Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 4

C4 – The Evolution of the Ice Crystal Soul

“Welcome! How can I assist you today?”

As he stepped through the door, Xie Yang was greeted by a girl clad in business attire, her smile warm and inviting.

“I’m looking to purchase some lower-level Ice Element Essence and Soul Jade,” Xie Yang stated.

“Of course, right this way, please.”

She guided him to a transparent glass display filled with various pet materials, each tagged with a succinct description and its price.

Xie Yang promptly located his desired items. The lower-level Ice Element Essence resembled a small, unfading ice cube, shrouded in mist, each priced at 3,000 Credit Points. The Soul Jade was a lustrous black crystal, valued at 20,000 Credit Points per piece.

The prices took Xie Yang aback; despite being low-level materials, they were far from cheap. Acquiring ten Ice Element Essences and a single Soul Jade would set him back 50,000 Credit Points, roughly equivalent to half a year’s earnings for the average office worker. Being a Beastmaster was certainly a costly career.

Despite his internal grumbling, the purchase was necessary. Without hesitation, Xie Yang made his selection, swiped his card, and completed the transaction.

While he settled the bill, the professionally dressed girl stole glances at him, her curiosity piqued. With her extensive experience in the pet material industry, she had amassed knowledge surpassing that of many apprentice Beastmasters. Lower-level Ice Element Essence was a staple for feeding ice-attribute pets, while Soul Jade was typically reserved for pet evolution.

Yet, the young man before her seemed too youthful, likely a high school student from the area, probably new to his bond with a pet. It seemed improbable for him to be evolving a pet so soon.

“Is he some high school’s prodigy?” she pondered.

“If he’s evolving pets at such a tender age, he’s bound to become a remarkable Beastmaster.”

“It’s too bad he’s so young; otherwise, I might have pursued him.”

“I wonder if he’d mind dating someone older.”

Unaware of her musings, Xie Yang simply sensed her gaze and felt a twinge of discomfort.

After settling the bill, he swiftly exited the pet store.

Xie Yang murmured, “There’s less than forty thousand credit points left on my card.”

“I need to figure out a way to make some money. Otherwise, I won’t even be able to afford my pet’s food in the future.”

In truth, if he were truly in need of funds, he could ask the Bai Nanxian couple for a loan.

They would surely not turn him down.

Bai Nanxian had even offered to finance Xie Yang’s pet purchase initially.

But due to Xie Yang’s low Soul Strength, he was limited to bonding with a weaker pet like Little Snowball.

His financial needs were modest, so he declined the assistance.

Unless absolutely necessary, he had no intention of asking for help.

Once home, Xie Yang promptly called forth Little Snowball.

“Eat these, and you’ll be able to evolve.”

He presented the lower-level Ice Element Essence and Soul Jade to his pet.

Little Snowball seemed puzzled but obediently opened its mouth to eat.

Watching silently, Xie Yang’s face broke into a smile.

Only by consuming specific materials at the evolutionary node could a pet evolve successfully.

Different paths of evolution required various materials in distinct amounts.

The slightest discrepancy could lead to a failed evolution, potentially harming the pet or causing a severe drop in its strength.

As a result, Beastmasters meticulously followed established human methods for combining materials during pet evolution.

No one dared to gamble with the process.

Those who did often faced dire consequences.

The few who stumbled upon new evolutionary paths by chance were indeed rare.

Armed with the Achievement System, Xie Yang could clearly discern all pets’ Hidden Evolutionary Routes.

He had the freedom to select the most promising routes for evolving his pet.

This advantage alone positioned him well beyond the potential of other Beastmasters.

Xie Yang was confident that he was destined to become a powerhouse in this world.

Moments later, Little Snowball finished consuming the materials, its body suddenly bursting into a brilliant azure glow.

Little Snowball swelled rapidly in size.

In an instant, what was once no larger than a basketball had grown to half a meter tall.

The entire ordeal was over in a mere five seconds. As the glow faded, a seven-year-old girl with a semi-translucent, deep blue body materialized in the center of the living room.

Name: Ice Crystal Soul

Type: Ice

Level: Second Rank, Second Layer

Growth Points: 0%

Skills: Ice Needle, Ice Breathing

Following the Queen’s Route, the Ice Crystal Soul’s next evolutionary form was the Snow Girl. To evolve, the Ice Crystal Soul needed to fulfill certain conditions: 100% Growth Points, 20 Middle Rank Ice Element Essences, and 1 Heart of Ice.

“Little Snowball has actually advanced an entire major realm!” Xie Yang’s face lit up with wild joy. The power boost from the Ice Crystal Soul’s evolution was even more substantial than he had anticipated. Little Snowball had skyrocketed from the First Rank, Second Layer, straight to the Second Rank, Second Layer!

At Lakeshell High, the pets of third-year students typically ranged from the First Rank, Third Layer to the Fifth Layer. Elite students’ pets might reach the Seventh or Eighth Layer of the First Rank. And a top-tier student like Bai Tian had a pet at the Ninth Layer of the First Rank. Xie Yang’s power now far outstripped all of them.

Just then, a mechanical voice echoed in his mind: “Your pet’s initial evolution is complete. You have earned 100 achievement points and 1 Physique-Improving Crystal.”

Xie Yang paused, a surge of happiness following the surprise. “It seems there are many more hidden achievements I can unlock. They’ll only reveal themselves once I’ve met the criteria,” he mused, considering the untapped potential of the Achievement System.

Regaining his focus, Xie Yang examined the Physique-Improving Crystal in his hand. A curious stone imbued with the life force of a soul, it promised to enhance one’s physical condition significantly, with the extent of improvement depending on the individual’s constitution.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Xie Yang used the Physique-Improving Crystal. As it merged with his body, he felt a powerful vitality erupting from his core, coursing through him. His muscles, bones, and skin all grew denser and stronger.

Seconds later, the sensation faded away.

Xie Yang stretched on the spot and was thrilled to discover a notable enhancement in his strength, speed, and reaction time. “Impressive results!” he exclaimed, beaming as he noticed a one-point increase in his physical attributes on the panel.

For a Beastmaster like Xie Yang, direct combat wasn’t a necessity, but having a more robust physique was definitely a plus. It would significantly boost his chances of survival should danger arise.

The Ice Crystal Soul drifted over, nuzzling his shoulder affectionately. Its demeanor radiated a fondness for Xie Yang. Now evolved, the Ice Crystal Soul bore a resemblance to the mythical Ice Fairy, petite in stature. If one could overlook its deep blue, semi-translucent form, it could easily be mistaken for an adorable human child.

“Well done,” Xie Yang praised, stroking the Ice Crystal Soul’s head before returning his attention to the panel.

Previously, he had spent 77 achievement points to enhance Little Snowball’s Growth Point. Now, he had 123 achievement points remaining. Attempting to boost the Ice Crystal Soul’s Growth Point, he was astonished to find that the cost for a 1% increase had jumped from one achievement point to five. “Does the cost rise alongside its power?” he mused, chuckling before deciding to invest all his remaining points.

The Ice Crystal Soul’s Growth Point surged to 24%, elevating it to the second rank, fourth layer. Its power soared once more!

“Tomorrow, I’ll head to the Beastmaster Association for the qualification evaluation,” Xie Yang mused, gazing out the window, lost in thought.

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