Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 754: So the Twilight's Hammer is an FFF group?

  Chapter 754 So the Twilight's Hammer are all FFF groups?

  The smoldering Azeroth made some ambitious people so excited that they couldn't sleep, but the order camp headed by Charlemagne could only be busy fighting fires everywhere.

   It was not the Horde and the Alliance that started the all-out war, nor was it the Covenant Allied Forces that were already sending support to Mount Hyjal, but the Naga Civil War led by Vashj from Suramar to Vashj'ir.

The naga scattered all over Azeroth responded to Queen Azshara's call from the tide stone, and all the naga loyal to the queen rushed to the front line of Vashj'ir, and fought with those naga who obeyed N'Zoth's order. Fierce fighting.

In terms of the quality of the Naga army alone, the Vashj army with most of the senior leaders is undoubtedly superior, but the Naga on the side of N'Zoth has the help of the mind demons and various sea monsters sent by their masters, and the two sides are now fighting. Engage in brutal sea tug of war on the Shimmer Seabed.

  Vashj is not alone and helpless, Charlemagne has long been in contact with Neptulon, the water elemental monarch who is also fighting against the forces of N'Zoth on the seabed.

  The two sides have the same interests, and hit it off, and now Neptulon has ordered his general, Duke Hydraxis, to set off from the Throne of Tides through the Abyss Gap, and together with Vashj, attack N'Zoth's naval forces from both sides.

At the same time, Onyxia and the Ring of the Earth in Deep Rock Continent have also made significant progress. They have taken back the three Pillars of the World from the Twilight Hammer entrenched in various parts of Deep Rock Continent debris.

The stone mother, Serazane, is trying to reassemble these three fragments with the help of the ring of the earth and the guardian of the earth. As long as the black dragon princess succeeds, the earthquakes that still occur from time to time in Azeroth can be recovered from the source. be resolved.

On the side of Silvermoon City, Charlemagne used the three space battleships Lieyang, Silvermoon and Yuanxing to transport the main force across the ocean to Kalimdor. Wives, Farstriders, and Ranger troops go first.

  Teleported to the World Tree Nordrassil, Charlemagne had just stepped out of the portal with the three Windrunner sisters and Tyrande when he saw a familiar figure—the Claw Archdruid Shane Moonclaw.

   "His Excellency the Regent, you are finally here!"

  Shaun, with disheveled clothes and bloodshot eyes, seemed to see a savior when he saw Charlemagne, and stepped forward to greet him excitedly.

Charlemagne frowned when he saw the arch druid's attitude. Although he and Shao En didn't have a deep relationship, in his usual impression, although Shao En was a bit reckless in doing things occasionally, he was still relatively stable. This is what it looks like now...

   "Arch Druid, is the situation really bad? Judging by your haggard appearance, it seems that you haven't slept for a few days."

  Shao En said with a bitter face, "It's really bad, please come with me, you will know after seeing the situation below."

  Leaving the three Aurelia sisters to lead the troops to camp, Charlemagne and Tyrande took Eragon to keep up with Shaoen who had transformed into a storm crow, and the three arrived at the southern mountain of Nordrassil.

   Landing back to its original shape, Shawn stretched out his hand with a heavy face and gestured downward, "Look, this is the current situation of Mount Hyjal."

   While still in mid-air, Charlemagne vaguely saw a red light coming from below. At this moment, he and Tyrande landed beside Shaun with solemn expressions.

  The original green forest scene at the foot of the mountain has completely disappeared, replaced by scorching land and scorched soil mountain walls that can be seen everywhere.

  Swarms of fire elementals wandered unscrupulously on the red and black earth, and the sky was also covered with a large number of twilight dragons flying high.

   Except for part of the northern part of Hyjal, which is still under the control of the night elves, the southern part is centered on the conspicuous Saffron Spire, and the surrounding area has completely turned into a purgatory on earth.

  Charlemagne was speechless for a while after seeing this scene, and then asked in a deep voice, "Where are Malfurion and Cenarius? I heard that they plan to return the demigod of the forest. How is the progress?"

"Not smooth."

  Shawn sighed, "The fire elementals and Twilight's Hammer that resisted the frenzied invasion of the front line have consumed a lot of our energy, and now Goldrinn and Cenarius are forced to go to the front line."

   "Before Malfurion went to the Dark Gray Lake alone to wake up the tortoise demigod Tortola, but..."

  Shawn shook his head, "The son of Tortola was captured and corrupted by the Twilight's Hammer, and he himself was bound by the Twilight's Hammer's Ascendant. Malfurion is trying to free him."

   Tortola is one of the few demigods who survived the War of the Ancients. After a long sleep, he has gradually recovered from his injuries.

   Malfurion decided to awaken the tortoise demigod just to get Tortola to join in the rescue of Mount Hyjal this time. Who would have thought that the Twilight's Hammer would beat him one step ahead.

  Charlemagne recalled the quest line of Mount Hyjal. After decades, what he could remember had gradually become blurred, but he could probably remember that the temples of several other demigods seemed to be in Mount Hyjal as well.

"What about Essina and Aviana? Why didn't Malfurion choose to resurrect them first? Aviana is the ancestor of all birds. Once she can return to Azeroth, we will have the opportunity to fight the Twilight Dragon." powerful air force."

  Essina is the mother of elves, she is a little transparent among the demigods of the wilderness, and Charlemagne is not quite sure what kind of ability she has.

  But Aviana is different. Before the sworn air force arrives, the existence of this mother of all birds is crucial.

  She flies very fast, and was entrusted by the demigods to deliver messages during the War of the Ancients. Wherever she exists, there will be a large number of powerful birds in her arms.

  The harpies all over Azeroth belonged to her family, and it was because of Aviana's fall that the harpy gradually fell.

  Shawn scratched his messy hair in embarrassment, "Well... Essina has awakened, but her ability is more auxiliary, and it has little effect on advancing the frontal war."

   "And Aessina... the sacred egg used to bring her back to life was stolen by the Twilight's Hammer, and Aessina's follower, Thisalie Crow, is looking for it..."


  Charlemagne asked loudly with a confused face, "You told me that such an important thing was stolen?! Are you kidding me?"

  Shawn looked speechless, and could only lower his head in shame.

Tyrande patted Charlemagne's shoulder lightly and explained, "Don't blame them. In order to resist the Twilight's Hammer and Fire Elementals attacking from the front line, the druids have already done their best. The shortage of troops is what happened. biggest problem."


Charlemagne exhaled heavily, adjusted his irritable mood, and after regaining his composure, he said in a deep voice, "It will take about half a month for the main force of the oath to reach the battlefield. I will let the Farstrider and Ranger troops go to the front line first." Provide fire support to the druids."

"Aviana, I will take Elegon to help Hisaly find it. Tyrande, you take Vereesa to help Malfurion, and strive to rescue Tortola's heirs and liberate this world. A turtle and demigod."

  Shaun breathed a sigh of relief. "It was a great help. The situation on the front line is indeed very tight. Now that the Twilight's Hammer has advanced to the vicinity of the Essina Forest, with the support of the rangers, they should be able to stop them there."


Charlemagne clapped his hands and said, "Okay, let's act separately now, there is no time to chat, the plight of Mount Hyjal is just a part of the chaos in Azeroth, try to solve it as soon as possible, we have more important things to do Do."

   Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.




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