Realm Wars

Chapter 133: Brawl 1

Chapter 133: Brawl 1

"Hand over the girl."

Azec demanded, and based on the sinister glint in the Demon's eyes and the lust-filled faces of the mortal men, Ryu was sure that they wouldn't just make Seraphina dance and serve wine for them.

Looking briefly at Seraphina beside him, Ryu inwardly groaned. The faint glimmer of torches ghosted over her beautiful face and eyes as deep as the ocean. Small oval face, big languid, melting blue eyes, and pouty cherry lips. Her skin was like silk encased in glass, and she radiated nothing but beauty. Her breasts though not big as the Demon Ferris, were proud beneath her tight garb. It was so soft, and they changed shapes when she linked her arms to his.

She made it impossible not to stare!

She should have covered her face more than the tiara on her head. Ryu thought and skimmed the faces of the five who barged their way. Could he beat two demons and three Rank-B mercenaries? 

Even with Seraphina supporting him, Ryu was not confident. 

"Stop wasting time and be a good pup and hand her over if you know what's good for you," Azec said, voice guttural and domineering.

Ryu skimmed past them and towards the mortals at the side. Seraphina was mortal. Surely they would help their fellow mortals. But their unsettled eyes looked over to the side and avoided catching his glances. Some shifted uncomfortably on the floor while others shuffled their feet against the cobbles and pretended to be busy with something.

The only ones who returned Ryu's gaze were the Elves with unsympathetic eyes. They looked bored, and they would rather watch in amusement than help the races they loathe. They couldn't even wait that the Demons and Mortals to kill each other.

Azec and Dever laughed while the three men snickered. 

"Don't even think of asking for help from those bunch. They'd rather pretend they didn't see anything than get themselves implicated," Azec's slicked tongue slipped out from his mouth as he ran his eyes over at Seraphina's body. "Rather, they might even join when the fun starts."

Ryu's eyes turned to slit.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Dever cut in. "Don't worry, we'll return your master once we take turns fucking her. .. Maybe. .. a week or so." 

Their laughter boomed in the four corners of the room, but all Ryu heard was ringing in his ear. And before he knew it, he was in front of one of the mortals with claws ripping the human's head. The man didn't have time to react. He was still laughing with a grin on his face before his head flopped onto the ground.

"W-wha!" Before another knew what happened, Ryu already claimed his heart and crushed it with his bare hands.

Ryu almost forgot that exhilarating feeling whenever he crushed that tiny organ. Though Cecily forbade him to kill humans, it didn't mean that he wouldn't retaliate if they initiated the fight first. And besides, Cecily was not here, and neither were these men humans. They were nothing more than mindless monsters, worst than beasts.

No one expected that the halfbreed was so fast and strong that even Azec and Dever jumped far away in shock. 

Upon discovering what Ryu did to his companions, the last mortal in their group brandished his axe and charged towards Ryu in rage. "RaArRgH!"

Equipping his gauntlets in his hands, Ryu didn't avoid the man's axe as he caught it with his hands and crushed it to bits. Thunder crackled on Ryu's gauntlets, and it emitted sounds that sent shivers to those who saw.

"W-wha. .. what kind of weapon is that?" the onlookers wondered. The gauntlet caught the might of a Rank-B merc and destroyed its weapon in one fist. 

Rather. .. everyone stared at the halfbreed. How could he be so powerful than Rank-B mercenaries when he was only a halfbreed?

"Don't get cocky, you brat!" the man howled and launched towards Ryu with incredible speed. Having to get past the Leviathan, his speed was on par with Ryu, but in terms of strength, he was lacking. But he made it up by imbuing himself with earthen spells to strengthen his defense and boost his attack.

"RaAgh!" the man cried a battle shout and barraged Ryu with punches and kicks, but his every attack was avoided with impeccable ease.

Ryu easily drove away the man's lackluster attacks, and with a forceful lunge, he punched through his foe's defenses and straight on his enemy's face, leaving a putrid pool of liquid life gushing on its head.

"Urk. .. H-how. .. ," the man gurgled his own blood. He couldn't understand why he, a Rank-B nearing A who just passed the deadly Leviathan and completed the first Islet of Tethy's, was defeated by just a mere halfbreed?

Before the man could ponder more, Ryu dived with a kick, sending the man's head rolling on the ground. 

Azec and Dever were both stunned, while the onlookers were still baffled as to how a halfbreed could be so strong. The battle with the three Rank-B mercs ended in just five minutes. Though Ryu used the element of surprise to kill the two mercs, it still didn't justify his speed and strength.

"Damn it! He's no ordinary halfbreed. I'll get the girl. You get the halfbreed!" Azec hissed, and he and Dever each flew to their target.

At the side, Seraphina sensed the two Demon's, Azec and Dever, were about to attack. With a calm face but blazing eyes, she sneered. "Don't take me for a weak damsel in distress."

Didn't care about conserving mana. Now that she had Tethyt's Tiara, mana was of little concern for her. She cast her hands wide, sending seeds flying and digging into the ground, sprouting a forest of mighty oaks inscribed with the words of the ancient. They covered the area, their branches intertwining tightly. Every branch and twigs bent and leaned in their best effort to create a barrier between Seraphina and her enemies. The entire structure sparkled with waves of her magic.

[Gaia's Might]

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