Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 18: Martyrdom

Chapter 18: Martyrdom

Before any of the newbies could ask further questions. Calvin proceeded to speak up. He thought that it would be troublesome if these newbies asked more questions for their time was of the essence.

"Danger is everywhere in this place, in order to navigate without accidentally meeting one of those madmen. We must have some degree of reliable information that we can use, so we won't get lost in this massive and dark asylum."

Scarlette nodded her head, "Are you saying that we're going to need a map? How do we find one? And where can we find something like that? A top-secret facility like this shouldn't leave any traces of its existence, and the employees of this place should be incredibly familiar with the asylum. There's no use for a map, how could it exist?"

"That's right... How are we going to find a map? Damn... This is impossible... Those bastards... Those bastards really sent us here to die!" Roy visibly trembled as he cried out.

Calvin glanced at him for a moment before he declared, "We are not going to look for a map. Like what Scarlette said, there is no map for this asylum. In other words, we are not going to look for a map. We're going to make one."


The newbies were dumbstruck.

They couldn't believe what they just heard.

"What? Is it really that unbelievable? I bet an asylum like this should have some pen and paper that we can use."

Calvin lightly smiled.

Actually, he already had a map of the entire asylum inside the small notebook that he received from Ria. But if he wanted to use that map without arousing any suspicions. He must "make" a map first so that these newbies could accept the existence of the map that he had.

"Are you insane?! Making a map? You want us to go out there without knowing what's out there in the first place?" Philip furrowed his eyebrows and immediately complained.

Hugo raised his eyebrows. Even he did not dare to explore this asylum alone blind, yet Calvin was actually proposing that they should explore the place first, then make a map according to what they saw and where they passed through?

That was insane!

It was the same as courting death!


Medea coldly said.

Though she still had that cold look on her face, it was obvious from her eyes that she seemed to be angry at Calvin for proposing such an outrageous thing.

"Hey, hey, hey... Don't just jump into conclusions, all right? I did say that we should make a map, but I didn't say that all of us should go outside and explore the area. A single person is enough to make a map. If that person has some brain cells, then he should be able to draw a map of this place... How about it?" Calvin glanced at Medea.

Medea stared right at him and frowned.

What Calvin said actually made sense, but the problem was...

Who was going to go out there and explore the area?

"I'll volunteer."

While the newbies were hesitating, Hugo stood up and volunteered.

"Oh, Hugo? You're going to volunteer? Thanks, man, you're saving us a lot of time." Philip turned to Hugo and revealed a smile that seemed to be more like a smile of relief.

Hugo didn't even glance at him as he stared at Calvin, "I'm not good when it comes to using my brain. But I think I can draw a map at least..."

Calvin revealed a smile.

To be honest, he was actually the one that planned on going outside to "explore" the place and "make" that map that they needed. The only reason why he said those words to Medea was that he wanted to know the cowards from the strong. He wanted to know who among these newbies could be relied upon amidst a tragedy.

So far, Hugo was definitely reliable.

But he wasn't suitable to explore the area.

"Hugo, as much as I want to thank you. You're not really suitable for exploring the area. With your height alone, you could be easily spotted from a mile. Not only that, but your footsteps are also quite heavy. I'd rather have you practice on silencing your footsteps as much as possible as you wait for the return of the one who will volunteer to make a map."

Hugo scrunched his eyebrows.

"Then, who do you think should go?"

Hugo asked in confusion.

The moment his words rang out...

Calvin's gaze landed on the others.

His eyes first landed on Philip.

"No!!! Not me... I won't go there... No matter what you say, I won't go there and get myself killed!"

Philip immediately cowered under Calvin's urging eyes

Calvin's gaze then landed on Roy.

Roy gulped a mouthful of saliva and avoided Calvin's eyes out of shame.

Even though he didn't say anything, his stance was clear.

"So, Philip and Roy won't go... How about you, Nicholas?"

Nicholas staggered backward upon suddenly being called out.

Beaded sweat formed on his forehead.

Under the burning gazes of the others, he gnashed his teeth and apologized.


"I can't do it!"

"So, Nicholas is out..." Calvin casually said.

"How about you? Showy-Ray?"

"Sh-Showy-Ray?" Ray gasped upon hearing Calvin calling him out.

"Yeah, Showy-Ray... Don't you want to be in the spotlight? This is a good chance! If you go out there and make the map, when you return, I bet the girls will fall for you..." Calvin winked at him, yet Ray was terrified out of his wits.

"Nooo!!! I won't go out there! I won't... I'd rather kill myself than face those monsters!"

Ray covered his head with both of his hands and stuck his head in between his knees.

He cowered there, on the couch, face looking as pale as a sheet of paper.

"It seems like the boys are out... How about the girls...?"

Calvin swept his gaze towards Scarlette, Zahra, Jane, and Medea, as well as Jannette.

"Rose is still out, so obviously she won't be able to do anything..." Calvin made a sidelong glance at Rose.

Rose fell unconscious earlier, but Calvin detected that she was long awake since the Butcher left the room. She was only pretending to be asleep for she didn't want to be chosen as the martyr who would go out there and make the necessary map for the team.

'This woman... She's really quite shameless...'

'But that's not too bad... Shamelessness is necessary to survive out there in Las Felipinas.'

"Scarlette, Jannette, Zahra, Jane, and Medea... How about it? Will one of you volunteer?" Calvin calmly said.

Scarlette gnashed her teeth.

Zahra had a pale look on her face as she cowered behind Medea.

Jane also hid behind Scarlette. Her figure, visibly trembling.

Only Scarlette and Medea remained steadfast in the face of peer pressure and the prospect of dying out there.

Calvin appreciated the strong nature of the two girls as he let out a sigh and chuckled.

"All right, all right... I was just joking with you guys... Don't be so serious..."


"What do you mean joking?"

Ray asked.

"Yeah, I was just joking..."

"I really did not have the intention to have one of you guys go out there and volunteer to make a map."

"R-Really... What a bad joke..." Ray criticized, but he heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing Calvin's words.

If possible, as much as he wanted to stand-out. He really didn't want to risk his life.

He'd rather have others risk his life than risk his own.

"Yeah... I was just kidding with you guys..."

"I'm the one that's going to go outside and draw that map for us..."

Calvin took a small notebook and pen out of his pocket.

He swept his gaze at the others and before they could even say anything...

He continued, "Wait here for my return. Remember, you should never open this door no matter what you hear outside!"

"Even if it's me asking for help... Never open it!"

"You understand?"

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