin having a wife and daughter? She didn't believe it in the slightest.

How could he have a wife and a daughter when he was still so young?

In the end, she felt her cheeks burn in embarrassment as she stood up and decisively left the room.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom! I'm going to take a bath. Don't you dare follow me!" Christine stomped her way out of the room.

Calvin was left alone in the bedroom as a sigh escaped out of his mouth.

Turning to look at the female attendant, he decided to take out a pouch of Joselian Pesos. Then, he inserted it between her ruffled clothes.

"That should handle it."

Walking out of the room, Calvin approached the door of the largest bathroom in the Paradise Room and said. "You don't have to pretend anymore. You can wear your lady-like clothes now. In fact, I want you to wear your most expensive clothes since we have to put on some airs for our attack today."

No reply came from the other side of the door.

Calvin shrugged and took a seat at one of the couches in the living room.

Taking a drink out of cold storage, he suddenly thought about a crucial thing.

'Since the Allana Martial family will be billed for our visit today... Doesn't that mean that everything I eat and take out of here is free?'

Calvin stared at the lineup of beverages and wine inside the cold storage.

A smirk appeared on his lips.

He may not be able to put living creatures and beings inside his [Inventory].

But he should be able to put in a few bottles of wine.

'Cardano... Bacardi... Nano... Wow, these are some expensive liquors...'

'As expected of the most exclusive room in the House of a Thousand Thrusts. But will they suspect anything if even the bottle is missing? Well, I don't think that really matters since I am not going to pay for this anyway.'

Calvin happily swiped the bottles of wine from the cold storage into his [Inventory].

Afterwards, he casually closed the cold storage and took out a bottle of wine for his own consumption while he was waiting for Christine.

Of course, he didn't forget to prepare a pitcher of juice for the young lass.

An hour later, Christine finally came out fully-clothed from the bathroom.

Calvin looked as if he was disappointed.

"What? Were you disappointed that I came out clothed instead of naked? You pervert!" Christine instantly saw through what he was thinking.

"What nonsense are you spouting?" Calvin looked as if he had been wronged. "I was frowning not because I was disappointed. It's because I was thinking why it took you so long to come out! I thought for sure that something happened in the bathroom! I was this close to barging inside!" He gestured with his index and thumb fingers.

"Something bad would've happened to you if you actually barged inside." Christine's expression went cold. Then, it softened when she saw the pitcher of orange juice on the table.

Walking towards it, she casually downed a glass of juice before taking her own seat directly across Calvin. "Are you not going to take a bath?"

"I will..." Calvin placed the wine glass back on the table as he stood up and headed for the bathroom. "Don't worry, I won't take too long."

"Wait, why are you taking a notebook with you to the bathroom?" Christine saw a strange notebook in Calvin's hand.

"I just want to organize some things." Calvin simply smiled before he disappeared behind the door.

When he came out half an hour later, he looked invigorated and excited.

"I found a way that will help us hit three birds with one stone."

"Three birds? I thought it was two?"

"Guess the other one." Calvin mysteriously smiled.

"Two birds one stone. We will be able to hurt them while taking revenge for Fatty at the same time. But what is the third one? We will be able to take something valuable from them? If that's the case, then what is that valuable thing then?" Christine pondered.

"As expected of a member of a noble family, your head isn't just full of muscle, eh..." Calvin praised.

"How can you say that to me with such a sincere look on your face?" Christine was speechless in front of Calvin's shamelessness.

"You haven't taken a guess, yet." Calvin pointed out.

"Is it money? Are we robbing them blind?" Christine replied.

Calvin's smile deepened. "Just follow me. I'll show you what I'm talking about."

With the curious Christine in tow, Calvin approached the front desk and checked-out.

Of course, the bill would be given to the Allana Martial family.

While Christine was distracted by the flow of people into the House, Calvin took advantage of this opportunity to ask the front desk lady a question.

"I hope you have enjoyed your stay, esteemed guest. Do you want an armed escort to your establishment of choice? We also have a carriage for you to use." The front desk lady offered with a smile.

"Will I have to pay for them?" Calvin retorted.

The front desk lady was taken aback.

The concierge service for esteemed VIP guests was free, but this was the first time that she had heard such words from a supposedly filthy rich client. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. Fortunately, her training allowed her to recover at a moment's notice. 

Bowing her head, she replied, "Our concierge service is free of charge for esteemed guests of nobility. Would you like to avail it?" She glanced at Christine who seemed to be having a lot of attention on herself. Well, Christine couldn't really be blamed for this. She was just so beautiful that her beauty would surely bring about trouble in a place like this.

"You're more considerate than I thought." Calvin praised the front desk lady's attentiveness.

"It's my pleasure." The front desk lady bowed.

Half an hour later, an entourage of armed guards, as well as a lavishly decorated carriage pulled by a magnificent steed, stopped in front of a resplendent-looking store.

The driver of the carriage knocked on the door. "Esteemed guest, we've arrived at your destination."

Calvin and Christine alighted, then the former's eyes widened in shock when she saw the words, "Rags to Riches Casino", written in bold words right above the gates of the establishment.

"You brought me to a gambling den?"


Calvin nodded. A look of anticipation appeared on his face.

"You were right earlier. We are going to rob them blind. Legally, of course!" 

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