Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 355 Crying Over Spilled Milk

Chapter 355  Crying Over Spilled Milk

"I know who needs to die," I said with a nod. I didn't even bother to go through each and every soul, looking for a bleeding-heart story that might make me change my mind. I needed to take this step.

"Then make it so," smirked Violence. "Unless you are too—" She didn't even manage to finish her sentence before there were only nine flames remaining in the giant throne room. She paused and turned to look at me for a moment. "You really have changed. How are you feeling?"

"Fine," I said honestly with a shrug. "If there is one thing my second life taught me was that if you don't kill them, they are likely to kill you instead."

"Ah, yes. The default of a human in survival mode. Not like I overly blame them. It would just be nice if they didn't get us involved every time," sighed Violence as she studied the flames still left burning. She paid extra attention to Wang Chao's.

"We probably should go. People are going to wonder where we went," I said as I stood up and took Liu Yu Zeng's hand.

"No, they won't. No time will have passed at all," reassured Violence as she turned to look at me. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"No, I really am not," I admitted. "But that has nothing to do with killing 705 people and more to do with Wang Chao."

"Don't overthink it. This was probably one of the reasons why we all agreed not to tell you anything until you remembered it on your own. It just pisses me off to see you trailing after the military time and again." I could tell that Violence was genuinely upset over letting things slip.

However, I had a completely different thought on the matter. "If I found out later that the devotion and dedication that I was giving him wasn't returned, then I might have been crushed all over again. And, according to you, I don't do breakups by half measures."

"No, you definitely don't. But don't count Wang Chao out yet. He still has the potential. After all, your soulmate's soul is still inside of his body."

I hummed in agreement, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with her. I would sort things out as they came. After all this time, I was used to rolling with the punches.

"All right, just blink back to where you were. You can just do the same thing if you need to come here. And technically, it is easier to do mass killings when you are in the throne room. Go have fun, get that fucking device, and then bring it here. There is no need for the humans to fuck things up even more," grumbled Violence as she waved her hand, and Liu Yu Zeng and I went back to the compound.

We looked at each other for a brief second before turning our attention back to Xing Xin Ya. "Do you want your place back?" I asked, interrupting her rant. Enough time had passed for me to not even remember what she was bitching about. Something about men, women, and children? Well, except for the people in this room, the rest were dead.

No use crying over spilled milk.

"What?" she asked, confused as to why I just brought it up. "I thought you were going to take it," she continued, looking at the men around her.

"What use do I have for this place?" I replied, just as confused as she was. "I already have my own ranch and two safe cities. This is really not even on my list. No offense, of course," I continued with a shrug.

"Of course," she answered with a strained smile.

"Look, if you don't want it, someone will come and grab it up soon enough. It really doesn't matter to me," I said. It was too much work to set up safe zones all over the country. But now that I was thinking about it. I have only been to the east coast. It might be fun to travel around now that zombies aren't exactly going to be a problem.

"If you are sure?" Xing Xin Ya asked with a hopeful smile.

"More than sure." I still had a crap ton of things on my list of things to do. What was it again? Commune, device… then…?

'Then City A,' came a voice inside of my head, and I rolled my eyes.

Fine. I will add City A to that list. Why was I going to do that?

'You will see,' smirked Violence.

'You would make a crappy Oracle,' I grumbled under my breath, getting pissed at her half-answers and secrets. It was enough to drive a girl insane.

'Hardly. She liked Chen Zi Han and went back without any problems.'

I was really, really done for the day. "We are leaving," I said as I stood up from my ice throne. I took a moment to study it closely and realized that I really did manage to duplicate it inch for inch to the one in the throne room. Yay me.

"You aren't staying until the morning?" asked Xing Xin Ya.

"I have been up for 18 hours. I am more than a little tired, and I still have to deal with stupid men that don't understand that they are stupid. I need my sleep just to make sure that I don't accidentally kill people tomorrow that shouldn't be killed. Now, the place is yours. Live long and prosper."

With those final words, I walked out of the living room and the farmhouse. Taking a deep breath of the crisp spring air, I walked out of the gates of the cannibalistic commune, hoping that I won't ever have to come back here. Let the Fury and her men do what they wanted.

"Where to next?" asked Liu Wei coming up behind me and scooping me up into his arms.

"Sleep," I said as he carried me a few miles down the road. After we had put enough distance between us and Xing Xin Ya, I brought out the RVs. "This should be good."

"Any reason why we went this far?" asked Wang Chao as he came up to me smiling.

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