Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 360: Agatha (58)

Chapter 360: Agatha (58)

Jiang Li's trip to the outside world, that was the other continents outside of Mu, ended only two years after he sent Margarette the portrait.

For a decade he had witnessed the rise and fall of several dynasties, which had only been possible because he wandered almost every place on earth, thus discovering that there were a lot more tribes and kingdoms than ever recorded in history. Various religions, traditions, and customs graced his eyes.

One thing he would never ever forget perhaps in his whole life was the weird bathroom traditions of the Romans where public toilets had some sort of sponge-stick as a substitute for toilet paper. Who would have thought the very technologically advanced Roman civilization which had wowed the modern people with its sophisticated customs, great infrastructures, and wealth of knowledge in various fields, had such unique hygiene routines?

It was quite an eye-opener.

But overall, the experience was not that bad. He had proven that the various modern 'love philosophers' were correct.

The best way to distract a brokenhearted man is to travel around to see all the beauty the world could offer.

Meeting other people and seeing other sceneries could do wonders to any lost soul. But of course, one could never escape from what he would eventually face in the future.

He could say it was a good thing that he could sometimes forget everything that happened in the Holon Kingdom. This also greatly helped in moving from the past. However, the weird effect of the continent to 'deserters' was not completely effective on him due to the system's existence. 

It was necessary to negate the forced amnesia effect but he had no points to pay for the service? Easy! Hello, loan!

Jiang Li made it cancel the weird influence on him every year so he would never forget what his goals were, the points owed to be paid upon exiting the world.

"It's time to go back" Two years after he sent Jiang Ying Yue's portrait to Margarette, he stood up from the giant island of ice and absentmindedly murmured to himself.

The place where he was right now was the North Pole, on that giant block of ice that never stayed in place, drifting across the Arctic ocean. Nobody knew that this huge body of water, while perpetually cold and covered by sea ice, did not really have the ice island until Jiang Li arrived.

It turned out the greater his power was and the closer he was to igniting a so-called divine fire, the older, stronger, and long-lasting his ice would appear to be.

In the future, once modern explorers visited the place, they would think the oldest ice in the North Pole had existed for a million years when in reality it was only two-thousand-year-old. Had Jiang Li chose to stay there, the huge expanse of ice might even be mistaken as one that existed from the beginning of time.

"In the end, this is not a place I can stay for long." After roaming his eyes around for a couple of moments, he shook his head and left.

A dozen years was spent on pursuing godhood. He was currently just a step away, a supreme ice magician at the level of an Angel. How about Margarette? Did she discover the geoglyphs he left near the sand village and chose to pass the time by studying the secrets of the deities?

While he was traveling the treacherous ocean using a boat made entirely of ice, he looked up. He knew he was being watched by numerous eyes from somewhere he could not yet see. He could feel their curiosity and varying emotions. 

"Don't be anxious, everyone, we will meet shortly," he laughed. His declaration met silence.

For those 15 or so ascended angels, it must have been quite unbelievable that the world produced another god a few thousand years after the death of the Great Deity. If Margarette heeded his hint and threw herself devotedly to the task, then there would be two of them. He wondered how this bunch would react. Would they be pleased? Or feel threatened because the territories within Mu would have to be divided again?

Honestly, if he wanted to, he could take that one last step right now. But he didn't. He postponed this because apart from the destination, Mu Continent, having a greater density of magic than the outside world which would be helpful for him, he also wanted to do it while Margarette was watching.

Without disguising himself, he arrived at the seaport on the Western side of Holon Kingdom. As he was the only person who came back to the Continent aboard a weird iceboat, he immediately garnered the attention of the manager of the port. However, because his appearance had drastically changed, turning more mature and with an air more noble even than the king, it took two days before Beatrice, a middle-aged woman who had started following Margarette two decades ago, recognized the man.

The manager of the seaport tried to meet Jiang Li and sweated a lot when she found out that even though she was a magician herself, she actually couldn't look at the person's face. No, she didn't dare.

Even without her guts warning her about it, her magic power suddenly felt oppressed when she came within five meters from him.

'What kind of man is 'she' waiting for all this time!?' Beatrice respectfully lowered her head.

Jiang Li did not stay long in that port. His goal was only to have someone inform Margarette that he was back.

He next went to Holon City, planning to check whether the villainess and the annoying king were still alive and if they had done anything detrimental to the leads or Margarette. On his way to the palace, he unexpectedly met a young child who had just jumped over the walls.

"Catch His Highness! Don't let him leave!" Panicky voices echoed from the other side. 

The royally dressed boy grinned in that direction before bolting away. "Haha, no one can catch up to me! See you, everyone. I'll be back when I feel like it! Bye!"

Following the kid in secret was a female shadow warrior he once saw lingering around Agatha.

Surprise flashed across Jiang Li's eyes as he stared at the mischievous-looking boy who had probably wanted to have some fun by himself outside the palace and thought he had succeeded. 

With amusement on Jiang Li's face, he mused, the boy must be the villainess' son. The age suggested so.

Margarette was definitely aware that her evil stepmother had finally achieved her real dream of conceiving a child for the king. She was probably resentful of him, right? Because they too could have one if he did not leave.

A man who could dress up in rags yet still appear noble could only be extraordinary. However, this same man had a wry smile on his face as he looked at the boy. He shook his head after and walked towards the palace. He did not stay long, only a minute or so, to check on Francis IV and Agatha.

Before leaving, upon seeing the two were doing okay, he grew annoyed.

'This irritating pair still has done so many bad things in their lives. The Queen at least, I'm sure, will love to see them suffering a bit.' With this in mind, the jealous guy impulsively hurled some spells on them.

A day after he left, the news about the two being frozen in ice amidst something passionately unspeakable for more than twelve hours spread in the palace. It was said the wonderful scene was seen by more than a dozen people.

After that, not mentioning the two middle-aged people, the youngest and most spoiled of the princes couldn't lift his head up for months before his brothers whenever this was mentioned by others.

The system too couldn't believe its host went to the palace just to do something like that. It thought: Ouch. My host is still unreasonable and malicious.

On that same day.

Few hours before midnight, before Margarette's date of birth for this year formally arrived.

Adam just saw a very bright blue light shooting towards the dark horizon. Everyone in the whole Holon Kingdom and some other neighboring states were roused from their sleep as it was accompanied by a loud sound that seemingly came from heaven. When everyone went out to check, they were dumbfounded by the sight that greeted them.

"L-look, dear! Over there!"

"Oh, my goddess! W-what is that?"

"Celestial bodies in the sky are exhibiting some strange movements? No, it's not from the sky... Weird..."

"This is a sign from the gods!"

"This is a miracle! Praise the Lords!"

The pillar of light that burst out at the border between the desert and the Holon Kingdom was just too dazzling that nobody could ignore it. Heavenly music even seemed to be playing in everyone's ears as they gazed at it.

For a while, nobody could close their mouths and they kept pinching themselves to see if they were not dreaming. Some even began to do or babble strange things, blurting out guesses about the mysterious phenomenon. The sober ones immediately pulled up several books from their collections to check whether this thing already happened before. Those ignorant and with no desire to overwork their brains simply assumed this was done by the divine. 

From the various churches near the site, several tall statues of deities suddenly produced resplended glow before turning into real people with human-like bodies but god-like air and appearances.

Thousands of clergymen who witnessed the scene almost held their breath from shock until they almost forgot to breathe.

There was one only thing in their minds afterward.

'Kneel! The gods have descended!'

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