Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 357 Be Careful What You Wish For

Chapter 357  Be Careful What You Wish For

The other two men looked at Liu Wei as if he had the answer to eternal happiness, and in a way, he did. He smiled at them and blinked.

"Well, aren't you going to tell us how you did it?" demanded Liu Yu Zeng to his older brother. He needed to know how to kill the other soul, and so far, only Liu Wei has been able to do it.

"Nope," replied the man with a self-satisfied grin on his face.

"What? Why not?!?" whined Liu Yu Zeng.

"Kind of like you didn't tell me about the whole everlasting vows to Li Dai Lu in a dream verse which connected the two of you with her on a whole new level. If I am correct, I was the last one to know about it," said Liu Wei as he cocked his head to the side, a sarcastic smile on his face. "Just don't be the last one."

"Fucker," grumbled Liu Yu Zeng under his breath. It wasn't like Liu Wei was wrong. They didn't tell him shit about it, and he can keep this secret. Besides, it is pointless unless he actually hears the voice, right?

"Does anyone want to take a guess as to why Wang Chao runs hot and cold all the time?" asked Chen Zi Han, changing the subject. "I mean, he made the same vows that we did. He has also slept with her."

"And told her that he loved her," added Liu Yu Zeng with a cold smirk on his face.

"And then he acts like he wants nothing to do with her," continued Chen Zi Han, turning to look at Liu Wei, hoping that the other man had the answers. He had spent the most time with Wang Chao and should know what was going through his head.

"Maybe it has something to do with the two separate souls," theorized Liu Wei. He sat down on the stools and leaned against the kitchen island, trying to get his thoughts in order. "If one soul is destined for Li Dai Lu, then it stands to reason why he runs hot. On the other hand, if the second soul is destined for the other woman, then when that one is in control of the body, he'll run cold."

"And how do we know what soul is in control at what times? I don't exactly want to leave her in a vulnerable position with the one that doesn't give a fuck about her," growled Chen Zi Han.

'What's this? You are inviting us to the party now? Are you sure you really want to do that? I mean, you have done some fucked up shit,' said a voice deep inside Chen Zi Han's head. He paused and looked at the other two men.

"Are the voices annoying?" he asked, looking directly at Liu Wei.

"Annoying, helpful, seductive, all sorts of different things," confirmed Liu Wei with a smile. "Be careful not to be dragged down a path you don't want to go. I have a feeling that it is the voices that belong to Li Dai Lu."

'Death was always the smart one,' grumbled the voice. Inside of Chen Zi Han's mind, the picture of a skeleton came to the forefront. It was dressed in a black cape with old-fashioned scales in one hand. Tossing the scales aside, the skeleton seemed to stare directly at Chen Zi Han. 'Pleasure to meet you. Now, could you kindly fuck off so I can get my woman? After all, yours is laying around here somewhere. Oh, that's right, you killed her. How does it feel to kill the one woman built perfectly for you?'

"I am going with annoying right now," said Chen Zi Han in a deadpan voice.

"At least you are hearing it. I have never wanted to hear voices in my head so much as I do right now," grumbled Liu Yu Zeng.

'Ah, ah, be careful what you wish for. You just might get it,' said a new voice inside Liu Yu Zeng.

"Great, now we are all going crazy," grumbled the man as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Not all," smirked Liu Wei. "I already did the crazy and came out on top."

"And yet you still don't know who you are," shot back Liu Yu Zeng.

"Better than having long conversations with yourself on what a crappy job you are doing looking after your woman, how you don't belong to her. You know, all the standard crap."

"Advice on how to get them to shut up?" asked Chen Zi Han as he rubbed his temples.

"Stuff them into a giant dark hole," suggested Liu Wei with a shrug. "You guys figure out the voices. I am going to go sleep with Li Dai Lu."

'You can't let him go!' shouted the voice in Liu Yu Zeng's head. 'That fucker has always had a head start when it came to her. And as much as she doesn't play favorites, it just not fair,' it continued to complain.

'Then what do you suggest?' sneered Liu Yu.

'Got beat him to her! She hates it when we fight, but there is more than enough room for the four of us in her bed right now.'

Liu Yu Zeng looked at Chen Zi Han and realized that he had been given the same advice. The two of them shot to the front door. Liu Yu Zeng made it out first, but Chen Zi Han was a fast runner. They overtook Liu Wei within a few seconds, and all three of the men grinned at each other as they sprinted as fast as they could to Li Dai Lu's RV.

Not wanting to wake her up, they slid to a stop in front of her door. "I get under. You two can have each side," suggested Liu Yu Zeng. "We can rotate positions every night."

"Fair," grunted Chen Zi Han. He didn't care where he slept as long as he got to sleep with her.

"Done," agreed Liu Wei with a nod of his head.

Opening the door quietly and making sure it was locked behind them, the three men slipped into their woman's bed. Even the new voices quieted down, enjoying the mere presence of their Queen.

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