Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 123: Desired Product V

Chapter 123: Desired Product V

The emperor had virtually ‘ordered’ Bahamut to answer his questions. 

Though there was some complications about the method itself, Bahamut was prepared to speak about the contents.

‘The most important thing here… is to convey the inevitable future to our advantage as much as possible.’

Although he didn’t really like the bast*rd’s disposition, whether it was described in the original work or now, the man was still the emperor—a person with tremendous power who could influence the situation on the continent.

No matter how much he became a famous colossus, he was an impossible opponent for Bahamut, a mere merchant, and he had no intention of challenging him. It was only possible to sway the emperor according to Bahamut’s intentions, and that required a great deal of effort on his part.

To this end, Bahamut opened his mouth with the utmost courtesy to suit the emperor’s wishes.

“Since it is Your Majesty’s command… I will try to answer you with my limited knowledge. However, before that, I would like to ask Your Majesty a few questions, if you please?”


At Bahamut’s words, the emperor gave an expression as if inviting him to proceed. 

Regarding this, Bahamut cautiously asked his question.

“It is presumptuous of me to ask, but to Your Majesty, the countries that can be considered the greatest enemies of the Empire—how do you rate the strength of the two empires, Dragona and Tarkic?”

At the sudden question, the emperor responded with a hint of interest.

“That means… are you asking about their national power? Or something else?”

“I’m asking very simply if you think you’ll be able to win if you fight them all at once with the power of the Holy Empire.”


It was a direct question aimed at the emperor’s greatest concerns. Depending on the circumstances, it could have been seen as rather rude. 

However, considering that advice had been requested immediately, it couldn’t be made into an issue. Furthermore, to obtain the necessary answers from the emperor, this was a question that needed to be asked.

In response, the emperor began to think about Bahamut’s question with a serious expression. Although the Holy Empire’s power was renowned as the strongest on the continent, the Tarkic Empire’s national power was not to be underestimated. In addition, the Dragona Empire, which had been pressuring the Holy Empire’s allies—the Kingdom of Roland and the Kingdom of Hangury—was a formidable force that could not be ignored.

‘I don’t know if it’s a one-on-one war with the Tarkic Empire. But dealing with the Dragona Empire at the same time… no matter how strong the Holy Empire is, it would be absolutely impossible. Besides, we must also pay attention to the rearguard, the Frank Kingdom…’

However, to say this outright could be seen as undermining the emperor’s authority. Thus, the emperor spoke to Bahamut in a voice that feigned relaxation.

“It will depend on the situation, but it seems we can win if we proceed with a defensive battle. However, it would be impossible for us to attack.”

To be honest, even defensive battles would come with heavy sacrifices, but considering the Holy Empire’s solid defense facilities and the relatively defensible terrain, it didn’t seem completely insurmountable. 

In response to the emperor’s reply, Bahamut nodded slowly and said, “Thank you for your valuable reply. If that’s the case, I will now answer Your Majesty’s questions.”

At that, the emperor listened closely to the next words that would come out of Bahamut’s mouth. 

While looking directly into the emperor’s eyes, Bahamut began to speak in a calm voice.

“To begin with, I believe that the Holy Empire will not perish under the current circumstances. If, as Your Majesty said, we do not waste our power by launching a hasty attack, we believe we will be able to stop the enemy invasion with the help of the Empire’s solid defense facilities. But…”


The emperor felt a little impatient with Bahamut’s pause.

Regarding this, Bahamut took a deep breath and continued speaking.

“Even if the enemy’s advance is halted… the Empire will have to prepare for damage beyond imagination. Even if the mainland is protected, in the worst case, half of the territory of the Iria Peninsula will be taken away, and about 30% of the empire’s population will be lost. Of course, in the process, Vienna will be reduced to ashes.”


Bahamut was describing terrible damage beyond imagination—virtually defeat or irreparable loss. The emperor’s face instantly hardened, and he spoke to Bahamut in a voice tinged with anger.

“How can you say such a thing? Doesn’t that mean you are underestimating the capabilities of our Holy Empire?”

It was a statement that could be interpreted as an insult to the empire, depending on the context. However, Bahamut remained calm and unshaken, responding in a composed manner.

“Of course. In reality, nothing serious will happen to that extent. This is only a scenario in which the Holy Empire has no allies, including Hangury and Roland. Considering the presence of those who will come to the Empire’s aid if it is in danger, the worst-case scenario is highly unlikely.”

“Umm… I see… If you put it that way, I understand what you mean.”

The emperor calmed his anger at Bahamut’s additional explanation. Certainly, there was some truth to what he was saying. The presence of the Kingdom of Roland and the Kingdom of Hangury still had a deterrent effect on the Dragona Empire, preventing it from making hasty moves. 

While the Holy Empire had many enemies, other countries were well aware that they would not be safe if the empire collapsed. There were several who would come to the empire’s aid in a crisis.

After pointing out these facts, Bahamut continued speaking in a tone slightly more serious than before.

“However, it is true that their strength alone is not enough to resolve the current situation. Right now, it may be difficult to block the Dragona Empire, but soon a storm we can’t handle will come.”

“A storm… could it be?”

At this point, the emperor could think of only one factor, and Bahamut nodded in confirmation.

“The Tarkic Empire. If they, who have only been concerned with Benessa’s business until now, decide to move, it will only be a matter of time before the shields protecting the empire are broken, and the next place to be threatened will be right here, not another city.”

Even defending against the Dragona Empire with only the strength of Hangury and Roland was a daunting task. In addition, if the Tarkic Empire, which had not been directly involved, entered the fray, Hangury and Roland would have no chance of surviving.

“According to the information I’ve obtained, most of the southern strongholds of Benessa, which have been in conflict with the Tarkics, have fallen into their hands. The islands that are not inland are defending themselves, but at this point, it can be said that the Tarkic Empire has achieved its immediate objectives. And, of course, their next target after all this will be…”


Bahamut revealed matters that even the emperor did not know in detail. The emperor recognized that this man’s information network was more extensive than he had imagined. The vague sense of crisis he had felt began to manifest more tangibly.

‘If the power of Benessa, which was pressing the Tarkics from the sea, weakens, it will be as if the shackles holding them back are released.’

It was not a pleasant thought for the emperor. Organizing a separate expeditionary force at a time when the empire’s financial situation was strained was a heavy burden. Just recently, it had been necessary to secure funding through Bertina. But despite these concerns, the emperor realized one undeniable truth as he listened to Bahamut’s analysis.

‘Indeed… there is no doubt that the man named Bahamut, even though he is connected to that arrogant Bertina, is someone to be recognized. Based on information that is difficult to obtain in ordinary ways, he clearly understands the situation on the continent…’

Acknowledging his opponent for the first time, the emperor asked Bahamut in a more measured tone.

“If so… from your point of view, what would you like me to do? Do you think there is a way to defend against enemy invasion while minimizing damage to the Empire?”

If the situation and the problems were understood, it might be possible to devise a solution. In particular, as Bahamut had previously resolved issues in Hangury at his own expense, the emperor began to expect that this man might provide a suitable answer to the empire’s current challenges.

“There is a way.”

“What is it? Come on, tell me.”

The emperor spoke to Bahamut with a hint of impatience. 

At that moment, a smile flashed across Bahamut’s lips, though the emperor did not notice, his attention entirely focused on the answer that would soon be revealed.


During the recent unrest in the country I am from, our family hardware store was broken into and looted by thugs. I don’t know why they did it, since my family has always been minding our own business, without bothering anyone else. I’m guessing some people are taking advantage of the current lawless and chaotic state of the country. 

Anyways, the incident now leaves me as the only earning member of my family. Long time readers know that I was already dealing with a mountain of trouble (that I inherited from my father), and was already struggling. I had created a plan of action, and was steadily moving forward. But this incident destroyed whatever plans I had, again. I don’t know why bad things keep happening to me again and again. I might as well be cursed or something.

So here I am, after much hesitation, once again asking for your support. If you are reading this, please help if you are able to, I repeat, help only if you are able to. I am not asking something for free, you can become a Patron at Patreon to gain access to more chapters, or sponsor as many chapters you can from any of the novels you enjoy on Goblinslate here at BuymeaCoffee. Or if you just want to help, you can donate any amount at the Wishlist at BuymeaCoffee.

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