Paradise Pokeball System

Vol.2 Chapter 15: The Main Underwater Attraction

Vol.2 Chapter 15: The Main Underwater Attraction

"It's Landon everyone! We have special guests in the stream today! So I want everyone to give them a warm welcome!" Iono shouted at her floating Rotam phone as Tallia and I walked up to join them.

We were in a building, but the place only had a large circular platform that covered most of the room. Tallia was standing behind me, peeking around the side of me, and I was starting to wonder if it was a good idea to bring Tallia, since she seemed so shy all the time.

"Tallia! You came as well?! Oh My Arceus, everyone is going to go crazy!" Iono cheered as she finally noticed us.

To my surprise, Tallia hopped out from behind me to wave both her hands like she had done this a million times. "Hey everyone! Long time no see! I brought my new... Friend! I hope that you can all get along with him!"

Tallia gestured to me, and Iono skipped over with her phone. "You see everyone?! This is the new guy that I am talking about! Tell me what you all think in the chat!"

The stream chat exploded with activity, usernames popping up in rapid succession:

PokeMaster69: Who is this guy? Why is he with Iono and Tallia?!

TrainerAce: This is so unfair! Iono and Tallia are supposed to be single!

PikaLover123: OMG, Tallia is so cute! Who's the lucky guy?

CharmingCharizard: He's kinda hot. Is he single?

EeveelutionFan: He better treat them right!

ThunderShock91: I can’t believe this! Iono is supposed to be my waifu!

BlazingInferno: Who does he think he is? Iono and Tallia deserve better!

FierceFangirl: I bet he's amazing if they both like him!

WaterQueen: Look at him! He's totally handsome! Is he single though?

MegaMewtwo: Iono and Tallia are goddesses. This guy better be worth it.

Iono giggled at the comments, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "See everyone? Tallia brought her new friend, and he’s going to be joining us for our adventures! Landon, why don't you say hi to the chat?"

I smiled and waved at the camera. "Hey everyone! It's great to be here. I'm looking forward to hanging out with all of you and seeing what kind of adventures we can have together!"

The chat lit up again:

TrainerAce: Ugh, he’s so smug.

BlazingInferno: Of course he’s charming. Typical.

PokeMaster69: I bet he’s just using them.

CharmingCharizard: Did you see that smile?! He’s definitely hot.

FierceFangirl: I think I’m in love...

WaterQueen: Iono, can you ask him if he's single?

Iono glanced at the chat and winked. "So, Landon, the chat wants to know... are you single?"

I chuckled, glancing at Tallia, who was blushing but still smiling. "Well, it's complicated. But I can assure you all, my focus is on taking care of my friends and making sure we all have a great time."

The chat went wild:

PikaLover123: Ugh, he didn’t answer!

ThunderShock91: Typical non-answer.

EeveelutionFan: That’s sweet, I guess.

MegaMewtwo: Better keep an eye on him, Iono!

CharmingCharizard: I think I’m swooning...

Iono laughed and gave me a playful shove. "Alright, alright, let’s get back to the main event! We’re here to check out the new underwater attraction! This special underground tunnel to Blueberry Academy just opened up and we are some of the first people that get to experience it! And guess what? You're all coming with us, so buckle up and get ready!" Iono cheered, but there was a voice calling out from the background.


We all turned to see Grusha come running over, but she was wearing a long light blue summer skirt and a white and blue lined bikini top. She was also still wearing her mitts and scarf, which was strange, but I kind of thought it looked really good on her... Almost too good... No, I should not be having these thoughts in the stream!

Iono turned and lit up when she saw Grusha, but winced slightly when she saw the other gym leaders barely contained assets. Iono turned away from the camera, keeping it on us, and then looked down at her own chest in annoyance.

"Everyone! We are going to take a short break! When we come back, we all are going to be beach-ready!" Iono cheered after she turned back around, and then ended her stream. Then she marched over to Grusha. "Hey! What is the big idea with your outfit? You can't wear that top on stream or I am going to get banned!"

Grusha pulled her scarf up to hide her cherry-red face, and then briefly looked at me, before leaning in to whisper something into Iono's ear, making her roll her eyes.

"We both like him, dummy! You can show off your body to him when you aren't in front of the camera and all my fans! Don’t you think I want to wear something sexy too?!" Iono growled, then added much quieter, "Plus, my fans would never stop asking for you if you went on like that, mammoth boobs!"

Grusha blushed even deeper and looked at the ground, mumbling an apology. Iono sighed, shaking her head with a mix of frustration and affection.

"Okay, everyone," Iono said, turning back to us. "Let's get changed and ready for the underwater tunnel. We'll have plenty of time to chat and catch up once we're all set."

As we moved to the changing area, I took a moment to check on Tallia. "Are you doing okay?" I asked her softly, noticing her slightly nervous expression.

Tallia nodded, giving me a small smile. "Yeah, I am used to this. Iono has had me in streams a few times now. I am more worried about Grusha. She is the nervous one, but all of Iono's fans love her. She just doesn't like the attention, but Iono always pushes her to come on stream. Still, I'm excited to see the tunnel, but how are you doing with all of this? Some of the viewers love you, but some don't seem to like you."

"Don't worry," I said, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "Iono is the star, so having the guys see another guy with her probably doesn't sit well with them. I am sure that all of them think they have a shot with her, so I am bound to get some hate. But it's all part of the gig. The important thing is that we're together and having fun, right?"

Tallia smiled, her nervousness easing. "Yeah, you're right."

Once we were all changed into our swimsuits, we regrouped at the entrance to the underwater tunnel. Iono wore a vibrant, aqua-blue swimsuit with electric yellow accents, perfectly matching her electric-type aesthetic. Tallia opted for a modest, elegant lavender one-piece that complimented her fair complexion. I had gone for a simple but stylish pair of black swim trunks with a red stripe down the side.

Grusha, still blushing from earlier, wore a more conservative outfit: a pale blue rash guard and matching shorts that barely covered her bottom. She looked both relieved and disappointed that she had covered up more, but she shot me a shy smile when our eyes met.

Once we were ready, Iono turned her stream back on. “We’re Back! And we are all ready for our underwater trip! Now? What do you all think of our swimsuits?

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