Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 298: Evening Drinking and Meetings

Chapter 298: Evening Drinking and Meetings

The last time that Han found himself in the city was when he bought daggers at a Weapons Shop and then looked around for some wands. It was strange to do it now since he usually 'went to bed early'so strolling down the streets with some of his fellow Academy mates was strange.

Last time he did something like this was when he had gone out of his way and returned to Kraelonia. He arrived past curfew, thanks to the Colossal Wyvern incident. Back when Timothy was still around and that had been when he snuck in Iola, didn't he?

It almost felt like a long time ago, and he snapped himself back to the ongoing conversation.

"We'll pick up some of those beef skewers at the market district, and then we can finally head to this tavern, I know." Donovan had taken charge of this short expedition. "I dropped by there by myself, and sometimes, Sir Leon."

"Tavern? Didn't you say dinnerthere are a lot of nice restaurants around," Russel said and gestured at some of the fancy and welcoming dining areas they were passing through.

Han quirked a brow, never paying much attention. But yes, this guy changed his mind and had decided to come along when Teresa tagged along.

Said young woman rolled her eyes. "Then eat there by yourself. Even Diov is joining us at the taverns, right?"

"Tavern, pub, bar or whatever you call itit's all the same to me." Diov shrugged. "At least we can get something to drink here unlike at the dining hall."

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Teresa cheered.

Han stifled a chuckle at the enthusiasm, but nodded along. "Yeah, I'm also looking forward to a drink to change the pace of things." While he had no idea how this body of his tolerated alcohol, the idea of alcohol wasn't something he'd back down from.

Not that he wanted to become wasted, but life was short.

It took them a couple of minutes until they arrived at the familiar sight of a meat shop where Han himself bought skewers before. The familiar and mouth-watering aroma of grilled meat enticed him and even other travellers and people that passed and hurried across this street.

Until the memory of him buying some for a kid sprang up to his mind and he glanced idly about for a little Thief. It was better to be safe than sorry.

Han still half-wondered if that young boy was okay nowand while he didn't give too much money, it was not hard to wonder if the boy returned to thieving and snatching items.

Most likely.

"We'll take some to go, Butch." Donovan waved a hand at the man at the food stall, greeting them with a familiar grin. "We'll take everything you have."

"Been some time, Donovan! You'll be amazed at the change in texture of the meat." the vendor offered the guy a sample. "Changed my supplier, actually. Got myself some better and fresher cows slaughtered."

Donovan tore through the barbecue and looked up. "It's super tendermelts in my mouth."

"Let me try," Teresa said and received the skewer from the guy and also took a bite. She chewed and nodded, "Yeah, tastes like you got this from a young calf and not just some old cow. Pretty amazing, I can see why you like it, Donovan."

Han was reminded of online eating shows? He almost forgot the term, but then said it underneath his breath. "Mukbang, huh can I have one too, Mister?"

The food vendor, Butch the Butcher most likely gave him a raised brow. "I remember you, but it's three coppers, boy. You can't get things free."

Where did all of his luck go when it came to instances like this? Han dug out some money from his pocket and took a skewer for himself. Food was better when one paid for it, anyway. He ate with much gusto, looked up and grinned, "I guess this will go great with beer, huh?"

The combination of barbecue and beer really went well together.

"For sure," Donovan paid the food vendor and turned to them. "But at least a quarter of these are for Sir Leon. He also enjoys them." He offered some to Diov, who got himself two and began to eat.

"Really? Would have thought that he'd be picky or nit picky like Russel here," Teresa said. A curious look was on her face. While all of them had started to stay around together, by virtue of maybe Diov being a fellow Noble, or just them trying to stick with the 'cool' group, it was suffice to say that not everyone was familiar with one another.

"Oi, I just have terrible reactions to some food." Russel protested. "They make me feel sick!"

It made Han think about allergies. Surely someone would have already noted down, right? Or did the people here just learn how to trust their stomach and not eat anything that made them feel nasty before?

Teresa threw the skewer into a trash bin and stretched. She didn't exactly speak directly to Russel, dismissive of his complaint, as she said. "But as long as we get to eat somewhere, no complaints here."

"Then we're off to find our tavern then." Donovan pointed in a direction. "Let's try to see if the cheap one I've been to is not packed to the brim."

"Seems like you're familiar with locations such as this one, huh?" Han offered and looked around. The streets of Gloria City were decorated with poles adorned with lights, magically glowing ones, and they passed by different shops, buildings and other structures.

It almost reminded him of home.

There was a serene sensation as the traffic slowed down at this hour. By sundown, most of the travelers were probably already resting in their choice of inns while the citizens relaxed at their homes after a long day of work.

They soon arrived at a rather nice looking tavern.

And yes, it looked more like a tavern than a pub to Hanthe minutiae was not lost to him as their group stepped inside and was greeted with the lively clamor inside. The common room was nearly filled with different people, more full than when Han stayed at Nire's inn. At the rightmost corner of the room was a small platform stage, where a young woman danced and spun for the worn out travelers and attentive people.

"This is where you two hung around?" Russel rubbed his chin and asked before Diov could even wonder about it. He eyed the woman dance at the corner and grin, "I can see why"

"Keep your eyes off the woman, perv." Teresa walked past him.

"Hey, I was only appreciating her fluid movements!"

"Psh, excuse." Before the two of them could go on with their usual spat, she quickly found them a table and sat down before any other person could grab it for themselves. A busboy walked past her, clearing out tables and handling orders around.

Once all five of them were fully settled down, Han sighed in relief. "Let's order quickly then."

"Yeah, we better return before the curfew." Russel eyed the number of people around. "Although, can all of these people cater to everyone"

"People who work in such professions like this one do learn how to cook fast," Diov answered and raised a hand. A server approached them and took their orders and quickly spun away, maneuvering through the crowd of guests.

It was going to be a simple night for Han. Relax and eat something more up to his tastes, and just get on with his life. The rest of the people with him were talking about simple and lighthearted stuff that even he could join in too. Surely, this was what everyone wanted, and he was content right now right until he met the gaze of a certain person.

Surely this would have been all fine if he caught the look of a pretty girl in the tavern, the dancer currently performing tonight made provocative and sinuous movements that could have enraptured one's souland this might have even made his day, er, night.

Except for the fact that it was a guy looking at him.

Even worse, when this man nudged his friend and pointed at him. Han cleared his throat, pretended not to see that as he washed down his barbecue with some beer. "So I'm with Diov on this one"

"I didn't say anything." Diov's brows rose in amusement. "But at least, I know who to have on my side during confrontations."

Teresa snorted and gulped down and emptied her fourth mug, "Someone's clearly not paying attention. Are you drunk already?" She turned around and then raised her mug, "Another one for me please, busboy!"

Han coughed and held on to his second drink. "Head in the clouds, so what were you guys talking about?"

Russel raised his tankard, red-faced and already not sober. "Well, the thing isI'm sure that Calum could have shot that Mage and defeated him on his own. That lightning guy would have been toast if Professor Liddell hadn't interfered and knocked him out!"

"You trust your friend that much," Donovan scrunched up his face. The young man rolled his eyes. "Even I can tell when a Warrior is outclassed. Lady Angelika had to remove her armor from the stray electricity that this guy was pulling up"

"So it is true that you really became a Student at Kraelonia Academy, that's impressive!"

People really interfered at the worst imaginable times.

Han wanted to pretend that he didn't know them.

"Er, excuse me, but who are you?" Diov asked warily. 

The Guardsman ignored the young man and only had his eyes on Han. Ryden grinned and pointed at himself and Boaz. "We met at the gates of the citynot sure if you remember us, but where's your brother?"

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