Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 760: What are you looking at?

  Chapter 760 What are you looking at?

   At this time, Charlemagne hadn't received the latest information from the Secret Passage and the Bureau of Homeland Strategy. After a brief relaxation, Cenarius was about to start the ritual of resurrecting Malorne.

  Before the start, the demigod of the forest solemnly warned, "Everyone, once the ceremony begins, it cannot be interrupted, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted, and father's soul may suffer considerable damage."

  In the past two days or so, the Twilight's Hammer did not rush to launch an attack as everyone expected, but chose to stabilize its position and wait and see what happened before the oath and the demigods made moves.

  Anyway, the longer the delay, the better for the Twilight's Hammer. Once Deathwing hatches a large number of twilight dragons to launch a general attack on Wyrmrest Temple, the arrival of the Twilight Hour will not be far away.

   The Twilight's Hammer executives who knew part of the inside story had no doubts about N'Zoth's victory. What they thought about was how to draw a line with N'Zoth after he won the world.

  After all... Choogall has always advertised that he belongs to the C'Thun faction. Although this guy has already claimed to be a faction, it is still necessary to raise the banner. Who made him not have the strength to match his ambitions?

After resting for a few days, the three sisters Charlemagne, Tyrande, and Windrunner have already recovered to their best condition. Even the soldiers under the oath went to experience the hot spring in groups after the initial purification of the Dark Gray Lake yesterday. .

  Of course, Charlemagne doesn’t want to recall that kind of philosophical scene at all. What’s there to say about a lot of muscular men taking a bath...

As for the female soldiers, Alleria and Tyrande, regardless of Charlemagne's objections, opened the small lake outside the Essina Woods that Charlemagne advertised as a private hot spring to these female soldiers. praise.

   Adjusted their bodies and minds, the oath soldiers were fully prepared, facing Cenarius' admonition, everyone nodded to accept it.

  With Cenarius as the center of the ceremony, and Malfurion and Hamuul as the assistants, Malorne's resurrection ceremony officially started in this temple.

Of course, the green beam of light rising into the sky could not be fooled by the dragoons of the Twilight's Hammer. Soon these believers of the ancient gods probably understood the significance of Cenarius' ceremony. As the commander of Mount Hyjal, Blackhorn, the war master, immediately ordered Attack.

  When the Twilight's Hammer was busy building a position these days, the oath side was also not idle.

  Although due to the lack of supply resources, it was impossible to build a large-scale reinforced concrete defense line for the high elves, but the night elves' iron and wood positions reinforced by druids were strong enough.

  Under the protection of the bear form druids and warriors in the front row of the night elves, the long-range units can unleash full firepower to launch a violent ground-cleaning attack on the invading Twilight's Hammer Cultists.

  Aviana also brought her bird family and raptor Druids to Malorne Sanctuary the day before yesterday, and there was also a fierce battle in the sky at the moment.

A large number of birds of prey and the dragoons of the Twilight's Hammer clashed in the air. The mournful cries of the birds and the screams of the twilight dragon intertwined, and the flying flesh, feathers and torn dragon scales brought a wave to the ground troops fighting below. More bloodthirsty breath came.

Charlemagne squinted his eyes and looked at the tauren commander riding an adult twilight dragon in the distance. He originally wanted to snipe and kill this guy as usual, but a large number of twilight dragons blocked Charlemagne's shooting track. Be strict.

  Even if the vector steering is used, there is no guarantee that he can hit the Twilight General in the background of chaotic air combat, so he has no choice but to give up in the end.

   Feeling upset, he simply touched Solidar directly, and rushed into the Twilight's Hammer's attack camp at the head of Alleria and the others' worried eyes.

  At the beginning, the Twilight Cultists with ferocious smiles on their faces were excitedly planning to kill this reckless guy, but within ten minutes, they immediately changed their mentality.

  The Twilight Cultists who were still alive looked at this unparalleled humanoid natural disaster in their own positions with horror on their faces. All of them thought they would bypass Charlemagne's attack area and charge forward, lest they could avoid it.

However... for Charlemagne, who holds a longbow, almost the entire battlefield is covered by his attack range. It is nothing more than whether he can penetrate the crowd and be seen by him. Once he is noticed... Congratulations, the abyss of **** is free for one way Take the ticket and don't send it away.

  The attacks of this group of ordinary Twilight's Hammer members couldn't break through the vector barrier on Charlemagne's body at all. Whether it was a magic or physical attack, the result was the same. It was either deflected to other people, or directly reflected back to the attacker himself.

   As a last resort, the war master Noire could only send the remaining dozen or so elite ascendants in his hands to tightly entangle Charlemagne, preventing him from inflicting physical and mental double blows on his own soldiers.

  Although these ascenders could not hurt Charlemagne, their nature of endurance made Charlemagne very annoying.

   There is no weakness, and they can only be forced to beat them until they can't recover. It's really thanks to N'Zoth that he can think of this kind of sloppy form.


  Qian cut Moxie's double knives into the bodies of the fire and water ascendants respectively. The enchantment effect of the double knives made the two ascendants scream loudly.


  Raising his hand, he threw a pair of knives at the two Ascendants who cast spells behind him, and controlled the flight trajectory of the two knives with the hands of a magician.

   This spear, blessed by On'hara and infused with the power of the demigod, itself has powerful energy, and even a normal attack can cause a lot of damage to the Ascendants.

Relying on the experience passed down from previous generations of users, Charlemagne has already mastered the use of the eagle's claws. The heavy two-handed spear seems to be turning over in his hands, and the Ascendants can't even get close. arrive.

  The most aggressive part of the spear is at the tip, and this weapon is destined to be mainly stabbing.

  However, Charlemagne has learned to use the spear body and even the spear tail.

   Well, now Charlemagne can apply a sentence from a certain movie.

   "Who told you that you can't stab someone without a gun?"

  Looking at the ascendant with a big hole poked in his head, Charlemagne smiled disdainfully, and a large amount of colorful energy burst out from the tail of the eagle's claw, twisting the opponent's head into a mass of earth element residue.

  The changeable fighting style made the Ascendants feel both headache and terrified of this enemy. Already, 5 companions were depleted of their elemental energy by their besieged targets and returned to their master forever.

  These high-ranking disciples of the Twilight's Hammer, who originally gathered together for various interests, have already begun to plan in their hearts to betray their companions to survive.

Fortunately, when Charlemagne crucified an Ascendant with the Eagle Claw, took out Frostmourne and Fire Pleasure to play Starburst Abandoned Healing Slash, the Twilight Hammer's chief commander of Operation Hyjal blew The sound of the retreating horn.

  The Ascendants retreated as if they were being pardoned, one by one, and Charlemagne found Solidar again behind them to shoot, but failed to leave any of them behind.

   Just as Zha was in a bad mood, a line of sight with strong hostility suddenly fell on him.

  Looking up, it was the tauren who was hiding behind and directing. He was staring at Charlemagne with a pair of round bull eyes.

  The direct hostile eyes made Charlemagne very unhappy, raising his hand was an arrow of order.

   "What are you looking at?"


  Because a young twilight dragoon tried his best to block the shooting track, the energy arrow pierced through the target in front and finally stuck on the face of an adult armored twilight dragon under the tauren.


The armor on Twilight's dragon's head was smashed, and the severe pain caused him to shake his head violently. The tauren commander hurriedly began to appease the mount under him, and stepped back in embarrassment, never daring to turn his head Take a look at Charlemagne.

   Thanks to book friends "Zimu Chun" and "Invincible Big Light Bulb" for their support.




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