Realm Wars

Chapter 177: Battle in the Roaring Flames

Chapter 177: Battle in the Roaring Flames

The Lava Titan's entire body was formed from tough molten boulders hardened and reinforced by dried lava. With its enormous size, one hit of its fist alone was surely instant death.

To make matters worse, it could reconstruct its body by drawing in lava from its surroundings. It was practically invincible.

But they didn't have to kill it. All they had to do was expose its core and keep it long enough for all of them to pass through.



One after another of Lava Golem appeared, ready to attack at the Titan's command.

Jules clicked his tongue and shouted at the other groups behind them, "If you wanted to exit this place, at least make yourself useful! Clear those minions and keep them away from us!"

Anxiety coated everyone's faces, but they still brandished their weapons when the Laval Golems charged at them at full speed.

"Charged through them! Protect the mages!" 

The other groups fought the Lava Golems while the mages supported them from the back. 

With his sword, Lucian was able to cut the Lava Golem with ease as he pushed forwards into the Lava Titan. His speed was incredible, as well as his strength that no golem could even come near him.


Every golem that attempted to smash Cecily was turned to dust by the speed of her rapier. In terms of speed and strength, she wouldn't lose to Lucian.

While Morgan was swinging her hammer, pulverizing every golem her way. Her pet Griffin was also sending rocks everywhere. With its claws and tail, it smashed the golems to pieces. 

But no matter how much they smashed and cut, the golems reconstructed their body by drawing in the lava and boulders. Within seconds, they were good as new, and it wouldn't be long until they overwhelmed their group.

"Conserve your strength! Don't focus on them! Just keep an eye on the Lava Titan!" Morgan's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"The Lava Titan is here!" another shouted.

The next thing they knew, the Lava Titan leaped from the ground and jumped into their group.




The ground formed a crevice, and hot air and lava spurted from the broken rocks. It felt like a devastating earthquake had just hit them. All the weaker and low-level beings found themselves dizzy. With a swipe of the Lava Titan's hand, their bodies were nothing but mince of flesh and blood, and their already few numbers were instantly reduced to half.

"What terrifying strength." Lucian thought to himself before he zoomed in the Titan's direction to attract its attention. It was important that it wouldn't notice Jules and Blight, who was still casting their most destructive spells.

Cecily and Morgan joined Lucian in keeping the Titan busy, but they were like a fly against the enormous giant. They attacked its tough hide with their weapons and spells even though they knew they couldn't hurt it.

But the important thing was to keep it occupied with them and give the others a breather.

However, even with Lucian, Cecily, and Morgan's best effort, the other groups were simply too weak, and not long, they succumbed to their limitations and were overwhelmed by the number of unceasing golems.

"Is it not ready yet?!" Cecily shouted in her mind as the human's cry scraped her ears. If this keeps up, how many were they going to be left?

"Out of the way!"

At Jules and Blight's voice, Cecily and Lucian's faces brightened. And within a second, they blinked away from the Lava Titan just in time that countless ice and frost descended in the land. Everything it touched was instantly turned to ice. Even the lava was chilled and turned to rocks covered in ice.

It shot towards the Lava Titan and burst upon contact with its hot flames of rocky frame. The fires covering its body were extinguished, and the glowing lava running through him dimmed. Its movement he came to a halt. The Lava Titan was frozen and became a giant popsicle.

"Now!" Morgan bellowed.

Immediately afterward, powerful hurricanes of flames shot forward and hurled towards the Lava Titan.


Due to the sudden temperature change, the tough rocky body of the Lava Titan began to crack everywhere.



"Everyone! Attack it all together!" Morgan shouted.

She didn't have to shout twice as Lucian and Cecily attacked the Titan with all their strength.

"You puny begins!" the Titan roared, realizing what everyone was intending to do. But it was too late when a powerful simultaneous attack hammered against it.


Countless rocks and debris flew in every direction after the terrifying explosion as the Lava Titan's body exploded.

Everyone felt much more relaxed now, and they anticipated the exit with eager eyes.

"Now's our chance!" Morgan said with a grin when the portal's light enveloped the surroundings.

But soon, their hope was crashed in the pit of their stomach when there were still layers of rocks left covering the Lava Titan's core, hindering anyone from entering the portal.

"Shit! There wasn't enough damage!" Lucian was about to strike that last layer of rocks when he was repelled by the pulsating pules of the Lava Titan's Core.

The ground shook, and the land cracked. Thousands and thousands of boulders flew, and like magnets, one after another, it formed the body of the Lava Titan.

"H-How. . ."

The others before them managed to destroy every layer of rocks on its core and entered the portal. But how come when it was their turn, the Lava Titan managed to retain some layers of rocks to protect its core?

"Can it be. .. ," Morgan mumbled in a daze.

Lucian gnashed his teeth. "It learned its lesson and reinforced its core!"

Cecily's face was white. "Then does it meant that. .. he fortified the layers of rocks around the exit?"

Everyone's faces turned pale. Jules and Blight were stunned with gaping mouths. Even with their most devastating spell, the Lava Titan still managed to withstand it. Amongst the remaining group, they were the strongest mage. If their most devastating spells didn't work against it. .. then they were doomed.

It was too late to smash that layer of protection as the Lava Titan became whole once more.

"Now you've truly angered me!" The Lava Titan's body was once again engulfed with flames, and its eyes turned bloodshot with rage.

"Don't give up!" Morgan encouraged the others. "Jules and Blight, do you still have mana to perform that spell?"

Jules was still in the depths of his despair when Blight elbowed him.

"Yes. I have some mana left," said Blight, huffing some air. "But if I cast that same spell, then I'm left with only enough to barely breathe."

Jules nodded. "Same with me."

"Then cast them again while the others keep the Golems away from the mages!" Morgan flew to Lucian and Cecily. 

"We lost the best opportunity we had. This time it will be alert. We have to make sure that we keep it away from Jules and Blight. And once we freeze it again, we must unleash everything we've got, even if our limbs are severed from our body. Do you understand?"

Lucian swung his word. "I know."

Cecily ready her rapier. "You don't have to remind us."

"Good." Morgan ready her hammer, promising that they would succeed this time.


They had to! 

"Golems! Smashed those pesky mages to a pulp!" the Lava Titan transformed into a fiery red blur, carrying with it a terrifying howling sound. Though it's massive in size and weight, it possessed frightening speed.

Lucian and the others retreated at a fast phase, contesting with the Titan's speed.

"Hmp!" The Titan snorted. "My golems! Surround them!" 

The land shook, and with it, boulders and lava rose and mixed together, forming hundreds of golems.

Morgan clicked her tongue. "Not good!"

"We can't let them surround us!" Lucian bellowed.

"Kill those blasted mages!" The Lava Titan ordered, and the golems all leaped towards Jules and Blight.

Cecily and Lucian appeared before Jules and Blight and destroyed every golem their way. Their swords danced with their movements, and everything their blade touched was pulverized to dust.

The others were astonished at Lucian and Cecily's sword skill, and Morgan somehow breathed easy when another burst of ice shot forth towards the Lava Titan.

Like before, everywhere it touched, all became frozen solid in ice, and once it hit the Lava Titan's body, its fire was extinguished, and the rocky boulders forming its frame turned into dull rocks.


But the layers of rocks that turned dull suddenly began to emit a red glow, and everyone had a bad feeling when the ice that slowly covered the Lava Titan's body began to thaw.

"Hahahaha! That trick won't work on me again! I might have let some of you pass the first time, but that was me being overconfident!"

The Lava Titan swept everyone with its bloodlust gaze. "Now, all of you will die!"


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