Pokemon: Reborn As Ditto

Planning 4 Future

Planning 4 Future

Misty and I made our way back to the Pokémon center, our ice cream-filled bellies full and happy. As we walked into the center, Nurse Joy looked up from her desk, her eyes immediately going to me. She caught my gaze and gave me a little thumbs up, nodding her head in approval.

I winked at her, my Ditto body silently thanking her for her support. Misty didn't notice the little exchange, her eyes focused on the hallway ahead of us.

As we entered Misty's room, she climbed onto the bed, her body sinking into the soft cushions. I settled myself next to her, my body sinking into the same spot, molding to her shape and size.

Hmm, not getting the feel...

I looked at Misty and mimicked her supple body, turning into her twin from another mother and snuggly hugged her.

Misty looked over at me, initially with a bit of surprise that quickly turned into amusement on looking the content look on my face.

"Hugging me again?" she asked, her voice teasing.

I nodded, my eyes shining in the dim light. "I like hugging you, Misty," I said, my voice softer than usual. "You smell so good and your body is so soft."

Misty chuckled, her body relaxing into my grip. "Well, I'm not going to complain," she said, her voice muffled slightly by the pillow.

I spooned her, my body snuggling up against hers as we lay there together. Misty's body was still warm despite the load of ice creams, and I could feel her heartbeat steady and calm. It felt like we were two pieces of a puzzle, meant to fit together in this exact moment. 

Misty let out a quiet "Thanks," her voice barely audible. I squeezed her tighter, my body burrowing deeper into the softness of hers.

I tried to start a conversation, saying "So I was thinking-"

But Misty jumped in, playfully jabbing at me with a joke. "You think?"

I chuckled, my body shaking with amusement. "Haha, very funny." I replied, taking her tease in stride. It was nice to see Misty's playful side, even if she was still a bit flustered from earlier.

I continued my train of thought, asking Misty, "Peoples catch Pokémon, right?"

Misty nodded, "Yeah, they do."

I followed up with a curious question, "What if I don't want to be caught?"

Misty's expression changed, and she suddenly looked at me in a new light. She remembered that the being currently cuddling her, looking like her body double, was actually a Pokémon. If not for the blatant gaps in my common sense, she wouldn't have believed it.

After a brief silence, Misty spoke up, her voice a bit softer. "Then don't... you can live deep in the forest... nobody would bother to catch you..." Her words trailed off, and I could sense a hint of uncertainty in her tone.

I settled in, my body still wrapped around Misty's, making us look like two peas in a pod. I let out a sigh, my breath tickling her ear, "I would have, but it's just so boring..."

Misty's gaze met mine, her eye filled with agreement.

"Ehh, that sounds true..." she said, her voice trailing off as she raised her head off the pillow, her chest now partially exposed. I couldn't help but notice, but I played it cool, keeping my face neutral.

I took advantage of the moment, rubbing my nose against hers in a playful gesture. "Then again, isn't this the first time you've seen a Pokémon talk?" I asked, grinning mischievously.

Misty let out a little yelp, her eyes widening in surprise as she giggled and tried to squirm away from my nose attacks. "Hey, it's ticklish!" she said, trying to hide her smile behind a veil of annoyance.

"I am more interested in the adventures," I said, my eyes sparkling with excitement. "I heard you people do something called Championships? Where people from all places come to participate?"

Misty nodded, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Yeah, but not all places, more like just a region. Different regions have their own championships."

I bounced up and down, my body bobbing with excitement. "That sounds so fun! I wanna participate in that!" I exclaimed; my voice infectiously enthusiastic.

Misty raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement on her face. "Dummy, it's for Pokémon trainers to participate, not someplace to go for sightseeing."

I leaned in, my body tantalizingly close to Misty's. "And what do Pokémon trainers do there?" I asked.

Misty thought for a moment, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Make their Pokémon fight?" she replied, her tone uncertain.

I nodded enthusiastically. "And what am I?" I asked, my voice laced with a hint of mischief.

Misty's eyes widened as realization dawned on her. "Pokémon... ohhh, you mean..." she trailed off, her face flushing with a mix of surprise and amusement.

I grinned, my face beaming with mischief. "Yup!"

Misty's expression turned skeptical, her voice tinged with concern. "But didn't you say you don't want to be caught?"

I chuckled, my body shaking with amusement. "Yup, but what if I find a cute and beautiful-looking girl with orange hair and pretend to be her Pokémon?" I asked, my eyes locked onto Misty's, a playful glint dancing in them.

Misty's face turned bright red, her eyes widening in surprise. She sputtered, "W-wait a minute! Is that okay?"

I raised an eyebrow, my face querying. "Why not?" I asked, my tone laced with amusement.

Misty hesitated, her gaze darting to the window, avoiding eye contact. "I mean, while I am a Pokémon trainer, I don't have too much experience of training them..." she trailed off, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

As she spoke, the weight of my hand on her waist disappeared, and Misty thought I must be disappointed. But then, she felt a hand touch her chin, gently moving her face back towards me.

Her eyes widened in surprise as my lips brushed against hers, a soft, gentle kiss that sent shivers down her spine. I pulled back, a sly grin spreading across my face.

Misty's eyes remained wide, her pupils dilated in shock, as I whispered, "Dummy, do you think I need training?" My voice was laced with playful teasing.

Misty's eyes widened in surprise, her face flushing with a mix of shock and embarrassment.

"W-what was that for?" she stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

I beamed at her, my face radiating innocence. "I was saying thanks for accepting!"

Misty's eyes widened further, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "But I haven't accepted it yet?" she said, her tone laced with confusion and amusement.

I giggled. "Will you reject me, a cute and cuddly Ditto?" I asked, my face inches from hers, my eyes locked onto hers, using my most adorable, moe-cute expression.

Misty's face softened, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Haah, I guess okayy..."

I squealed in excitement. "You're the best!" I exclaimed, my eyes shining with joy.

Before Misty could respond, I leaned in again, my lips crashing against hers in a more insistent kiss. This time, it wasn't just a gentle brush - my lips pressed firmly against hers, my body molding against hers as I deepened the kiss.

Misty's eyes widened in surprise, her body tensing up for a moment before she relaxed into the kiss. "Ahh wai-mhmpp..." she murmured, her voice muffled by my lips.

As our lips pressed together, my tongue slipped into Misty's mouth, taking her by surprise. Her eyes widened, and for a moment, her body tensed up, unsure of how to react. But I didn't give her a chance to pull back, my tongue darting in, exploring the warmth of her mouth.

Misty's tongue instinctively resisted at first, but I teased it gently, playing a game of tag with the tip. Her initial hesitation soon gave way to a soft sigh, her body melting into the kiss as my tongue danced with hers. I could feel her surprise giving way to curiosity, her tongue tentatively curling around mine as I guided her through the kiss.

Her mouth was like a sweet haven, and I reveled in the sensation of her soft lips, the gentle play of her tongue, and the warmth of her breath. Misty's body seemed to dissolve into the kiss, her tension draining away as I expertly ravaged her inexperienced mouth.


Five minutes later, Misty lay there, heaving, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she struggled to catch her breath. I was in a similar state, my head nestled between her breasts, inhaling the milk-scented air with long, dazzled breaths.

As a Ditto, I didn't have to worry about air, but it was a different story when I transformed. Strength and weakness, I took both when mimicking, and right now, I was reveling in the sensations of being human.

Misty's voice was laced with exhaustion as she spoke, her words punctuated by heavy breaths. "W-why do you... always..."

I just snicked, a soft, contented sound, and let out a warm breath between her breasts. Misty's eyes flashed open, and she slapped my head from behind, a gentle but playful rebuke.

"Eehhh, don't do that!" she exclaimed, her voice still husky from our earlier activities. I chuckled, the sound muffled by her breasts, and nuzzled deeper into the warm, soft space between them.

I raised my head from the soft mounds, gazing towards the digital clock on the table. [5:23 PM] My eyes widened as I quickly jumped out from Misty's embrace.

"Fuck," I muttered to myself, realizing I had told Delia I was going for a walk and it had been nearly 8 hours since I went out. She might have been worrying about me.

Misty looked at me, confused. "What happened?"

I hastily explained, "I've got to go somewhere. I'll be back tomorrow. You don't have anywhere to go, right?"

Misty thought for a moment. "Hmm, not particularly, though I need to get that boy Ash to repair my cycle."

I waved it off. "Bah, I'll get you a better one in the future. Anything else?"

Misty's eyes narrowed. "No, but where are you going?"

I shifted uncomfortably, trying to downplay the situation. "I had told someone I was going out for some time. She might be worrying if I don't return."

Misty's gaze turned sharp, her voice laced with suspicion. "She?" Her tone sent a shiver down my spine, and I could feel a volcano about to erupt somewhere.

I acted oblivious, trying to defuse the tension. "Yeah, a friend."

Misty's eyes narrowed further, her voice dripping with skepticism. "Hmm, just a friend, huh?"

Misty's eyes seemed to bore into my soul, her voice laced with suspicion. "Do you also give your thanks to this 'friend'?"

Heh, I felt like a wrong answer to this question wouldn't bode well for me. I rushed to avoid answering that question, trying to deflect the attention.

"Why are you asking all that? Anyway, I will meet you tomorrow, Misty! Please wait for me, okay?"

Misty nodded her head slightly, her expression unreadable. "Right... oh, are you going back like that? I think your 'friend' might not like it..."

Her voice sounded sarcastic, and I could feel the arrows flying my way. Damn women, always poking holes in my story!

I acted oblivious, trying to maintain my facade. "Only till I find a flying Pokémon to mimic, take care!" I rubbed her head before rushing out of the door, trying to escape the interrogation.

Not gonna fall in that trap!

As I left, Misty fell back onto her bed, muttering something under her breath. Her stomach suddenly growled, and she looked up, her eyes focusing on the present moment.

"I should eat something..." her whispered words lingering in the air.

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