Reborn: Instead of Chasing the School Beauty, I Chased Her Mother

Chapter 49: 043 Envious Gu Rao!_2


"The best internet cafes can earn over a hundred thousand a month."

"Actually, I used to run an internet cafe in a rather remote location."

"That place was just newly planned as an Economic Developmt Zone, basically desolate."

"Still, I managed to get the internet cafe up and running."

"I could make about twty thousand a month."

His words, spok and unspok, were all about showcasing his earning pottial.

Unfortunately, it was of little use to Rao Shi Yun; her atttion was all on how to help this kid from her family."

"Brother Wang, you'd better just tell us how to help Guai Guai's internet cafe get started."

Gu Wanzhou urged as well.

Wang Shgli originally wanted to posture a bit to show off his financial strgth.

But under the urging of Gu Wanzhou and Rao Shi Yun,

he had no choice but to talk business.

"Young man, you better remember what your uncle is about to tell you."

"If your internet cafe wants to come back from the dead, you can only rely on Marketing."

"Uncle knows a bit about this stuff."

"If you list completely to what your uncle says, there's this slim chance."

Gu Wanzhou and Rao Shi Yun listed with some confusion.

Li Zhiyan continued, "What you're talking about is Marketing, market marketing, right?"

Rao Shi Yun and Gu Wanzhou involuntarily turned towards Li Zhiyan.

This kid knows this too?

Gu Wanzhou remembered wh Li Zhiyan had talked about the subprime crisis.

He's really knowledgeable!

"Xiao Yan, market marketing means advertising, right?"

"Roughly speaking, marketing requires professionals who know how to strategize, such talt must possess the ability to explore how businesses can meet market demand, seeking ways to manage and innovate business models and other market principles, with the ultimate goal of satisfying customer needs and adapting to the modern market economy."

"I think, Uncle probably wants to talk to me about this."

Amazemt flickered in the beautiful eyes of Gu Wanzhou and Rao Shi Yun.

Li Zhiyan really knows everything!

Wang Shgli subtly felt something was amiss.

"Yes, that's it."

"You better list closely to what uncle is about to tell you next."

Next, Wang Shgli began to offer Li Zhiyan advice and strategies.

And after a few drinks, an embolded Wang Shgli started to spout nonsse, still trying to demonstrate his wit and financial acum.

Such as hiring several wom in ultra-short skirts to attract customers.

Listing to Wang Shgli's words, Rao Shi Yun's heart sank.

Hiring beauties, giv the size of Brotherhood Internet Cafe, it simply couldn't afford the labor costs.

Besides, she noticed that Brotherhood Internet Cafe already had two internet supervisors and a store manager.

Li Zhiyan was likely already losing money every month.

Her disdain for Wang Shgli was now maxed out; it seemed that Xiao Yan's internet cafe really had no chance to revive.

The remote location coupled with poor computers were ough to seal its fate.

Feeling a measure of pity, she held Li Zhiyan's hand under the table and gtly comforted him; Rao Shi Yun found it very distressing.

A slippery ssation came through; Li Zhiyan once again thought of seeking Auntie Rao's tongue.

But he knew it was not possible anymore.

Gu Wanzhou also noticed that under the table, Rao Shi Yun held Li Zhiyan's hand.

Frustrated, she reached for Li Zhiyan's other hand.

Thus, the hands of Li Zhiyan were monopolized by two stunningly beautiful mature wom.

Li Zhiyan ssed an inexplicable tsion in the air.

Both wom had significant reservations about letting him take the lead.

Yet, they were both jealously competing on impulse.

What on earth had happed rectly?

Li Zhiyan didn't know that it was all because of Li Meifg constantly stirring things up with her provocative talk, which made the wom feel sour whever they saw the other get close to Li Zhiyan.

The following time, Wang Shgli kept offering suggestions on how to revive the internet cafe, and Zhang Hongbin also thought he had some good ideas; the two m chattered away for a solid hour.

Meanwhile, Li Zhiyan had be fondling the hands of the two aunties under the table for an hour.


In the afternoon, wh the group returned to Brotherhood Internet Cafe, it was already past one o'clock.

At this point, Wang Shgli felt very good about himself and continued to expound on how to refurbish the internet cafe.

Rao Shi Yun couldn't be bothered to list to Wang Shgli's drivel anymore and whispered, "Xiao Yan, let Auntie invest in your internet cafe. If it makes money, just give Auntie a share, I still have some money on hand."

She wanted to relieve some of Li Zhiyan's pressure.

If it lost money, she'd consider it her own loss; who made her fond of the kid?

If only he would agree to be her godson; th she wouldn't have all these inexplicable tanglemts.

What a pity...


Gu Wanzhou was also unwilling to show weakness. Her heart ached for Li Zhiyan, knowing that his internet cafe was doomed to lose money. She shouldn't have believed his words back th and should have resolutely stopped him from buying this internet cafe!

"Xiao Yan, Auntie also wants to buy a share."

The war betwe the two wom was silt and breathless, but they had already begun to compete in the shadows.

At that momt, dozs of kids started streaming into the cafe one after another.

Li Zhiyan knew that the system's marketing had started to take effect.

The business of the internet cafe had exploded!

"Attdant, a machine for t yuan!"

"I want to reserve a machine for the whole afternoon!"

"Op a twty yuan machine!"

"Three bottles of Coke, attdant!"

The previously quiet internet cafe became incredibly lively in an instant.

And people kept rushing in from afar!

This bustling sce left Li Shiyu somewhat dumbfounded.

Brother Yan is awesome! He said business would pick up, and suddly so many people came!

The attdants, who had nothing to do, suddly found themselves in a flurry of activity.

As each customer got on a machine, the noise level in the cafe grew louder and more chaotic.

Li Zhiyan really liked this atmosphere; it was full of youthful ergy.

"How is this possible..."

Li Meifg was truly tak aback as she watched more and more people pour in. She racked her brains but couldn't figure out

how Li Zhiyan had managed to turn a an internet cafe that was on the verge of bankruptcy.

And in the following fifte minutes,

the cafe turned into a complete madhouse!

The first floor was so packed it couldn't fit any more people.

The remaining customers had no choice but to go upstairs.

Zhang Hongbin inwardly cursed, realizing this wasn't good. He never expected this weirdo to be able to revive ev such an internet cafe.

Gu Wanzhou wouldn't be impressed by this and th lie there pregnant with his child.

He had hoped to use this opportunity to gain a favorable impression from Gu Wanzhou.

He wanted a chance to sleep with such a prime mature woman, but now he had not only failed to impress, he had become a clown.

But now...

At the age of 8, he really could have made Gu Wanzhou pregnant six or sev times in one night.

Wang Shgli's face grew hot with embarrassmt, wishing he could flee the sce immediately.

All the strategizing from the past hour had turned into a joke!

The key was that the kid had always just smiled and agreed with him. If he'd known he was this capable, he wouldn't have made a fool of himself.


"Xiao Yan, what's going on? Why are there so many people?"

Surprise and disbelief filled Gu Wanzhou's beautiful eyes.

This internet cafe was destined to fail on every level.

But Li Zhiyan had managed to turn it a!

She simply couldn't understand how he did it in her heart.

At that momt, Li Zhiyan also started to explain earnestly.

This task was related to his twty thousand cash bonus, so he couldn't be careless. Anyway, he just needed to follow the system's prompts to speak, and the twty thousand yuan might as well be free money.

"Aunt Gu."

"I rewrote the network managemt system."

"I've added a lot of features, such as a personal disk, account memory, and game loading optimization, among others."

Gu Wanzhou's heart was filled with astonishmt and delight at the same time. Li Zhiyan really had so much talt.

The heavy stone in Rao Shi Yun's heart finally settled.

"Xiao Yan, just writing a program can't bring in so many people all at once."

Rao Shi Yun, recalling that Li Zhiyan could also program and speak Frch, couldn't help but feel immse admiration.

"Yes, Aunt Gu, I've be preparing for this for the past few days."

"Giv its remote location, we could only rely on marketing and word of mouth."

"For this, I designed a special recharge system."

"Specifically to increase customer loyalty."

"And I used dispersed advertising to spread the word among nearby target customers."

"It spread from one communication network to another."

"From points to lines, from lines to surfaces, creating an information cocoon a the Brotherhood Internet Cafe."

Rao Shi Yun asked curiously, "Xiao Yan, what does 'information cocoon' mean?"

She had never heard of this concept before!

This kid really knew everything!

Gu Wanzhou was incredibly unsettled inside. Li Zhiyan could ev design the internet cafe system himself!

Li Zhiyan continued to explain: "Information cocoon is a concept proposed four years ago by American scholar Cass Sunstein."

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