Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 325: Agatha (23)

Chapter 325: Agatha (23)

'So Your Highness, when are you leaving?' The bishop asked for the nth time in his mind.

But like the usual days, Prince Benedict never mentioned anything but his yearning for a girl he had never even seen.

After the morning prayer and mass, the Bishop accompanied the other to the house of a very wealthy merchant who had invited them for late breakfast. The two, and their entourage of course, then went back to the church, talking about what always piqued the prince's interest.

"Your Highness, Lady Obson will visit before noon. Would you like to meet her with me later? Maybe the Obson family has obtained a clue and will want to share it with us."

The handsome man gave a smile, "Then please excuse my sudden presence in your talk with the lady." His eyes were outside the lavish carriage. "I can still see the missing person notice on the walls of this place... When will Lady Marian be found?"

A sigh came from the clergy accompanying him. "It's been three months"

'... Since you started giving me a headache. Demanding. But not even topping up the reward to motivate more people to search for the lady.' The last part was added in his heart, in a complaining tone, of course.


"She should still be alive. The Pope has at least confirmed this through the Goddess' revelation."

"That's good news. I sincerely hope nothing but for Lady Marian to be alright. I would love to meet her and slowly deepen her impression of me in her heart."

The bishop said nothing, although deep inside, he wanted to suggest for this young man to personally search for the lady of his dreams and leave his diocese alone.

The pious Viscountess arrived just as the messenger had said. Her condition was obviously not good as she obviously lost weight and was listless in both body and spirit. But this was inevitable given that both of her children were no longer with her, one was dead, the other missing. Her husband's advice could barely get into her head. The only thing sustaining her was the fact that Marian was still alive.

As usual, she received some counseling from the bishop and the priests. The royal prince also put in some words of consolation from time to time, sympathizing with her and telling her that things would be alright. The viscountess was very thankful for their effort. She was not aware of the identity of the handsome foreign noble as she had never met him before due to the lack of qualification and official summon to enter the palace.  

"Thank you..." Eyes red, she told everyone in the place. "I truly appreciate every good word that you're making me listen to. It's just that I still can't help but grieve in my heart, constantly asking why it's all happening to me... I was but a simple mother of two children. So why it is me when there are many others out there? Oh, my Goddess, I must have been out of my mind already to think of something so awful. Oh, my Goddess..."

Then she went back to crying and everyone else had to exchange awkward glances. The progress was back to zero.

In one corner of the large room, Adam was standing with his back straight and hands on his sides. At a glance, he looked similar to the other knights and guards who were merely there to serve as decors. Yet in actuality, pain and shame always flashed through his eyes every time his real master was mentioned. In parts of his body that were hidden by his armor were several scars and wounds. It was because even if nobody had told him to punish himself, he did anyways. For him, the demotion from being a leader of the knights was not enough.

Time flew fast. In a few minutes, it would be lunchtime and the people in this room would head towards the dinner hall. It was at this moment that everyone heard a bird's cry outside. The bishop promptly stood up and went to the window side. Those who were left at the center of the room saw the solemness in the chief priest's countenance so they maintained silent.

Half a minute later, a joyful expression appeared on the bishop's face and he brought over a piece of paper to the lady with tear-stained cheeks.

"Praise Penemue! You won't believe it but the Pope finally responded to me! Milady, look here! The heathen is finally found!"

"What?" The woman let out a gasp.

Viscountess Obson couldn't believe her ears so, with trembling fingers, she reached out for the piece of paper and read what was in there.

"Oh, my goddess!" she repeatedly said, probably too consumed by emotions to think of other words to say.

Adam was looking at the lady with a dumbfounded expression in his face. 'Heathen?'

There was only one person that fit this description. A blurry face of a youth wearing a white commoner clothing appeared in his mind. A guess then followed.

'Is it that fake messenger? Then milady is also found?'

His excitement must have shown in his face later so a hand suddenly fell on his shoulder. When the young knight looked at the person on his side, he saw his captain shaking his head at him. He composed himself then mouthed without an expression, 'I know.' He was not allowed to make even the slightest sound at the presence of several important people...

Prince Benedict only watched the scene. He was late to see the content in the piece of paper, but since the bishop had considerately broadcasted it a while ago, he had also arrived at the same conclusion as Adam. A strange feeling then got into the prince's heart.

'The location is in the Holon Kingdom?' Discreetly, his eyes narrowed.

While the rest were busy celebrating and then making plans after learning that the fake messenger's whereabouts, the prince excused himself and then secretly sent a message to the capital through one of his magicians.

His father, the king of Borley, appeared through a mirror before him, albeit the face was blurred out. It was because the artifact's capability was not advanced enough to let two or more people communicate as if they were really standing face to face. After a few exchanges of words, a decision was reached. Prince Benedict's request was granted and the image vanished.

"Your Highness, congratulations."

Despite the beads of sweat all over his face for having exhausted his limited power, the magician made an effort to flatter the prince. There were no outsiders in the large room so the latter did not fear being overheard by someone unrelated to them. 

Benedict laughed. "It's still early to celebrate. But I'm glad to receive Royal Father's permission. Now, which of those fools in the capital will dare laugh at my decision to volunteer for this mission?"

"Your Highness is wise," praise another attendant. "His Majesty himself approved of it. It's a good idea to request the Pope of the Church of Wisdom to send another message to Bishop Gregory. That way, no one will be able to criticize you for suddenly joining a knight expedition leaving Borley for the Holon Kingdom."

The man replied with a slight smile. "I simply figured that a sincere suitor will not shy away from crossing a desert or cruising an unassailable sea. If I happen to be the first to be baptized by the future Queen of Holon, then it will just be a good bonus, a blessing from the Great Deity of the Nephilim..." 

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