Record of a Demon's Cultivation

Chapter 106: Shocked Qiu Li

Chapter 106: Shocked Qiu Li

Translator: Cinder Translations


Qiu Li wanted to leave, but someone wasn't letting her!

The Iron-Winged Eagle, having suffered at Qiu Li's hands, circled in the air and then dived down again.

With its massive size and lightning-fast speed, it was like a high-speed diving fighter jet.

Its razor-sharp beak, like a keen blade, aimed directly at Qiu Li's head.

The boar phantom behind Qiu Li became increasingly solid, as if it might come to life at any moment.

Countless veins bulged, writhing beneath her skin like worms.


Qiu Li roared, throwing a powerful punch.

The fist collided with the eagle's beak.

A tremendous gust of wind exploded between them, shattering the surrounding trees and reducing everything within a ten-meter radius to dust.

The Iron-Winged Eagle was pummeled, its head battered and bleeding, and it hastily climbed into the sky, gradually disappearing from sight.

Qiu Li's clothes were almost entirely shredded, exposing her hefty, pig-bristle-covered body.

Her left hand hung limply, the recent punch causing multiple fractures in her arm.

Qiu Li frowned, enduring the intense pain in her arm, and used the Blood Escape Technique to flee.

With Qiu Li fleeing, Wu Sui naturally wouldn't stay behind either.

More and more cultivators had arrived, but they were intimidated by the power of the bronze corpse and the corpse puppet, and no one dared to step forward.

Many observed from a distance, noting that the two Jade Essence Grass Wu Sui had obtained were now rotting and turned away. However, a small number of cultivators didn't notice this and remained on the periphery, eager to act.

The battle between the bronze corpse and the corpse puppet was brutal, a pure physical contest with relentless blows.

The corpse puppet, though strong, was gradually falling behind due to its weaker physical strength.


The two zombies exchanged punches.

The bronze corpse staggered back several steps with each step creating a large pit in the ground.

The corpse puppet was sent flying backward, its chest torn open, and dark liquid spilling out.

At this moment, a chain shot out from the air, wrapping around the corpse puppet and pulling it away.

Wu Sui had apparently released his flying boat and was now in mid-air. He couldn't afford to have his strongest asset, the corpse puppet made from a foundation-building expert's body, damaged easily.


Seeing the enemy suddenly fleeing, the bronze corpse let out an enraged roar.

It used its knees to slam into the ground, creating a large pit, and then shot towards the flying boat like an arrow.

The chain jerked, flinging the corpse puppet onto the flying boat.

Then, like a striking venomous snake, it launched forward.

The bronze corpse saw the chain shooting towards its chest and punched it with both hands.

The invulnerable chain, which had served Wu Sui well multiple times, snapped with a loud crack.

With the magic weapon destroyed, Wu Sui on the flying boat suffered a backlash, blood spilling from his mouth, his body shaking violently, almost causing him to fall off the boat.

Wu Sui gritted his teeth, regaining control and maneuvering the flying boat to flee further.

With the chain blocked, the bronze corpse's speed slowed, and unable to fly, it could only land on the ground.

As soon as it landed, it saw two Jade Essence Grass falling from the sky, landing hundreds of meters behind it.

Not the sharpest tool, the bronze corpse did not chase after Wu Sui but turned to pursue the Jade Essence Grass.

When it discovered that the mushrooms had decayed and lost their potency, it roared in anger once more. Its overwhelming corpse energy surged, resembling a demon descending upon the world.

However, this delay allowed the cunning human to vanish into the distance.

Unable to vent its fury, the bronze corpse could only destroy everything around it.

Trees and rocks toppled, and deafening crashes filled the air.

Cultivators hiding on the outskirts, witnessing this scene, were as frightened as quails, tucking their necks and quickly fleeing.


As Qiu Li was fleeing, her brow was tightly furrowed. Her left arm was broken, which had a significant impact on her as a close-combat practitioner.

Right now, she needed to find a safe hiding spot as quickly as possible to treat her left arm. She didn't expect an immediate cure but at least wanted to preserve her arm.

If her left arm were to become permanently disabled, her future cultivation path would be incredibly difficult.


Her spiritual sense detected a cold gleam flashing behind her head, moving with lightning speed.

In this critical moment, Qiu Li remained highly calm. She quickly turned around, and the massive boar phantom reappeared behind her. Her right hand clenched into a fist and she struck out with full force.


The sound of a blade cutting through flesh.

The Cold Moon Blade was ultimately lodged in Qiu Li's hardened fist bones, but the blade continuously emitted a chilling, sharp aura that almost pulverized her hand's flesh and blood.

The hand was a mess, and the bones were exposed.

"Who! Who dares to sneak attack me? Only cowards hide in the dark and attack from the shadows. Dare to show yourself and fight me!"

Qiu Li's eyes were fierce, vigilantly scanning her surroundings.

Song Wen's figure emerged slowly from the trees, the Cold Moon Blade already recalled, now jumping around in Song Wen's palm.

Song Wen wore a cold, indifferent smile.

"Senior Sister Qiu, you seem to be in quite a predicament after two days."

Qiu Li's eyes were filled with shock and hatred. After a brief moment of astonishment, she gritted her teeth and said, "Jin Yin, it's you! I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, being a full-fledged Qi Refining expert."

"You and I have no grievances between us. Let's pretend the events of the other day never happened. We'll go our separate ways, and I won't bother you again."

Facing Qiu Li's proposal, Song Wen shook his head. "That's not possible. Now that you know my secret, you must die."

As soon as the words were spoken, the Cold Moon Blade flew out again, as fast as the wind.

Qiu Li's expression didn't change. The pressure from the Cold Moon Blade was too great for her to be confident she could continuously fend off its attacks.

"Jin Yin, you've forced me!"

Qiu Li's blood energy surged, and the black boar phantom behind her was instantly bathed in blood-red.

She was using the Blood Escape Technique from the Corpse Demon Sect, the Blood Sacrifice Art!

Her previously bloated, pig-like body quickly transformed into a surge of blood energy.

Her form also rapidly slimmed down.

In an instant, her bulky, stout body changed into a lean and slender one.

However, her skin still resembled a thick, loose boar hide, hanging loosely as if she were wearing an oversized boar-skin outfit.

Feeling the rapid consumption of blood energy within her body, which brought a surge of spiritual power, Qiu Li's eyes were filled with killing intent.

She clenched her right fist tightly and threw a punch in the direction of the Cold Moon Blade.

At that moment, she suddenly sensed two small Gu's racing towards her temples from either side.

Although small, the Gus possessed the terrifying strength of a ninth-layer Qi Refining cultivator.

Poisonous Gu's!

Qiu Li's eyes widened in disbelief.

Jin Yin's concealment was too deep.

With her left hand injured and her right hand engaged in blocking the Cold Moon Blade's attack, Qiu Li had no time to defend against the poison Gus' attack, nor to summon a defensive magical artifact from her storage bag.

A spiritual energy shield activated around her, and she could only use the shield to block the poison Gus' assault.

Then, to Qiu Li's astonished gaze, the Cold Moon Blade, which was about to cut through her fist, suddenly changed course, avoiding her punch.

A stunned thought flashed through her mind.

How is this possible! How can a Qi Refining cultivator control a magical artifact with spiritual energy to change its attack path on a whim? Only a Foundation Establishment cultivator with spiritual awareness could achieve such a feat.

(End of the Chapter)


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