Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 332 She Approved

"Well, you know what they say, 'there is a fine line between genius and insanity,'" I said with a smile, talking to both the new voice in my head as well as the commander standing in front of me. "Do you agree?"

"You are fucking crazy," said Commander Huang Nian Zu, stunned.

"And you are fucking dumb. We have already established that I am not crazy. Maybe a genius. But not crazy," I said with a smile as I turned around and walked over to Chen Zi Han. "Now would probably be a good time to get me into shark and zombie-infested waters. This voice is a lot stronger than the others," I whispered in his ear before I bit down on it hard.

Chen Zi Han grabbed my bottom jaw and squeezed it tight enough that I was forced to let go of his flesh and brought me around to face him. "Are you happy with my blood as penance for not being there when you woke up?"

"No," I growled, and I could feel something pushing to take over. I fought it as hard as I could, kicking and screaming silently as the man I loved stared at me in his eyes.

"I don't care what you say or who you are," growled Chen Zi Han in my ear, and I could feel the new voice, the new personality, perk up at his tone. "But she is mine, and I won't share her with you. Disappear," he continued, so low that not even Liu Wei, who was standing beside us, was able to hear.

'Ooh, I approve of him,' purred the voice, and I could picture her licking his blood off of her lips. Maybe I really was going insane. 'No, you aren't mores the pity. He won't let you. Call me when you need me. I was serious when I said that swimming with sharks and zombies sounded fun.' With those last words, I could feel the pressure inside of me loosen, and I knew that I was fully in control of my own body.

"Thank you for that," I said, going up on my toes and giving him a kiss on the lips. "But I am still feeling a bit stabby. Is that okay?"

"Fine by me, Princess," said Chen Zi Han as he wiped his blood off of my bottom lip. "But I can be your knife if you want. I will kill for you, please let me kill for you…"

"You know she is certifiable, right?" yelled the commander. I tilted my head back and forth as I tried to let out some of the tension. Chen Zi Han dropped my chin and walked over to the commander.


"She asked you a simple question, commander. How does that make her certifiable?" he asked as he stood toe to toe with the shorter man. "I suggest you answer her before I answer for you."

"What was her question?" he stuttered, not remembering what she actually said.

"She asked you if you were willing to bleed for your men," repeated Chen Zi Han as he looked down with a smile.

"Of course, I am willing to bleed for my men," said the commander, shaking his head. It wasn't even a question. Those were his men, and he would protect them with everything that he had. Why else would he be willing to associate with the 'Prince'? The man never had to work hard for anything a day in his life. Look at him, a retired Admiral at the age of 28—.

His thoughts were cut off as he felt a sharp pain in his side, right between his ribs. Gasping, he brought his right hand up to his side and held his side. "What the—"

"Well, you said that you were willing to bleed for them. Might as well put your words to the test," answered Chen Zi Han as he flipped his bloody knife around in a circle a few times, flinging off the excess blood. He didn't want to get his Princess' hands too dirty after all.

He returned to Li Dai Lu's side and looked at her. "Satisfied?" he asked as he looked into her eyes, reassuring himself that the other one was no longer at the surface.

"With you? Always," she said with a smile as she gave him a kiss. "Now we can get going. I'll go grab my stuff."

"I am not sure if she is happier with or without coffee," murmured Liu Wei as he watched his woman skipping away.

"If you haven't figured out that she is happy trying to figure out what cup she is going to use this morning then you are dropping the ball, brother," joked Liu Yu Zeng as he placed his elbow on his older brother's shoulder.

Liu Wei grunted. "Let's just admit that it was the blood that made her the happiest and call it."

"I'll go with that," said Wang Chao as he came up to Chen Zi Han's side.

"You fuckers are all crazy!" shouted Huang Nian Zu from where he stood surrounded by his men.

"You are the one that said you were willing to bleed for your men," smiled Wang Chao as the four men turned around to look at the Sea Dragon team. "What he did was a lot nicer than what she would have done."

"Ooh, do tell," insisted Liu Yu Zeng as he leaned forward to look at the other man.

"She was going to feed one of them to the zombies. She was worried that they might not have been able to get enough to eat yesterday," answered Wang Chao, his eyes never leaving the man in front of him. He had heard his thought about him.

First, the Rear Admiral betrayed him, now the commander. He would not let it happen a third time.

"She can't do that," scoffed one of the soldiers behind the commander. His gun was also across his chest in the 'standard' way of carrying it.

"I can't do what?" asked Li Dai Lu as she squeezed between Wang Chao and Chen Zi Han. Her men let out a bark of laughter when they saw her mug this time. It was a nice white cup with blood splatter all over it and then written in black was, 'Well, that escalated quickly'.

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