Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 260 The Wrath Of King Ash

The Giant Untamed Snake tribe did not exactly have a good reputation in the kingdom.

They were usually a quiet bunch.

They were mostly specialized in sneaky operations for the kingdom.

After the Coup that brought them down from the glory of having the crown, they have been surpresed and picked on a lot.

However, one of the few reasons the king did not extinguish the fire of this tribe in full was because they were full of secrets.

They also possessed rich knowledge about the kingdom.

If another Kingdom were to take them in, they would become a profound threat to the Vandora kingdom.

For this reason, their position as part of the Major tribes was not taken from them.

But then again, they were still surpresed.

The king of that time was smart.

His plan was to keep them were he could see and reach them if there be need.

At the same time, slowly cutting their influence in the kingdom.

Going as far as to spread rumors about them in order to ruin their reputation.

At the moment, many did not like the Giant Untamed Snake tribe.

Even those of them in the army were usually given a hard time.

Elder Baldie's plan when he baited Chiron to visit the tribal area of the Giant Untamed Snake tribe was to try and create an attachment that Chiron was in support of the declining tribe.

of course, it also meant that if Chiron made bad decisions, it would affect the already terrible reputation of the tribe.

However, Chiron had just done something that was of praise and reward.

Meaning that the reputation of the Giant Untamed Snake tribe was on the rise.

this was supposed to be a good thing.

However, Chief Wallow was trying to twist the entire thing.

He did not want the credit to be attributed to Chiron.

After all, it is a known fact that this was a silent competition for the crown between the two princes.

It was supposed to be an honorable challenge.

If what Chief Wallow was saying was true, then it meant that Chiron was cheating and that was without Honor.

Or better still, it meant that the Giant Untamed Snake tribe was helping Chiron cheat.

That was even worse.

Giving support from the shadows was one thing, but helping Chiron defeat such an opponent just for the credit to their name was something everybody would look down on.

Elder Baldie understood what was going on.

The Swallow tribe shared border areas with the Giant Untamed Snake tribe.

Although the Swallow tribe were known to be a calm collected people, that was actually on the surface.

It was what they wanted other people to believe.

This was just another ploy to pull them down further.

In the game of politics, the battle of words, reputation, power, and influence could happen anywhere.

It was a fierce battle that could either sway hearts or destroy one's standing reputation with the people.

Elder Baldie nodded his head, "I really don't know what you are talking about. The new prince returned to us injured and without arms. While you were enjoying the comfort of your tea parties, my Giant Untamed Snake tribe stepped forward to see how we could help him with the obvious problem."

This was a good defense. Elder Baldie had just removed himself and his clan from the equation.

Yet, he had also, attached himself to Chiron, but as a good Samaritan.

Hearing this, Chief Wallow could no longer point fingers. He had no choice but to hold his grievances back.

He turned and walked away.

The other Chiefs were also whispering to themselves about this incident.

No matter the method Chiron used to kill the General, it had shown his capability.

It did not take long for such news to spread within the army camp and even beyound.

It was just one battle but it's significance was incredible.

Chiron's legend had began in the stories of poets.

The Army were supposed to move for the war front three days from that day, but because of Victor's anger, they were forced to leave that night.


Meanwhile, in a different place, country, and palace not so far away, the King read the report with a frown on his face.

This was king Ash, ruler of the Chanland Kingdom.

He was slightly built and looked to be middle aged but in truth, he was already in his eighties.

His cultivation was strong in the Bronze rank and it aided with his age.

He had just succeeded the throne from his father and had plans to expand his kingdom.

of course, this meant swallowing other kingdoms.

At the moment, he had his eyes on the rich Vandora kingdom and had been making plans for this long since when he was just a prince.

However, a particular integral plan in his scheme had been foiled.

The Army he stationed in the Orc forest had been wiped out.

And it had been done by a child without arms.

This was many years of planning and strategizing.

It had gone straight into the drain.

"AHHHH!!!" he screamed in his anger.

He jumped down and caught the messenger that had brought the message by the neck.

He broke his neck with a hand, but was not satisfying enough to quench his anger.

He tore open the messanger's chest with his bare hands.

Blood and innards splashed everywhere. It was on his face, his robes, and some even stained the fear shaken servants around.

This was not the first time their king was doing something like this.

He had once mutilated a maid in a similar manner, just because she interrupted his sleep to bring him food.

Such was the way in the palace. Even his women feared him. After all, King Ash had one of the scariest of sins.

His was the sin of Wrath. No one knew when he would flair up, or what would flair him up. They all lived in daily fear that they would become the next he would send to the after life.

King Ash dug through the body of the unfortunate fellow like a dog trying to bury a bone.

He continued for a while, until the messanger's meat was all over the room like the room of a disobedient kid hunting for it's mother's attention.

He breathed heavily when he was done. He looked at the mess on the ground and sighed.

"tell his family that he died in combat. send them something!" he ordered and one of the soldiers saluted, taking the opportunity to run out of the room.

The king stood up and went back to his throne, sitting on it with his body still covered in the messanger's blood.

He sighed lowly. "I did it again."

Some one suddenly materialized from the wall behind him, "yes you did!"

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