Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 26

C26 – The First Time He Killed a Boss

A hush fell over the entire sunken rock face.

Shock had seized everyone present.

No one had anticipated that Xie Yang would actually slay the Death Bell Dealer.

The spectacle before them had delivered a profound jolt.

It took quite some time before the crowd slowly regained their composure, their gazes upon Xie Yang now laced with overt awe.

“He’s incredibly strong!”

“He actually took down a fourth-rank ferocious beast!”

“He’s even more formidable than a Bronze Beastmaster!”

“In comparison to the Death Bell Dealer, Xie Yang seems more like the monster.”

This last remark garnered nods of agreement from many.

At just eighteen, Xie Yang already possessed a third-rank pet and was adept in Soul Technique, wielding considerable Soul Power.

Any apprentice Beastmaster with even one of Xie Yang’s attributes would be hailed as a prodigy.

Xie Yang was, without a doubt, formidable.

Hardie watched Xie Yang with a mix of envy and astonishment in his eyes.

If a talent like Xie Yang could avoid an untimely end, he was destined to become a legendary figure, celebrated across the commonwealth.

In light of Xie Yang’s prowess, Hardie’s own years of training seemed futile.

The disparity between humans was staggering.

Once the swarm had scattered, the Ice Crystal Soul returned to Xie Yang’s side.

Fresh from battle, the Ice Crystal Soul had vanquished its foe but not without depleting much of its energy. Fatigue was etched onto its delicate features, impossible to hide.

“Well done!” Xie Yang said with a smile, stroking the Ice Crystal Soul’s head.

With a soft chirp, the Ice Crystal Soul nuzzled his palm joyfully.

After a few words of praise for the Ice Crystal Soul, Xie Yang refocused on his accomplishments.

As the Death Bell Dealer fell, a familiar prompt echoed in his mind.

“Achievement unlocked!”

First Kill Quest: You must slay a king among ferocious beasts of at least third rank. Upon completion, you will be awarded 300 achievement points and a vial of Soul Replenishing Medicine. The quest is complete. Your reward awaits.

He had indeed unlocked an achievement!

Turnaround Quest: You must successfully reverse a dire situation at least once, saving no fewer than ten individuals. The reward is 500 achievement points and a vial of Regenerative Potion. The quest is complete. Your rewards await.

“This is exactly what I expected,” Xie Yang thought with a surge of elation.

True to his prediction, slaying the Death Bell Dealer had indeed triggered a new achievement.

He had notched two achievements consecutively. He not only recouped the achievement points he had just expended but also gained additional points.

What a bargain!

Xie Yang promptly claimed his reward and perused the Regenerative Potion’s description.

Regenerative Potion: A wondrous elixir brimming with life force. Upon ingestion, the user’s injuries are healed instantly. It’s effective for both Beastmasters and Insect Beasts.

“It’s incredibly useful!” Xie Yang remarked, pleased as he stowed the potion.

Suddenly, the crowd was abuzz with activity.

Xie Yang looked up to see a dark silhouette speeding towards them.

As it drew near, he recognized it as a massive eagle, its body jet-black with a stark white head.

The White-headed Eagle was a sixth-rank wind-attribute pet beast.

The eagle closed in swiftly, soon reaching the crowd, and gracefully landed.

Two figures disembarked from its back.

Xie Yang’s gaze sharpened as he recognized the pair.

They were Qin Ai and Shui Zhongzhen, the examiners from his apprentice assessment.

Qin Ai surveyed the scene with a puzzled expression.

He and Shui Zhongzhen had been alerted by the association about a worm tide outbreak in Knell Valley, with many adventurers reportedly trapped. They had hastened to the rescue.

But now, they were met with a landscape littered with insect carcasses and scarcely any living Death Bell Beetles.

There was no sign of a worm tide.

“Could they have driven the worm tide back?” Qin Ai wondered, eyeing the adventurers with a mix of astonishment and admiration.

The group was small, barely over a hundred, mostly apprentice Beastmasters.

For them to have held off the worm tide was commendable, but to repel it seemed out of the question.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have needed to call for assistance.

Qin Ai was at a loss.

“Lord Qin, Lord Shui.”

Hardie approached them with a respectful demeanor and offered a polite greeting.

Qin Ai inquired with certainty, “Your name’s Hardie, right? What’s the current situation?”

Without hesitation, Hardie recounted the events in full detail.

Upon hearing his account, both Qin Ai and Shui Zhongzhen were taken aback, their attention instinctively drawn to Xie Yang amidst the crowd.

A third-rank pet!

A Soul Arrow of level five!

An extraordinary object capable of enhancing a pet’s combat abilities!

Their minds seemed to be in a fog.

Just yesterday, during the apprentice assessment, Xie Yang’s pet was merely second-rank.

How had it escalated to third-rank in a mere day?

Given its unchanged appearance, evolution seemed unlikely. So, how exactly did Xie Yang manage this feat?

Even more astounding was the fact that Xie Yang had mastered three Soul Techniques and advanced his Soul Arrow to level five.

And he was only eighteen years old!

Assuming he began practicing Soul Techniques from the moment he bonded with his pet, it couldn’t have been more than a year.

To have reached such heights in so brief a time was testament to his extraordinary talent for Soul Techniques.

Exchanging glances, Qin Ai and Shui Zhongzhen’s eyes were brimming with profound astonishment.

They had recognized Xie Yang’s exceptional gifts, yet they now realized they had still underestimated him.

He surpassed even the scions of major families who had received meticulous training from a young age.

This young man was undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime genius!

It took them a moment to fully process the staggering news.

Qin Ai exhaled deeply and said, “We were the advance party to arrive here. The main contingent of the Association’s reinforcements is still en route. You’ll need to brief them on the details later.”

“Yes, Lord Qin,” Hardie responded with deference.

Qin Ai nodded and made his way to Xie Yang, his expression now warm and welcoming.

“Xie, we meet again. Your valor this time has saved many lives. On behalf of the Association, I extend our heartfelt gratitude.”

Xie Yang replied with composure, “Sir, you flatter me. I acted in self-defense.”

His serene poise only deepened Qin Ai’s respect for him.

“Regardless, the credit for repelling the worm tide largely belongs to you.”

“Moreover, you eliminated the Death Bell Dealer, addressing the root cause of the Knell Valley insect swarm uprising. For that alone, the Association owes you a debt of gratitude.”

Xie Yang had little interest in the so-called gratitude. He chuckled and remarked, “I’m simply here to fulfill a mission.”

Qin Ai quickly responded with a grin, “Indeed, you’ve executed this mission flawlessly. Once everything is settled, the association will surely provide you with a generous reward.”

Xie Yang offered a smile and a nod in acknowledgment.

Just then, Shui Zhongzhen’s voice broke in.

“Xie, would you consider selling me the body of the Death Bell Dealer?”

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