Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha

Chapter 41

# 41

41. Mission Type Defense (6)

A human soldier whose lower body was cut off dragged his arms.

The goblin with its neck bone turned staggered to its feet.

The ogre turned into a hedgehog by the arrow wriggled as it rolled around in the mud.


A soldier in the plains freaked out and ran away.

However, a hand jumps out from under her feet and grabs her. The corpses began to devour the soldiers’ intestines.

“Kkeok, uhhuck, uhhh…”

The soldiers in the middle of the corpse became prey without being able to resist properly.

Thousands of corpses lying on the plain rise all at once.

Dangling limbs, drooping intestines, and letting out an eerie groan.

Seeing this, Iolka’s complexion turned blue.

Before the horror message pops up.


I slammed the rock next to me with my shield.

“Reorganize first, go back to the city and reorganize.”

“Brother, what the hell is that!”

“They’re bugs with udon noodles instead of brains.”

Slowly, I smashed the head of an approaching human corpse with my shield.

He fell silent in the mud.

“Don’t aim for arms or legs. Break the head.”

Three did not answer.

A look of fear appears on his face.

I grabbed Aaron by the collar, lifted him up, and yelled at him.

“Will you come back alive with me, or will you become prey for those bastards?”

“That monster…”


Aaron, who had been absent-minded, regained his senses and firmly gripped the spear.

“I’ll be back.”

“Okay. I’ll carry Iolka. Run to the gate!”

“all right!”

I lifted Iolka and immediately ran.

Aaron with a spear followed on the left and Jenna with a dagger on the right.

“They’re slow. Don’t face each other. Stick to the wall!”

Aaron smashed the head of a goblin corpse that was swaying in front of the wall with a spear.

Thousands of corpses slowly approached the walls.

living corpse.

A monster that revives from a corpse under certain conditions.

Although he loses quite a lot of his skills and athletic ability, his appetite for meat increases unreasonably. Also, if you don’t break the head, it will continue to work.

In any case, it was by no means a monster that would appear on the 10th floor, the beginning of the tower.

Difficulty was odd.

“Ouch! Close the door! Close it!”

At the urging of the officer inside the gate, the soldier sweated profusely and turned the pulley. The gate gradually narrowed.


Jenna drew an arrow and pulled the string.

The arrow lodged in the forearm of the soldier who was turning the pulley. The soldier grabbed his arm and rolled over.

The officer who was screaming took over the pulley.


Aaron ran to the gate and put the barbed wire through the gap in the gate.

The spearhead bent and withstood the pressure.

“Why isn’t it locked! What is it, what is it!”

The officer cried out, then let go of the pulley and ran away.

I pushed Iolka, who was carrying me, through the gap in the castle gate. Two people follow. Aaron grabbed the spear from inside the city gate and said.

“Come in!”

“I’m not going. Close the door.”


“Go into the inner castle. Join Edith and protect the statue of Goddess. Lock the gate and you’ll be able to hold on.”

“Brother, why aren’t you coming in!”

Bodies are pouring in from behind.

There is no time to explain.

“Do I look like someone who will die easily?”

“But outside…”

“Trust me.”

Jenna said in a firm voice.

“…are you coming back?”

I said with a smile.

“Are you talking about it?”

“Okay. I’ll close it!”

“Brother is still out there!”

“It’s all because they have an idea! Let’s believe it, as always.”

Aaron’s Spear was retrieved and the gates began to close.

Just before the door closed, Iolka whispered.

“Don’t die.”



I retreated by the gate.


The sledgehammer of the ogre corpse struck the gate.

The gate shook for a moment, but it did not collapse.

thump thump! thump thump!

The ogre kept knocking on the gate with the hilt of a sledgehammer. Pieces of wood fall in the rain. They don’t have the intelligence to use ladders. With the castle gate, you will be able to hold out for a little while.


The soldier’s corpse pierced the spear. He blocked it with a shield and then decapitated it.

There is a goblin next to it. Three slashes followed, and the severed heads of the corpse fell, pouring rotting blood.

I ran sideways with my shoulders attached to the wall.

These guys operate according to two principles of action. The first is the destruction of the Goddess Statue. The second is the appetite for living things. So many of the thousands of corpses clung to the gates, and only a few dozen nearby followed me.


The soldier who was climbing the ladder fell down as if he had tripped.

‘He’s an unlucky guy.’

I directed the corpses in the direction of the soldiers.

It’s better to eat a guy who is still than a guy who runs. The corpses rushing towards me approached the screaming soldier with a sprained leg.

Enemy. damn

There was the sound of chewing flesh and breaking bones.

He was going to die anyway.

It’s hideous and dirty to look at, but it’s no big deal if it’s one by one.

I moved to a position where I would not be surrounded and smashed the heads of those who approached me.

Looking at the burning forest.

The target was inside.

‘The black priest.’

It is a monster that appears mainly in the middle layer.

The level is low and the combat power is not high. However, he was the one who fucked the master with only one special ability. Resurrection of the dead. It is to make a zombie by raising the corpse around you.

The stronger they were during their lifetime, the more corpses they had, the more troublesome they were.

You could say he’s a picky guy when he appears in this type of mission.

But this guy also has a strategy.

If I had to deal with thousands of corpses one by one, I would have had to bury my bones here.

‘If only the caster is dealt with, he will collapse.’

I thought about bringing Jenna along too, but in the end I decided to stay alone.

Even in the city there are corpses.

I looked up at the castle wall. Edith was piercing a guy’s forehead with a dagger. Two parties lined up next to it, sweeping away the corpses.

My eyes met Dick.


I put my index finger to my mouth.

Dicka became a honeyed mute and nodded.

‘There is no fear.’

No one died.

Even in this situation, it shows its combat power properly.

Edith’s leadership seems to be better than expected. If the other three join, they will do just fine without me.

I proceeded, knocking down all the guys who got in my way. There was a target not far away.


lost owner. Bodies were swarming around him. I threw myself and broke the back of one’s head. As he drew his sword in a semicircle, the upper and lower bodies of the five men were sliced at an angle.

When the siege was lifted, the horse immediately turned its head and tried to flee.

He quickly approached, grabbed the reins, and mounted. The horse struggled to drop me. He tapped the horse’s head and said.

“Don’t worry. I won’t kill you.”

After a while, the words became quiet.

He kicked the horse in the back with his foot. The horse that was walking began to accelerate.

To get to the forest, you have to go through thousands of corpses. Breakthrough was needed.

Fortunately, the cavalry horses were well-bred warhorses, large and well-trained. The essential requirement for a war horse is not to feel fear in the face of a sword.

The horse, which gained sufficient acceleration, proceeded to smash all the corpses.

Of course, there were also obstacles to avoid.

The horse’s head snapped when the reins were quickly turned to the left. The ogre’s sledgehammer passed by him. The corpse wolves that woke up belatedly rushed to the rear.

The wolf, who was about to bite the horse’s tail, was hit in the head by an arrow and fell over.

Looking back, I saw Jenna aiming her bow at the far wall. Each time the protest was pulled, the wolves rolled one by one.

‘That bastard…’


There was a loud noise, and the gate collapsed. The ogres in the lead began to advance into the city. Jenna sprinted down from the top of the castle wall.

‘I want to split my body in two.’

The first priority is to defend the Statue of Liberty.

If the outer castle has collapsed, you must immediately retreat to the inner castle and build a barricade inside the castle gate. If you use your experience on the 5th floor, you will be able to hold out for a long time.

I decided to turn it off for once.

It doesn’t matter how long the other side lasts.

It was a matter of how quickly I dealt with the priest.

The war horse ran into the woods, trampling and crushing the corpses. It has become a distance where you can feel the heat of the burning forest on your skin. He got off his horse and patted him.


“Hee hee!”

The horse lifted its forepaw and disappeared into the plains to the west.

In the back, in front of the hordes of corpses trying to eat my flesh, there is a hell of flames.

The fire is burning fiercely as if it is about to burn the entire forest.

The trees around the plain were charred, and branches and leaves engulfed in flames and shook with the sound of burning leaves behind them.


The corpses, a mixture of human and goblin, came to me struggling, even though the flames were right in front of them.

I opened the lid of the health potion, drank it all at once, and sprayed the remaining amount over my head. And moved his feet into the flames.


As soon as I entered, a goblin corpse greeted me. He is a man whose whole body is on fire.

When he turned to the side, he fell over and stopped moving as if he was on fire.

Lower your upper body so you don’t inhale the smoke. Still, the pace was quick. The skin is burning hot. Air was also scarce.

This much can be tolerated.

Soon after, we reached the border of the map.

An impenetrable transparent wall. The flames continued to reach the forest beyond, but I was this far.

“I know you’re here.”

Neither can enemies pass through walls.

Since I didn’t see him coming out of the forest, it means he’s in this not wide space.

[Follow me!]

[Skill Awakening!]

[‘Han( )”s ‘Fire Resistance’ has risen to Lv


You only need to kill one person. only one.

[‘Mackin( )’ panics! All stats are reduced by 50%.]

[‘Shuren ( )’ falls into fear! All stats are reduced by 30%.]

They were the last two to join Edith’s party and me.

[‘Mackin( )’ has returned to the arms of the goddess. His fighting spirit will be remembered forever!]

[‘Edith (★★★)’ is bleeding. Physical strength decreases at regular intervals.]

[‘Dica ( )’ is in fear…]

‘Is it about to reach its limit?’

I put the message out of sight.

A black shadow moved from one side of the ashes.

I grabbed my sword and flew towards it. Dark red arrows shot out from between the burning branches. blocked by a shield


The projectile pierced the iron shield like a head and penetrated the left arm.

Although the fighting power is weak, it is a medium-level standard.

Here, on the lower level, the meaning is slightly different.

A second magic arrow comes flying. The destination this time is the right chest.

I tried to avoid it, but it is impenetrable on all sides. I bit my tongue hard and it bled.

[‘Han( )’ has entered a berserk state!]


The sword blade and magic arrow collided. The arrow, which rotated like a drill, missed the sword, stole a chunk of flesh from his shoulder, and disappeared. I jumped straight ahead and fell on my stomach. A third arrow grazed overhead.

‘If it wasn’t for the throw defense, I’d have fallen behind.’

The situation is not good.

It is fire resistant, nabal, and the surroundings are impervious. Every time I breathed in, acrid smoke mingled into my lungs. Blood leaked out from the hole in his left arm.

[‘Han( )’ is bleeding. HP decreases at regular intervals.]

There is no time.

before my mind is clouded.

before the party is destroyed.

“Hey, Ki, R, Ha, Go, Want, Everything.”

A grotesque voice was heard from within the forest.

“Talk? Yes, what are you talking about?”

“You, are, woo, lee, wa, da, ren…”

I jumped up and threw my sword where I heard the voice.

“100 million!”

He pulled out his secondary weapon, a dagger. run as is


A black arrow flew. I held out my left arm. His entire left arm was torn off and blown away. My face turned red.

I held the dagger in reverse. I headed for the face of the guy covered by the hood.

A second black arrow pierced my right chest.

[‘Han( )’ is in a dying state…]


Insert the dagger into the hood.

I pulled it out and put it back in.

I didn’t care and continued to hit it.

The black priest, whose limbs were shaking and trembling, eventually stopped moving.

“… Cool.”

Blood spurted out of his mouth.

‘What about clearing the stage?’

He dragged his right arm and placed his back on the trunk of a tree.

‘Isn’t it over?’

If so, that’s it.

I don’t know any more.

I’ll die before the statue of Goddess breaks.

[‘Shuren ( )’ has returned to the arms of the goddess! His fighting spirit will be remembered forever.]

Damn it.

There is no dog death like this.

Being dragged to a place you don’t even know about and dying after going through hardships.

As I was about to let go of my mind, a message popped up.

[Stage cleared!]

[‘Jenna( )’, ‘Aaron( )’, Iolka(★★★) level up!] [‘

Edith(★★★)’, ‘Roderick(★★★), ‘Usher(★★) ‘Dica( )’ level up!]

[Reward – 70000G Lesser Fire attribute stone]

[MVP – ‘Han( )’]

[Congratulations on clearing Master 10th floor!]

[Waiting room’s name is fixed to ‘Taoni’ .]

[Exploration dungeon has been opened. Gather rare materials including Advent Stones!]

[Among the Master’s Heroes, there is a hero waiting to be promoted. If you have gathered the materials, combine the Upgrade Stones to retrieve the forgotten pieces of memory!]

Light covers his entire body.

I quietly closed my eyes.

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