Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 8

Chapter 3. Nice to meet you (2)

Lemain was sitting on the sofa in the office and looking at documents.

Lemain also had black hair.

Lemain was a man with the appearance of a king so perfect that it could be said that he came straight from the cover of a book that taught the king’s virtues. His expression was cautious and his eyes were deep.

That image reminded me of someone.

‘I think I’m looking at Randel.’

Not only the deep blue eyes and facial features that remind one of the vast sea, but also the downcast expression and the atmosphere that weighs down a person without saying a word. Everything about Randel resembled Lemain.

‘It even resembles the tendency to like to sit on the sidelines.’

A heartless king who pretended not to know about the deaths of Freya and Calian. That was Calian’s personal assessment of Lemain, and that opinion has not changed one bit. This instinctive discomfort I felt towards Lemain seemed like it would never go away.

Calian tried to empty these thoughts as he walked in front of Lemain. It was because I was afraid that even if it happened, it would come out with my face or my mouth.

So, by the time he arrived at Lemain’s side, Calian, who had barely succeeded in hiding his complex emotions, showed his courtesy with a flawless demeanor.

And then he opened his mouth in a quiet but clear voice.

“I see you, His Majesty the King.”

LeMaine put down the documents he was holding on the table.

It seemed like he had been working on the sofa the whole time, judging by the almost finished cup of black tea and another bundle of documents next to him.

Now that I had put down the document, I thought I would look at Calian, but Lemain immediately picked up another document.


A look of bewilderment appeared on Calian’s face.

Of course, Lemain did not notice Calian’s expression. There was no way I could have known since I didn’t even see it. Calian’s eyes immediately turned fierce.

“Come and sit down.”

It was so out of place that I started laughing even though I was so angry.

This is because Lemain’s voice was similar to Plantz’s.

The tone of speech was obviously different, but the voice reminded me of an older Plantz.

I feel like it was distributed quite evenly.

Calian tried to shake off these random thoughts and sat down across from Lemain. Then he looked at Lemain and said in a subdued voice.

“Congratulations on your thirty-eighth birthday.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

Lemain nodded. A pitchless tone came from behind the documents.

After responding in an emotionless tone, Lemain lifted his tea cup and took a sip, then raised his hand and massaged his forehead. He seemed quite tired.

“Are you doing well?”


Calian answered right away without even thinking.

“I’m doing very well.”

It was clear that Lemain had not noticed that Calian had rapidly become thinner. This was because he responded to Calian’s words like this.

“Thank goodness.”

Below article.

Don’t you have to look at it to notice it or not?

“If there is anything uncomfortable during your stay, please tell me.”

One corner of Calian’s mouth slightly rose.

‘Because there’s more than one thing I’m uncomfortable with right now.’

I guess I still haven’t gotten used to having breakfast in silence with my two sons. Should I say that the assassin sent by your wife will come looking for me sooner or later? I am getting thinner due to an unknown disease, so should I say that I might die if I do something wrong?

‘Or should I say that I am not actually your son.’

…… If I say that, will you look at me?

“I’m doing well.”

In the end, Calian repeated the same thing.

It was an insincere reply rather than an answer. Nevertheless, Lemain just nodded.

I finally found out.

The reason why it is faster to watch three things one at a time than to watch all three at once. Because I couldn’t do something like that with three people sitting in front of me. If you put them in front of you, you can just open your mouth while working. How efficient is this?

‘It’s a waste to devote even 5 minutes to my son.’

Calian sneered.

Lemain still did not lower his hand between his eyebrows.

After that, I couldn’t even remember what conversation I had with Lemain. I didn’t think there was any need to remember. Calian, who came out of Arpia Palace after meeting Lemain exactly 5 minutes, said as he got into the carriage.

“I should have said ‘Nice to meet you’ instead.”

Yan, who had been waiting with a worried face, smiled quietly.

Although he had not heard about the affairs of the office, he knew how Lemain treated the princes.

The carriage set off and before long it was parked in front of Chermil Palace. Calian got off the carriage, took a deep breath, and looked around.

The wind blew on the lake, creating ripples.

“You have some time until 10 o’clock. Please turn around and come back.”

Calian nodded his head in gratitude at Yan’s words, reading his frustration, and moved towards the lake. Then, I slowly walked around the lake and went to the garden where roses were planted.

‘It looks like a parasol.’

After a while, Kalian stopped when he saw a black parasol spread out in the middle of the garden.

‘Who’s in the garden on a day like this?’

Kalian walked near the parasol out of curiosity and quickly stopped.

This was because he realized that the person taking care of the roses under the parasol was Randel.

The fact that his hobby was tending to the rose garden was obvious to Kalyan. I knew it. I thought it was a truly Randel-like hobby. But now, Randel didn’t look like he was enjoying the hobby. Randel’s

servant with a stern expression was holding a parasol, wearing a red cape that looked exactly like the one Calian wore, over his arm. He was holding it up. In front of him, Randel, dressed in a uniform, was sitting in the garden with his knees bent, cutting off the side branches of a rose.

Calian laughed empty-handedly.

Randel must not have been busy tending the roses and entering the garden dressed like that on a day like this. .

‘What an amazing Lemain. To shake Landel like that.’

A few years after Calian’s death, after a full-fledged fight for the throne began, there was a major accident in which the axle of the carriage in which King Tensil and the crown prince were riding while visiting the temple of Serenti broke and the carriage fell down a cliff. As a result of the accident, the sacred kingdom of Tensil was destroyed

. The king and the crown prince changed their orders at once.

At that time, the only remaining royal family member of Tensil was Randel. And Randel left Kairis and inherited the throne of Tensil. I remembered hearing that he made the decision without thinking at all

. Even Lemain did that, so I have no regrets about Kyris.’

It was a completely understandable choice.

Even if it had been Calian, he would have left this country without hesitation.

“Prince Calian.”

Calian was quickly brought out of the prophecy-like reminiscence at the sudden voice. It was Randel who had called Calian with an embarrassed look. It was an attendant.

Randel got up from his seat and was looking at Calian.

“I’m sorry.”

Calian apologized and slightly bowed his head towards Randel to show respect.

Randel took off the gloves on his hands and handed them to the attendant and looked at Calian. I looked quietly. The deeply sunken blue eyes, in complete contrast to the blazing red eyes, turned towards Calian.

Randel did not blame Calian. He would not know why Calian came here alone.


Randel . He just said those words and returned to the Chermil Palace.

* * *

Lemain was fair.

He treated all three sons equally.

The strong smell of alcohol wafting from Plantz standing next to him was proof of that. I was dizzy. A tired Calian turned his head away from Plantz and frowned.

‘That crazy young bastard is holding back alcohol too!’

Planz’s eyes, which were originally cloudy, seemed to have become even more blurry.

I knew why, but that didn’t mean I could be tolerant of Planz’s careless behavior.

It was a position in front of people outside the royal family.

Of course, I was standing behind the king. All I had to do was wave my hand and stand still without saying a word, but I was worried that he might do something. Fortunately, I

never received information from Sejak that the prince had caused a disturbance during an external event at the Kairis royal family, so I told him first. I decided to believe that there was still reason left.

Plantz turned his head and looked at Calian, as if he was looking into Calian’s mind. Plantz laughed when he saw Calian’s frown frowned, and Calian noticed that. I didn’t notice.

“It was 10 minutes ago. “The event will begin soon,”

the royal event manager said to the king’s family.

Kalian, who was sitting on a chair near the main entrance, prepared himself mentally. It may have been familiar to others, but not Kalian. So he was a little nervous. It was unavoidable.

So many people had gathered in the square that there was nowhere else to go. Guards mixed in among the people inside the square and Pavel’s Knights, the royal knights, on the cafe and restaurant buildings surrounding the square. We were watching to see if there was any suspicious movement.

Soon, two large crystal boards started to light up and start projecting the image of the still empty podium. The square was filled with the excited sounds of people who sensed that the event was about to start.

” Now, I will open the gates of the palace.”

With those words, the main gates of the palace slowly opened on both sides. The

large emblem of Kairis engraved in the center of the main gate split in half, and as the gate was opened, people who saw the inside of the palace began to gradually reveal themselves. I was already cheering.

Before long, the door to the palace, which was normally closed, was wide open. That door will not be closed for three more days.

“It’s five minutes ago.”

The review of the chairman of the king’s knights, Kaera, began.

It doesn’t take a long time. However, I could feel the people holding their breath as they watched the parade of people moving only for the sake of the king. The king’s family,

including Calian, stood up from their seats.

The attendants were busy moving around. Yan also quickly approached and inspected Calian’s conquest, then walked away from a distance. He stepped back.

“It’s one minute ago.”

A red carpet was spread from the main gate of the palace to the podium.

Knights lined up in two long rows, leaving the red carpet empty. The king’s family was scheduled to pass between them. The knights’ swords It stretched straight up as if piercing the sky.

The weather was very clear. The sunlight reflected on the swords held by the knights, showing a sharp force.

And at 10 o’clock,

Lemain accompanied by the loud voice of the commander of the Knights of Kaera announcing the arrival of the king’s family. ‘s feet moved, followed by Silike walking slowly. And Randel and Planz moved.

‘Now it’s my turn.’

Calian, who was looking behind them, closed his eyes for a moment.

I straightened my back.

I raised my head.

The atmosphere surrounding the surroundings changed in an instant.

I lowered my gaze to where people’s eyes would be and smiled.

After becoming the perfect prince of Kairis.

I took my first step outside.

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