Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 330: The Guest Entertainer

Chapter 330: The Guest Entertainer

"I really thought Yin would be here after Violet," Ja Sun looked at the pouty guest glaring at him with her honeyed amber pupils as his grin widened. Despite taking some groundbreaking steps toward an elementary concept better known as Sharing is caring Ja Sun was somewhat strung at the thought of change. It was easy to grow monstrous because of who his teacher was in the past life and he himself was... like that in the first place but it was hard to change easily. It was honestly embarrassing because today's act may just open him to a world of teasing by his family. The Bastards!

Yet, a prime prey ripe for picking arrived on her own accord, arms crossed and nose pushed high to the sky in an arrogant demeanor... and to actually look up to him due to the sheer height difference. The 'girl' after all... barely reached the level of his thighs, a single lock of her hair that stuck up managed to close the distance to his waist while the seven feet menace he had grown to be didn't need some overt expression to look threatening. In fact, he had to constrict his heigh in spirit transformation from a divine being now almost 4 meters tall to 7 feet.

Still, if they tried, most girls could try and pull up to be as tall as him... but for various good, filling, and exhaustingly pleasant reasons, nobody did aside from Zi Ji. That kind of put some sense on how curvaceous and Amazonian Zi Ji actually looked at the moment... something that happened to be the topic of his guest's arrival.

True to her origins and not the one to mince her words even after losing disastrously against a clone that Ja Sun made out of her and the secret spanking that she shall never speak of, Bing Bing let out a tiny glower, her twin-tailed glossy emerald hair and the frills of her frock swaying as she released her... well, RELATIVELY impressive spirit energy, "Is it true?!" She demanded, "Have you no shame? How can you even think of defining a beast with your human essence? Just because you call yourself a Beast God does not mean you are a beast! What? Are you going to aim for every female with your filthy paws? Let me make this entirely clear, I shall never mate with you or anyone! I shall remain as clear and pure as Sister Snow!"

Ja Sun blinked and turned to look at the other emerald-haired beauty. This one was remarkably slender yet voluptuous with a strapless green dress hanging over her body and marking her curves while exposing her creamy back with a deep cut. Adjusting her pair of glasses, a gift from her long-time self-proclaimed sister, too, Bi Ji exhaled a sigh, "I am sorry to interrupt your assessment of everyone's skills but... Bing Bing wouldn't stop pestering me to bring you here. I decided it was better to quickly dismiss her worries and then continue with your desires at your leisure pace."

Unlike others, Bi Ji wasn't about to enter this competition. She was all about healing and had no delusions. Besides... she felt she didn't need to acquire any treasure from her 'new' god given how brutally she was scammed before. She would rather have him gift her the most mundane substance instead of risking such a traumatic situation again.

"Good decision," Ja Sun praised, "And that's why you're the best Secretary! Damn, and I didn't think I even needed a good distr discussion until now." His massive, predatory grin that bared his canines and pearly whites that would threaten to bite into a dragon's hide made Bi Ji's eyelids twitch before she shook her head and smiled.

"I'm... gratified by your kind words..." Saying this, she cleared her throat as she felt Bing Bing's gaze boring into her.

"Anyway, I should leave and administer my strength on Yuehua. And please refrain from going so hard on such a sweet friend of mind. If anything, she has been tirelessly helping me in teaching some manner to other 100000-year-old beasts because Sister Dong wanted it ALONGSIDE her cultivation."

This made Ja Sun chuckle. It was easy to get angry with others who didn't see things his way but anger and acts of liberating one's possession were reserved for those standing opposite to him and not those like Bi Ji who helped him a lot.

"I went hard because I knew she was training for it. Yuehua has known me ever since I could get bald or get my hands torn off by Titled Douluos... she craves such 'attention' because she wants to have a sense of this side of cultivation and prepare for it." Tapping his forehead, beside his third eye, Ja Sun grinned, "She wants to prepare herself mentally. I suggest you inquire about her family but since it's my personal and only secretary advising me, I will keep that in mind and maybe... leave a limb untouched~"

His chortle only made Bi Ji exhale a helpless, wry sigh before she nodded and was sent out by Ja Sun. His gaze then fell on Bing Bing and he cocked his head sideways, "Now, from the top, Stinger, why did you come here?"

With that, he plopped down cross-legged on the frozen sand dune, Bing Bing's work the moment she stepped on the desert. She was, after all, the wielder of an ultimate element Ultimate Ice, as a beast notably known as the Ice Jade Scorpion, the Emperor variant, of course, who had broken through natural limits and now ruled a small tribe of other scorpions in the Extreme North.

Huffing, her cheeks inflating the most naturally, she stomped her thin but soft and springy feet and balled her fist, "Bibi Dong is so much of a better human than you! She knows how to treat me the Empress I am and provides me with the best of flavored ice!"

"Popsicles like these?" Ja Sun queried, waving his hand and taking out one blueberry popsicle as Bing's honeyed eyes glinted and a smirk developed over her face, "Exactly!" and she snatched it out of Ja Sun's hand. Letting her... 'take' it since she was far slower in her human form, Ja Sun waited until Bing Bing unwrapped the popsicle, held the wooden straw from underneath, and brought the popsicle close to her thin pink lips before glaring at him while aggressively licking her popsicle.

'Damn... is that a look of hate fuck... should have never lost my virginity... I tend to think of things in terms of sex. Why hate fuck? It could have been hate blowjob... fuck.' Ja Sun grumbled inwardly as many geniuses do about the best decision of their lives like little bitches who would score 99 out of a test of 99.5 and encouraged the licking girl to speak up, "If you have any troubles, as the new Beast God, I shall help you out for a... moderate price~!"

"Hmph! What are your intentions by mating with Zi Ji?!" Bing Bing questioned again. She didn't sit down. The whole reason for Ja Sun to sit was to match the level of her gaze cause her glare over his dick was just bonerific.

"Recreation? Zi Ji and I are both into it. Besides, I respect her drive. Sexual one and the drive to improve now that she seemed to be properly motivated. Oh, my long-term intentions are to keep on bedding her and eventually share a sense of affection with her." Since his goals were pure with not an ounce of scam, Ja Sun declared his holy ambitions out loud. Did he even have any reason to not be proud of his harem since it was so amazing?

Bing Bing frowned and bit her lower lip, "Y-you freak! I shall never let you close to me or Sister Snow!"

"Again, Stinger, what are you talking about?"

Not even trying to correct Ja Sun for the umpteenth time since he never stopped calling her Stinger and... she had no way to stop him in the first place, Bing Bing ignored the nickname and growled, "I'm talking that if you can eye Zi Ji, and from the looks of it, Bi Ji like potential mates then you must be warned for my and Sister Snow's beauty is far more ethereal and enticing to the human eye, even if it is yours. We can accept following your strength but we shan't be sullied by you!"

Ja Sun always knew that what Bing Bing was to Snow was similar to what Zi Ji happened to be for Bi Ji.

Not about strength and all. Just that the former pair of followers was brash and they looked up to their wiser friends...

"So... why do you think I will be interested in you or Snow? And how did you even know about me and Zi Ji?" Ja Sun wasn't really interested in the duo since they didn't even live close. Distance naturally affected relationships but the kind god he was, Ja Sun let Bing Bing make a case for herself and Snow. Maybe he can take a trip to the Extreme North, have a frozen stiffy, and get his popsicle sucked as aggressively as Bing Bing licked the current blueberry one.

"Hah?" As if shocked by his very words, Bing Bing stood rooted before glowering as her pale little nose with its tip naturally soft red scrunched up, "I am covered in the ice of jade, body so viridian that even the ground pales. My magnificent beauty is lusted after by every Scorpion and Sister Snow's beauty makes the heavens weep in envy itself!"

She answered the first question, certainly impressing Ja Sun as she continued, "Besides... Bibi Dong, after having me kill that King as he mated with his partners, relayed your actions in the passing. That's why I came here, to warn you!"

Ja Sun nodded, internally noting that Bibi Dong finally had the Yin-Yang Illusionist killed off. Poor soul, right while he was having fun in the King's Harem. Hoping that the unfortunate soul got to finish at least once, Ja Sun hummed, "Duly noted, your suggestion, that is."

"Good," finally calming down a little, Bing Bing demonstrated a certain level of tolerance for the popsicle and licked it far gentler than before while adding, "Do let me out."

And finally, Ja Sun cackled, "I think not!"

Bing's expression froze and she frowned, "What?"

Before she could move from where she stood, Ja Sun's gaze, intent, and sheer presence pinned her down. Her tongue against the popsicle seized up as her amber eyes widened in shock.

"Now... why would I NOT want to come after hmm... as someone just said, a being covered in jaded ice, so green and viridian that even the verdant ground pales?" He leaned forward but still continued to sit, "Do you even know how to escape this realm? Escape me? Do you have the necessary strength and knowledge?"

And this made the proud Stinger realize... that she did not have any of those. Again, with how Ja Sun acted... he never really went out of his way to beat others into submission. With his current quest geared towards godhood, he was far more interested in mastering various laws around him before making certain preparations so he had nothing to gain by going apeshit crazy on other beasts.

Live and let live, as they say.

But that itself deluded many, including Bing Bing, who was quick to recover base pride. Pride that Ja Sun loved taming under the right circumstances.

Bing's breathing turned shallow and quick. Panic was evident in her eyes as she hissed, "S-sister Snow will"

"Your Snow has taken enough sight of me to remind me that she will remain a consenting candidate for a number of things we can do together. Now that I think of it... she is a humanoid beast in the first place." His smirk was all Bing Bing needed to know how utterly she had fucked up.

But wielder of the Divine Cock Energy, Ja Sun knew he didn't need to stoop low. Again, he had never made shoddy bets, sneaking up on someone when sleeping or something else equally shady. He expected these from Xie Xan, Oscar... and Hu Lana, but not himself!

Stroking her cold but supple pale cheek that had a bit of rosiness to it with the back of his furry claws, Ja Sun whispered, "Do you think Zi Ji would bend over for anyone? I know about your history. You have fought Zi Ji twice and lost to her twice. As a 100000-year-old dragon, Zi Ji is somewhat resistant to Ultimate Elements and her devouring ability is hard to escape."

Bing Bing's lips trembled as the popsicle in her hand was covered in a layer of ultimate ice instinctively as she remained rooted.

"Or do you think Bi Ji would be open to it after seeing how Zi Ji strut around with such satisfaction? Come now, Stinger. Your beauty is alright, even when you're a Scorpion but let's be clear." With a certain... dominance that bordered certainty, Ja Sun grinned, "I don't need to lust after you. I don't need to look at you. I don't need to remember you. So, be grateful for as long as it's happening. And pray that in your long, lonely life filled with icy caves, should you get interested in the divinity I am, that I am still open to the idea cause there may just be another scorpion who knew what it wanted."

He flicked Bing Bing's nose and with that, she disappeared.

'Hmph, bitches thinking that I'd really crave for them. If anything, evidence supports that the thirst is present in them. Bets and now this...'

Ja Sun still, however, had a massive grin. Ah, he felt so amazing just lording over someone about his godly self... and he was even happier that Bing Bing was just the right amount of clueless to not even notice that his rant wasn't even contradicting to the main issues the Stinger brought up. Poor lass. After all, that's what she wanted, right? Being ignored. But Ja Sun knew well even he would feel a little annoyed if someone said to him that he would be ignored from now on, much less the prideful scorpion.

'Hmm... Only Ja Yin remains... wonder what she would want.'


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