Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 376 Bin An Sha

Chapter 376  Bin An Sha

"You don't need to worry about my face," chuckled Wang Chao as he 
started up the stairs. When he came to the same step as Zhou Jun 
Jie, he leaned down to whisper into the shorter man's ear. "And you 
don't need to worry about your fiancé. I'll take good care of her, I 
Continuing on up the stairs, Wang Chao couldn't help but smile. 
Pissing off Zhou Jun Jie was always the highlight of his day. Nice to 
know that some things didn't change. He could feel the other man 
staring daggers into his back, but it really didn't bother him.
After all, as far as he was concerned, he had Li Dai Lu; he was 
already winning at life.
"I don't know how well my sister will take to you having a mistress," 
called Zhou Jun Jie. "And I will never accept your leftovers."
Wang Chao turned around on the first landing and looked down at 
the man in front of him. "I have rejected your sister so many times 
that if she keeps persisting, it will only make her look like the 
pathetic, desperate woman she really is. I suggest you leash her 
before she does something to ruin your name."
"You know she is a healer, right?" scoffed Zhou Jun Jie. "She has 
men falling over themselves to get her attention. I don't know why 
she has set her sights on you."
"Not even being a healer would make her more desirable, and for 
those men falling over themselves? The best of luck to them. I want 
nothing to do with her," shrugged Wang Chao, not really caring.
"You are engaged to her; you have no choice in the matter," replied 
Zhou Jun Jie.
"Ah, how desperate the whole family is to attach themselves to my 
thigh," chuckled Wang Chao. "By all means, keep insisting; we will 
see how long you live after."
Turning back around, no longer caring about the man he once 
considered to be his toughest competition, Wang Chao continued 
his journey to the top floor. Because why wouldn't the fucker be at 
the very top of the building?
By the time Wang Chao reached the 42nd floor, he was more than a 
little done with stairs. While he continued to look the same, not a 
hair out of place or a drop of sweat to wipe away, he was still 
He pounded on the only door on the floor and waited until the 
bastard came to open it.
After waiting two minutes, Wang Chao had enough and let himself 
into the condo. Looking around the space, he would have to admit; 
he was impressed. It was very much the typical white layout that 
the upper crust seemed to prefer. But like Li Dai Lu pointed out, it 
was only because they didn't have to clean it themselves.
However, the place was absolutely immaculate. Not a trace of dust 
could be found anywhere. But then again, what did he expect from 
one of the best surgeons in the world?
Entering the kitchen, he searched through the cupboards for 
"You want to tell me what the fuck you are doing in my house?" 
came a disgruntled voice from the doorway. Wang Chao turned 
something to eat. He was really starting to miss Chen Zi Han's 
cooking, that was for sure. Finding a bag of chips, Wang Chao 
walked over to the black leather couch and made himself at home.
"You want to tell me what the fuck you are doing in my house?" 
came a disgruntled voice from the doorway. Wang Chao turned 
around from where he was in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows 
and looked at the man by the front door.
"Took you long enough," scoffed Wang Chao with a smirk. He held 
up the empty bag of chips and waved it back and forth. "You are out 
of food. Might want to go get some more."
"You are an asshole," grumbled the man as he took off his outdoor 
shoes, put on his slippers, and walked into the kitchen. "But it is 
nice to see you alive."
Wang Chao laughed and followed the other man. "What? Did you 
really think that a zombie apocalypse could stop me?"
The man turned around and leaned against the counter, his eyes 
narrowing on Wang Chao. "Are there really zombies?"
"You're not serious, right?" asked Wang Chao with a look of 
confusion on his face. "Don't you know what is going on outside of 
the city?"
"No," replied the other man with a shrug. "Only that on the other 
side of the barrier isn't safe, and we shouldn't approach it."
"Huh," said Wang Chao, wishing that he had something hard to 
drink right about now. "And, of course, there is no news available 
from the outside world."
"There is no news available, period. But I am going to guess that you 
are not here to shoot the shit. What do you want?" asked the man 
whose house it was. He walked over to one of the chairs in the 
living room and sat down.
"I hear voices in my head. Do you happen to have any medications 
for that?" smirked Wang Chao as he sat back down on the couch.
"What?!" demanded his friend, a look of concern falling over his 
"Voices. In my head. I need them to shut up, and I was pretty sure 
that there should be some medications to help with that," said 
Wang Chao, his smile never wavering. "At least until I figure out how 
to kill it."
"I think I am going to need a few more details," sighed the other 
man as he leaned back in the chair and sipped from his glass of 
"Nope," shrugged Wang Chao. "It's one of those need-to-know 
things, and you, my dear Bin An Sha, don't need to know."
"You know, I might be a surgeon, but that doesn't mean that I have 
forgotten how to extract information from an unwilling subject," 
said Bin An Sha, dropping the mask of civility from his face, a cold 
aura flowing out of him.
"Good luck with that one," laughed Wang Chao. "My wife is a lot 
scarier without her coffee than you have ever been, my dear 
"Wife? When did you get married?" asked Bin An Sha, confused.
"Long story. The meds, please."
"Long story? We have all the time in the world," replied Bin An Sha 
as he got comfortable in his chair.

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